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Thai Tv Commercials?


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Thai TV commercials, good? My wife thinks so and buys all the 'whitening creams' under the sun, England you will get tea adverts etc, beer adverts etc, why do asian people believe creams make your skin whiter? Plus it's costing me a fortune :o

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Thai TV commercials, good? My wife thinks so and buys all the 'whitening creams' under the sun, England you will get tea adverts etc, beer adverts etc, why do asian people believe creams make your skin whiter? Plus it's costing me a fortune :o

This is a very interesting topic as I believe that there is not a single farang with girlfriend or wife who has not noticed it.

I cannot understand it either. They deny to believe that these stuff will not work and live with the hope of getting a little whiter. :D

You can feed a familily with what they spend on it. This is one more thing that I gave up looking for any logic explanation.. :D

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Asians as well as Latins despise dark skin, it seems to represent a "working class" person like a laborer....thus they want to be more white...........color prejudice is still rife

I have never know a Latin who do not find a black woman beautiful.....even woman like black woman! :o

I think this is very extreme in here only..

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Only those who are insecured, and constantly self-doubted of their own self image believe in the product

Sounds too profound to me..I think that it is much more simple than that and culture related...

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Only those who are insecured, and constantly self-doubted of their own self image believe in the product

Sounds too profound to me..I think that it is much more simple thanthat and culture related...

oh?....tell me

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Only those who are insecured, and constantly self-doubted of their own self image believe in the product

I quoted you teacup, but you may not get this reply, others will (but only by experience)

Was a finger of fudge just enough to give your kids a treat?

Did anyone ever take the Daz doorstep challenge?

Did anyone ever ask Remington for their money back?

Did Shake-and-Vac really work or did it just mask the doggy smell for a couple of hours?

Advertising and marketing is normally a pile of tripe, but good ones know which buttons to press.

And then you have supply and demand, which doesn't quite work the way you would expect in our area. Try buying a cleansing product or skin lotion that doesn't claim to have miracle whitening abilities and if you ask for one you get the standard 'not have' reply..... a thousand people could ask for it and be met by the same response and not once will the thought go through the shop keepers mind 'many people want that, better get some' ..... no, around these parts, you get what you are given.

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Well any way you put it, it still comes down to the self-esteem issue……for me its the inside that counts and I think everyone is beautiful in their own way.

I have found more often times people with flawless dark olive skin complexion are much more striking beautiful, and sexier, and had long lasting effect on my metal image than the pale paper-white ones. Even though I'm a woman but I do admire other women looks too. My thai cousin is super white, not just white, and trying to maintain it that way , and I even tried telling her that she is too white and is making her looks unhealthy! But all she said was….bah just look at all the magazines! Well anyhow I like my sunkissed honey color the most, and better yet who I am as a person.

Edited by teacup
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who I am as a person.

Don't know the answer to that, but should you be expressing your views upon your cousin about her skin colour, when as a person she wishes to have white skin? Does she tell you your skin is too dark?

Unfortunatly, maketing in Thailand knows full well how most Thai ladies feel about dark skin, they have to, it's thier job to tap into things like this and make vast amounts of money.

Edited by solent01
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You might be hard-pressed to find any pharmaceutical or cosmetic product that doesn't claim to have whitening properties, these days. :o Its all in the eye of the beholder though. Personally, some of the girls I see that buy into this rubbish and try for the paragon of perfection look sick, pasty, and downright ill...

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According to my wife being white is the fashion as well as showing that you don't work outside in the sun. The whitening creams do actually work (just ask Michale Jackson) however they are extremely damaging for your skin. As far as the TV commercials go I don't think it's any different than the USA where 2 in 5 Americans are on some form of antidepressant because the TV commercials tell you if your tired, hate your job, life is not perfect the way you think it should be you are depressed. I say buy a house and a car you can afford, cut up all your credit cards and watch your depression fade away.

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...Its all in the eye of the beholder though. Personally, some of the girls I see that buy into this rubbish and try for the paragon of perfection look sick, pasty, and downright ill...

I would never look it that way.

I think that femenism is beautiful and part of feminism is to make the effect to look attractive....the rubish in fact makes no difference on them becuase is useless and I doubt that it is this what it make them (those who you see becuase I don't) to look sick or pasty or downright ill....

At a difference of the western countries, in here you see the girl who is selling fish on the street, and you can clearly notice that she had made an effect to look attractive...the creams make no difference...it is their attitude what it counts.

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who I am as a person.

Does she tell you your skin is too dark?

Yes and it’s not fashionable! :o …..or may be she’s trying to tell me I’m a black sheep in the family or adopted somehow :D

Don't know the answer to that, but should you be expressing your views upon your cousin about her skin colour, when as a person she wishes to have white skin?

Wishing to be fashionable is one thing but when it becomes an obsession to be white at the point that she doesn’t want to go out in the sun at all then I think it’s unnatural and unhealthy thing to do. I think she got brainwashed from her own mom – white is better, more beautiful. May be this could be the major cause why she’s sick all the times? – lacks of vitamin-D,E

And well… yes, because I like/care for her very much and we are very closed, and I wouldn’t want to lose my favorite cousin to somekind of sickness at such a young age due to some silly senseless act if I could prevent it , coz I don’t have that many cousins who I like left.

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....I think she got brainwashed from her own mom

and her mom was brainwashed by her own mom

and the mom of her mom was brainwashed by her own mom

and the mom of hed mom's mom was brainwashed by her own mom...and so on

do you watch TV?, travel in the BTS?, see the advertising everywhere?...it promotes to perpetuate the same idea...

It is a cultural thing and it will not dissapear just like this....

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According to my wife being white is the fashion as well as showing that you don't work outside in the sun. The whitening creams do actually work (just ask Michale Jackson) however they are extremely damaging for your skin. As far as the TV commercials go I don't think it's any different than the USA where 2 in 5 Americans are on some form of antidepressant because the TV commercials tell you if your tired, hate your job, life is not perfect the way you think it should be you are depressed. I say buy a house and a car you can afford, cut up all your credit cards and watch your depression fade away.

I thought MJ had/has his skin bleached?

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Well, it comes down to a persons IQ to believe/not believe in an ad. It's as simple as that.

Cannot agree on this. It seems to me that Thai people, who live in a very paternalistic society, where the word of the ruler is a word of God, believe everything that is printed or said on TV or Radio.

Skepticism or sheer common sense is not often seen here. And it would never occur to a Thai to contradict a respected or elder person. They must be respected and obeyed. And the same spirit applies to commercials.

Unfortunately the same applies also to politics, to bureaucrats and any government agency.

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Well, it comes down to a persons IQ to believe/not believe in an ad. It's as simple as that.

Cannot agree on this. It seems to me that Thai people, who live in a very paternalistic society, where the word of the ruler is a word of God, believe everything that is printed or said on TV or Radio.

Skepticism or sheer common sense is not often seen here. And it would never occur to a Thai to contradict a respected or elder person. They must be respected and obeyed. And the same spirit applies to commercials.

Unfortunately the same applies also to politics, to bureaucrats and any government agency.

Agree with you 'dominique355' .....to say this has to do with IQ is quite naive and a little bit insolent...

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when i was shopping for dresses (not for me) last year,

one shop owner told me they never have yellow, the King's colour, thats understandable,

but also navy blue,

coz its the colour of that rice farmers shirt,

thus very low class.

never knew that about fashion..

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Well, it comes down to a persons IQ to believe/not believe in an ad. It's as simple as that.

Totally dissagree, are you telling us you've never bought or tried something you've seen in an ad? Take an IQ test. If a women is called dark and wants to be white(i prefer dark skinned ladies) she will go for the 'whitening cream' regardless of IQ :o

Edited by Globeliner
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Try buying a cleansing product or skin lotion that doesn't claim to have miracle whitening abilities and if you ask for one you get the standard 'not have' reply..... a thousand people could ask for it and be met by the same response and not once will the thought go through the shop keepers mind 'many people want that, better get some' ..... no, around these parts, you get what you are given.

Yeah, wierd! In UK the local indian would have it the next day. Here... come tomorro, I ge' fo' you! like f#ck! In the end, my money goes to 711 coz they stock it...talkin about cigs but same experience. For all the scams that try to rip us off I've found probably more shops that just don't seem to want the money.

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btw UK was the same in Victorian Times.

white skin good = no work or something comfortable indoors.

dark skin bad = peasant, labourer, poor.

Then in about the 50's it all went back-to-front. Can't rem who, someone like Chanel pyblished pictures of bronzed bodies.

so now

dark skin good = can afford to do nothing in the sun

white skin bad = office labourer, poor.

sad and slightly boring really!

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I hate these commercials. :o

haha well I am a total brown. When there's one of these commercials came up, I switched the channel. One time, all the channel were having them. I was running around in a circle. I ended up turn the TV off. (Most of the shows on Thai tv are stupid anyway)

These silly creams are huge money maker (sucker) here.

Hot chicks are still hot chicks not matter what color they are. :D

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Well any way you put it, it still comes down to the self-esteem issue……for me its the inside that counts and I think everyone is beautiful in their own way.

I have found more often times people with flawless dark olive skin complexion are much more striking beautiful, and sexier, and had long lasting effect on my metal image than the pale paper-white ones. Even though I'm a woman but I do admire other women looks too. My thai cousin is super white, not just white, and trying to maintain it that way , and I even tried telling her that she is too white and is making her looks unhealthy! But all she said was….bah just look at all the magazines! Well anyhow I like my sunkissed honey color the most, and better yet who I am as a person.

It always used to amuse me that us farangs used to come to places like Thailand hoping , with a bit of exposure to the tropical sun , to change the "dead-fish" colour of our skins to something more attractive and found local friends cowering under the shade because they were seeking the palor of dead fish.

I even remember one girlfriend , before her first visit to France , asking me if they had "cream to make white" there. Did she think that my pale complexion came out of a tube ? I answered truthfully "no but they have cream to make brown".

PS re "sunkissed honey colour" is a lovely phrase - are you in marketing perchance ?

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ever thought about why we have or used to have so many tanning studios in the west? might be an interesting discussion as well. You always want what you dont have. Here its working class to bbe dark, in the west its " i have been on vacation" to be dark......and so on and so on.



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