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IF it might be possible to hire a visa agent to get a visa.....Then why can't I hire a vaccination agent to get vaccinated???

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Last night as I slept a fitful sleep, I dreamed that I had hired a vaccination agent to be vaccinated for me.


She told me that she could visit the vaccination site on my behalf, and that I could stay home comfortably sipping piña coladas by the pool.


She said, "I will be happy to wait in line for you."


She told me that she was willing to be jabbed in my stead, and that I would thereby receive full protection from all possible future virus variants.


In my logical dream, this turned out to be true, and I spent the rest of my sleep until daybreak totally immune from COVID.


When I awoke this morning, I had a bounce in my step, and had a huge breakfast which went down so well.


Do you think my dream will soon come true?


Do you think I can be jabbed by proxy, just by hiring a vaccination girl to get jabbed for me?


But, how can this be?


All that I know is that....IF it can be......Then it might be.

Grammar is important.


The vaccination agent of my dreams told me she loves getting jabbed, and she told me it's not painful, at all.

In fact, she said, "Sometimes, I find myself actually enjoying it."


When dreaming, almost anything can happen.

And when disappearing down a rabbit hole,

Some jabs make you big, and some jabs make you small,

But the worst jabs mother gives you,

Don't do anything, at all.


If you don't believe me,

Go ask Alice.

I think she'll know.





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On a related subject. I was working in Egypt in the late 80's about 80kms west of Alexandria. A recent edict meant that work permit applications required a negative HIV test. So, a doctor plus a couple of nurses turned up at our project site and proceeded to take the necessary blood samples from the 50 or so expats.


However, our Brit Project Manager was not available. All was not lost as our local Admin Manager volunteered as a stand in and provided the necessary sample. Luckily it came back negative!!


No doubt similar dubious practices will still be available in certain parts of the world.


Your dreams may yet come true......5555   

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10 minutes ago, dabhand said:

On a related subject. I was working in Egypt in the late 80's about 80kms west of Alexandria. A recent edict meant that work permit applications required a negative HIV test. So, a doctor plus a couple of nurses turned up at our project site and proceeded to take the necessary blood samples from the 50 or so expats.


However, our Brit Project Manager was not available. All was not lost as our local Admin Manager volunteered as a stand in and provided the necessary sample. Luckily it came back negative!!


No doubt similar dubious practices will still be available in certain parts of the world.


Your dreams may yet come true......5555   

Unfortunately, as is true in dentistry......


There is no way to pay an agent to have root canal therapy on one's behalf, and benefit by it.


Some things must be done firsthand.


Money only goes so far.


I mean, you cannot hire someone else in order to accomplish that which one must do oneself.


There is very little benefit gained from paying someone else to learn to ride a bicycle if one's purpose is to ride a bicycle.


This same logic applies to the vaccine.

No matter the hurdles, still one must have a jab in the arm, even though some might wish this were not so.


Reality is not the same as dreaming, I suppose.



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25 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:

Unfortunately, as is true in dentistry......


There is no way to pay an agent to have root canal therapy on one's behalf, and benefit by it.


Some things must be done firsthand.


Money only goes so far.


I mean, you cannot hire someone else in order to accomplish that which one must do oneself.


There is very little benefit gained from paying someone else to learn to ride a bicycle if one's purpose is to ride a bicycle.


This same logic applies to the vaccine.

No matter the hurdles, still one must have a jab in the arm, even though some might wish this were not so.


Reality is not the same as dreaming, I suppose.



I use to pay a agent to barfine for me, next day he would report back with a thumbs up or down,if up I knew she was worth me taking on the transaction and not being disappointed. True story..

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Just now, lanng khao said:

I use to pay a agent to barfine for me, next day he would report back with a thumbs up or down,if up I knew she was worth me taking on the transaction and not being disappointed. True story..

I do not doubt it.

Agents reduce both risk and stress, and benefit clients.

Nobody likes uncertainty.

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Not yet accomplished, but doctors are looking into passing on Covid antibodies through various forms of blood transfusions. Agent gets the vaccination for you, develops antibodies, then donates blood or plasma to you.


If that doesn't float your boat, some antibodies are passed on through breast milk...so there's another possibility to mull over.

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