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1 Year Non O Visa From Singapore- My Trip Report

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I get to the embassy around 8:45 and the queue is maybe 15 people long at this time.  In front of me were two people who were there 3 months prior and they said the queue 3 months prior went around the block.  The embassy lets us in at nine and I took a queue number.  About 20 minutes later it's my turn at the window.  I hand over my marriage cert and one photo and ask what else she needed.  She said " your bank statement".  I then handed over 3 different printouts of bank statements including a trading account for stock.  She looked them over briefly and said " OK you have enough".  I then paid the $220 Sing and went on my way.  All in all it took  about 25 minutes once inside.  The next day I go back at 1:45 and the queue is maybe 15 people long.  By 2:00 this had grown to about 40 people.  They then let us inside where we were told not to take numbers but to simply stand in the queue and colllect our passports.  It took maybe 5 minutes this time and the process was done.

At the airport upon checking in, the agent at checkin was definitely instructed to ask how long I planned on staying in Thailand. I told her I lived here and then she wanted to see proof of my visa. I showed her the visa and that was that.

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From previous reports Singapore wants to see more than 400k in bank accounts for those who are married to Thai and 800k for those over age 50 to issue a multi entry non immigrant O visa. Funds have not been required to be in Thailand - just proof you can support your stay.

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From previous reports Singapore wants to see more than 400k in bank accounts for those who are married to Thai and 800k for those over age 50 to issue a multi entry non immigrant O visa. Funds have not been required to be in Thailand - just proof you can support your stay.

Questions. Funds do NOT have to be in a Thai bank? I thought your proof of income/ funds was given to your embassy and they provided you with a letter. Is this not the case? Lastly, is this a multi entry type O or an extension based on marriage?


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From previous reports Singapore wants to see more than 400k in bank accounts for those who are married to Thai and 800k for those over age 50 to issue a multi entry non immigrant O visa. Funds have not been required to be in Thailand - just proof you can support your stay.

Questions. Funds do NOT have to be in a Thai bank? I thought your proof of income/ funds was given to your embassy and they provided you with a letter. Is this not the case? Lastly, is this a multi entry type O or an extension based on marriage?


The OP applied in the Thai EMbassy in Singapore for a 1 year multi entry VISA

He had to show at least 400k baht or equivalent in a bank account and marriage certificate

Embasies do not issue extension of stay that is done inside Thailand at immigration

Extension of stay requires an income letter from your Embassy for at least 40k per month

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From previous reports Singapore wants to see more than 400k in bank accounts for those who are married to Thai and 800k for those over age 50 to issue a multi entry non immigrant O visa. Funds have not been required to be in Thailand - just proof you can support your stay.

Questions. Funds do NOT have to be in a Thai bank? I thought your proof of income/ funds was given to your embassy and they provided you with a letter. Is this not the case? Lastly, is this a multi entry type O or an extension based on marriage?


The OP applied in the Thai EMbassy in Singapore for a 1 year multi entry VISA

He had to show at least 400k baht or equivalent in a bank account and marriage certificate

Embasies do not issue extension of stay that is done inside Thailand at immigration

Extension of stay requires an income letter from your Embassy for at least 40k per month

Thanks for your reply. I understood in a recent thread that the multi entry o was no longer being given except in your home country. Why did the OP have to show marriage and income for a non O? I thought these were seperate issues.


More confused every day

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Not true about non o visas only being isued from home country.  I beleive many do this as it's easier and may not need to show as much proof.

The 400,000 baht or equivalent does not need to be in a thai bank, you just need to show that you have the amount in a bank.

I have been here on a non O marriage visa for a few years and to get a new visa, one has to show a copy of the marriage cert, but now in addition with the new law, you also need to show the 400K which was not requred in years past for this visa.

From previous reports Singapore wants to see more than 400k in bank accounts for those who are married to Thai and 800k for those over age 50 to issue a multi entry non immigrant O visa. Funds have not been required to be in Thailand - just proof you can support your stay.

Questions. Funds do NOT have to be in a Thai bank? I thought your proof of income/ funds was given to your embassy and they provided you with a letter. Is this not the case? Lastly, is this a multi entry type O or an extension based on marriage?


The OP applied in the Thai EMbassy in Singapore for a 1 year multi entry VISA

He had to show at least 400k baht or equivalent in a bank account and marriage certificate

Embasies do not issue extension of stay that is done inside Thailand at immigration

Extension of stay requires an income letter from your Embassy for at least 40k per month

Thanks for your reply. I understood in a recent thread that the multi entry o was no longer being given except in your home country. Why did the OP have to show marriage and income for a non O? I thought these were seperate issues.


More confused every day

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I'd like to know about the application.

Does it ask for a specific date of arrival and departure, like a Tourist Visa?

If so, is the departure 1 year? Or 90 days? The visa you obtained requires you to leave and reenter every 90 days correct?

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I listed arrival date as the day I planned on picking up my visa and flying back to Phuket.  Length of stay I said 90 days.  Yes I go to Singapore every 90 days as I'd rather do this then report in every 90 days, plus it gives me a day to buy some food in Singapore I can't find here, not too mention pick up some new reading material.

I'd like to know about the application.

Does it ask for a specific date of arrival and departure, like a Tourist Visa?

If so, is the departure 1 year? Or 90 days? The visa you obtained requires you to leave and reenter every 90 days correct?

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