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The Chinese Online ESL Crackdown

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18 hours ago, youreavinalaff said:

Then the poor exchange rates given by PayPal. It amounts to between $5 and $7 an hour.

That's correct. The pay rate is $10/hr, but that hour's usually not fully productive, with about 50-75% of it filled with pay talk time, resulting in that pay rate. My hours used to be filled a months back, not so now with the Chinese platform refugees. I was getting $600, yet can still be happy with a $400-500 monthly take. I also got my regular job.


My primary concern is my $250 car payment. My moo ban is stunned by the farang going into his room everyday, talking on his computer, and has a new car sitting in his driveway for it. ????????


Heh, I've been in Cambly debates way too many times and don't care to again. I'll just say, yeah it sucks. The pay is <deleted>. No support, frequent technical issues. However, upside is the flexibility. Just grab whichever hours you want to work. Zero lesson prep. No scoring or progress reports to do, or homework to give. Usually better students, as I've said, many older professionals and great conversations. As for the downtime waiting for students, heh, I was sitting in front of my computer anyway after work, reading news, watching YouTube, which I can still do with that time and now get paid for it as students show up.


Yet I'm by no means defending or shilling for them, they're much a necessary evil. I've put in apps to the other platforms, including that big European one with much better pay, which I have the qualifications, and even a reference for. But they and others were already full even before the Chinese platform refugees, and thus now seem impossible.

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On 9/1/2021 at 1:04 PM, Jillie Norman said:

I have a friend teaching Chinese Students and according to her, Chinese pay less compare to Taiwanese and Japanese. Despite of this, she treats all classes equally fun.

Hehe, yes indeed. I've had some real Cheap Charlies, compared with what they expect from the teaching.


The other day I had some exec from an Asian investment bank needing help with her public speaking, for the presentations she must do to close their multi billion dollar deals. For this important skill she chose the notoriously cheapest teaching platform, and for our enlightening session I got a whole five US dollars. Other times I get students in need of IELTS test prep, who I must kindly inform they're not going to get the same level of what such prep usually commands, around $30/hr.


While to be fair, and not perpetuate the stereotype, in a past life I did sales for a small, Asian family business in the US for many years. They were quite generous, paying out bonuses, throwing parties, and putting us up in hotels for trade shows. Then that industry took a dive, leaving me crawling into retail, then back to university, and now I'm in the LOS teaching.

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