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Two nights ago, a 26 year old Australian woman was drinking with the staff of Lek House, the guest house she was staying at in Chiang Rai. She awoke in the morning and realized she had been raped, most likely by more than one person and had been drugged. She reported it to the police but it has not made the news (not surprisingly.) I only know this because I know the doctor that examined her. Tell friends and tourists to stay away from Lek House when visiting Chiang Rai.

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A few things i would like to point out

1. people get raped all over the world , yes it is extremely bad but seriously , its non of our business

2. the fact that its not on the news (she can easily make it on the news in Australia) means theres a big chance this thread is to just give this guesthouse a bad name

3.no doubt you have a guesthouse or a friend/family member has a guesthouse in Chiang Rai

not to be the sour one but its all alil to sus

1. people get raped all over the world , yes it is extremely bad but seriously , its non of our business

I beg to differ.

I think it is our business, for your information a few years ago in Chiang Mai at a guesthouse a young Welsh backpacker Kirsty Jones was raped and murdered as of today nobody has been brought to book for this crime.

The police when they discovered the press were there used it as a photo opportunity to get their ugly mugs on TV.

If as you say "it's non of our business" can you enlighten us to who's business it is?


I'm with you on this Maerim, somebody has to spread the news.

I do agree that the guesthouse should have the chance to comment and it would be better if there were corroberation of the news but 'If in doubt' give the warning.

A few things i would like to point out

1. people get raped all over the world , yes it is extremely bad but seriously , its non of our business

2. the fact that its not on the news (she can easily make it on the news in Australia) means theres a big chance this thread is to just give this guesthouse a bad name

3.no doubt you have a guesthouse or a friend/family member has a guesthouse in Chiang Rai

not to be the sour one but its all alil to sus

What a bunch of hot excreta! "non of our business" What planet did you just arrive from?

To imply that the poster might have an involvement in a guesthouse and is discrediting the oposition is just a bunch of tripe.

If the rape of a foriegn national is "non of our business" whose 'effin business is it anyway.

Flacid turds like you make me sick.......


I called the Guesthouse

I have just called the guesthouse and received this from the owner.

The news is in part true.

There was an Australian woman and she was drinking with a group of Thai men in the Guesthouse's restaurant.

The owner says that he has heared that in the morning she was talking to someone about being raped.

But he said she did not report this to him, any member of his staff or the police.

He accepts that this does not mean the attack did not happen but he did say that she was extremely drunk and that he does not believe anyone was drugged.

I have emailed him the link to this thread and he might, subject to his English, make a reply of his own.

I take the view that the owner has a duty to operate a safe environment but then so do each of us have a duty to look after our own safety.

I'd be inclined to tell people to stay away from this place and I always advice people to stay away from drinking with Thais they do not know.

Let's hope the owner comes on to give his side of the story.

If there was a rape, lets hope the victim gets the help she will need and makes a report to the police.

OP. If you know the woman in question try to get her to talk to Bangkok Community Services, (Do a google Search) they can provide counciling for these cases and help with filing reports, getting health checks etc.


. If you know the woman in question try to get her to talk to Bangkok Community Services, (Do a google Search) they can provide counciling for these cases and help with filing reports, getting health checks etc.

I think that you will find that they are now closed.

I was a member and thought that to be the case so I did asearch and came up with this notice

April 2, 2002

Dear Members and Friends of CSB,

It is with regret that we must close the doors of Community Services of Bangkok. After much consideration and effort by the CSB Board, counseling staff and volunteers we have determined that CSB is unable to sustain our present operation. The financial crisis has continued unabated, our operating costs continue to out weight our fund raising efforts. We have no other option than to cease operation.

CSB was founded at a time when there were no counseling resources for the expatriate community and a majority of the foreign population was localized in the Sukhumvit area. For 16 years CSB has been there for the community as both a resource center and a counseling center. Many of CSB’s revenue generating programs, (relocations, employee assistance programs, and cross-cultural orientations) have been adopted by local businesses. There are several new counseling centers opening up and many of the women’s clubs offer similar activities to programs offered at CSB.

We want to sincerely thank our many friends in the community for their ongoing support.


The Board of Directors

Community Services of Bangkok

A few things i would like to point out

1. people get raped all over the world , yes it is extremely bad but seriously , its non of our business

2. the fact that its not on the news (she can easily make it on the news in Australia) means theres a big chance this thread is to just give this guesthouse a bad name

3.no doubt you have a guesthouse or a friend/family member has a guesthouse in Chiang Rai

not to be the sour one but its all alil to sus

What a bunch of hot excreta! "non of our business" What planet did you just arrive from?

To imply that the poster might have an involvement in a guesthouse and is discrediting the oposition is just a bunch of tripe.

If the rape of a foriegn national is "non of our business" whose 'effin business is it anyway.

Flacid turds like you make me sick.......



A few things i would like to point out

1. people get raped all over the world , yes it is extremely bad but seriously , its non of our business

2. the fact that its not on the news (she can easily make it on the news in Australia) means theres a big chance this thread is to just give this guesthouse a bad name

3.no doubt you have a guesthouse or a friend/family member has a guesthouse in Chiang Rai

not to be the sour one but its all alil to sus

What a bunch of hot excreta! "non of our business" What planet did you just arrive from?

To imply that the poster might have an involvement in a guesthouse and is discrediting the oposition is just a bunch of tripe.

If the rape of a foriegn national is "non of our business" whose 'effin business is it anyway.

Flacid turds like you make me sick.......



Well Dondi you're obviously a little piece of excreta.

God only knows where pieces of *&%$£ like you originate from.

Ok, so let it be your sister, daughter or mother (don't much sound like you would have a mother though) being the next victim of a similar assault (which occur frighteningly often here) and then what ya gonna say "it's not my business" what ya gonna do, who ya gonna go whinging to?

I really pity the female members of your family.

With a brother/son/husband like you they certainly need enemies.

Indeed you cannot even call yourself a man.


It (the rape) further illustrates the danger that foreign girls place themselves in when drinking with Thai males.

It reminds me of "Prompiiram" where a young Thai girl was raped (repeatedly) by the majority of the men of the village. From memory this took place over several days before the girl died.

As to who/where the girl can go (for help and support) there will I am sure be someone but just how a girl in her state would find them I cannot say.


look guys , as bad as it is ...... its the way life is

but yes , it is non or our business

if u guys wanna get into this, how about spreading the word of the uncountable amount of kiddy rape that goes on in Cambodia and other countries , not the mention the countless rapes that happen everyday , or the murders of innocent people all over the world ??????

are we all gonna do our part with every dam person on this earth ?

i feel sorry for people being raped , murdered and all the other bad stuff that happens on this planet , but when it comes to strangers talking about it on a forum , its not for us to take control

think what u like about my comment , but look at the bigger picture and if u still think the same then ill do a search on every rape victim i can find so we can all talk about it , im sure they feel bad enough , they dont need strangers that cant do anymore then them talking about it ..... she's a human being , she is Australian , im also Australian and i know she can talk to my goverment and take proper action

get over yourself people ...... read about it , think bad about it but what the ###### u going to do huh ? please tell me ? coz if talking about it is all u guys can do , then get over it coz the truth is it happens everyday all over the world , its dam bad but not our business

if u think its your business then do something about it , then tell us all how it went u ###### ###### coz u know u cant do nothing more then what she can do ... ive read more then enough stories of farangs being killed or raped or whatever in thailand , the difference is i can understand that i have nothing to do with it and i know i cant do anything about it , and i doubt u guys can either

talk away people ..... act like your important and can change the world or what happened ... but im still sticking by my forst post


maerim - is it your sister / mother ???????

if it was a friend or family member then it'll be my business , god are u stupid ?

i dont know the person or there family or whatever .... making it not mine or your business


I'm afraid this poor girl fell into a trap a lot of people & particualy women travelling in thailand do, that it's a really safe country & all thai people are kind & nice & would never hurt you. As with the rest of the world, this isn't true & this girl obviously let down her barriers & had a fun & drink fuelled night that ended in a traumatic & horrific experience, one that will mark her for life. I hope she gets some help, hiv testing & that it's always negative & a lot of love from her family & friends. I also hope that one day she can come back to Thailand without the memory of that time & enjoy it as others can, safely & with the benefit of meeting all the decent thai people (inc thai men) out there.

Tell friends and tourists to stay away from Lek House when visiting Chiang Rai.

It is always sad when a woman gets raped ... however, it's unfair to blame the guest-house for this affair. It could have happened anywhere, even in a 5-star hotel in Thailand

... and if you would like to invite trouble ... just drink yourself from your senses ...

(this applies to both men and women)

and I always advice people to stay away from drinking with Thais they do not know.

Thais only? What a strange advice!

Anyone wants to start talking about other cases of rape in Thailand involving Asian women? I guess it's not of some of the people's interest here coz it's not a farang.

Don't get me wrong, I feel sorry for any rape victim. And rape is one of the worst crimes in my opinion. I will have no mercy on those taking part who get caught.

It IS "of my business", IF I can do anything. Dondi, maybe I know what you mean by "none of our business", we hardly can change anything.

But I think what the original poster was trying to point out is how the authorities handle these cases which reasonably is of everyone concerns.


Dodi, you are right, it is nothing to do with you.

There are no legal reasons why you should spread news of a threat, there are no written or verbal contracts that can be used to force you into giving advice or passing any helpfull information to the friends or the victim.

But let us look at your first response above. It comes in three parts, the first item passes of the rape as non consequencial. the second suggests that the OP is trying to give the Gueshouse a bad name and the third is suggesting that the OP owns a guesthouse or is in some such way trying to run a competitor down.

A full 2 thirds of your response concerns itself with the commercial welfare of the Guesthouse owner.


I did take the trouble to speak to the owner and what he told me is recorded above, I have also given him a link to this topic and instructions on how to make his own response, I hope he does.

But getting back to, this is nothing to do with YOU. Well, again, no it is not.

Let us hope Karma is

You might then learn the value of the kindness of strangers.


Nothing to do with me

Then I suggest you take a look at what this website is - an online community providing among other things, advice and help to others.



The Lek-guesthouse is one of the oldest guesthouses in Chiangrai. It has a terrace (small beergarden-like) on the bridge across the moat. A public place. If people get drunk there and bad things happen afterwards you cannot blame the Lek-house. The last time I stayed there was about seventeen years ago and since then I have a cup of coffee there once in a while. I know it as a decent place and I can recommend it to everybody. It is located close to the middle of town and has an open character. It is certainly not a dark trap or whatever. It is well organized, clean and pleasant.

A girl, very drunk, who thinks that she has been raped, who even thinks by more than one man, who thinks that she was drugged. Please, this can not be an indication to talk bad about a guesthouse. She had sex probably, yes, but the rest we don't know. She probably not either. Too much alcohol works that way: you might get a black-out.

The Lek-guesthouse is one of the oldest guesthouses in Chiangrai. It has a terrace (small beergarden-like) on the bridge across the moat. A public place. If people get drunk there and bad things happen afterwards you cannot blame the Lek-house. The last time I stayed there was about seventeen years ago and since then I have a cup of coffee there once in a while. I know it as a decent place and I can recommend it to everybody. It is located close to the middle of town and has an open character. It is certainly not a dark trap or whatever. It is well organized, clean and pleasant.

A girl, very drunk, who thinks that she has been raped, who even thinks by more than one man, who thinks that she was drugged. Please, this can not be an indication to talk bad about a guesthouse. She had sex probably, yes, but the rest we don't know. She probably not either. Too much alcohol works that way: you might get a black-out.

Limbo's right. What's being bandied about here is an alleged rape. We don't know the facts, all we have is a Newbie report and no followup from him/her either. Only one person here has made any attempt to corroborate the allegation, and that's Guesthouse.

If you were to check with the Tourist Police in Chiang Mai or Ko Samui, you'd find they have a fairly long list of rapes that have been reported by tourists in these cities. Should every guesthouse in which a rape or alleged rape has taken place be avoided? I know of at least three guesthouses in Chiang Mai where rapes have occurred and were investigated by police. In all three cases the guesthouse management were absolved of any guilt. (In fact the Aree Guesthouse, where the Kirsty Jone murder took place, was never closed down and remains open to this day.)

I've stayed at Lek House in CR and it seems like a perfectly average place. Now, if this rape turns out to be a valid case, then I'd want to hear more facts connected with the guesthouse's role in the rape, if any. I'd also want to know if the Tourist Police in CR, for example, have reports of other rapes at this guesthouse. If anyone at the guesthouse was involved, and the management knew of that involvement, then maybe there's a reason not only to avoid this guesthouse but to prosecute the management.

But it's interesting that the original poster didn't suggest prosecuting anyone at Lek Guest House. Just avoid the place, maybe run them out of business. Well that could take years ....

In fact the Aree Guesthouse, where the Kirsty Jone murder took place, was never closed down and remains open to this day.)

Very true but the police still have not found the culprit have they?

Did you see the performance of the said police when she was found dead? More like a circus than a crime scene.

Absolute disgrace.

In fact the Aree Guesthouse, where the Kirsty Jone murder took place, was never closed down and remains open to this day.)

Very true but the police still have not found the culprit have they?

Did you see the performance of the said police when she was found dead? More like a circus than a crime scene.

Absolute disgrace.

They may have found the culprit, only his father bribed him out of jail and out of the country before he could be tried. And he might have gotten off anyway considering what a circus, as you say, the crime scene was.

But suppose they had convicted someone at the Aree, unless the courts could prove the guesthouse was somehow at fault, I don't think they could have done anything to stop the guesthouse from continuing to do business.

She had sex probably, yes, but the rest we don't know. She probably not either. Too much alcohol works that way: you might get a black-out.

Errh, isn't this called 'date rape'? If she is distressed so much that she goes to the police and the doctor complaining she was abused by strangers, I think we should give her this much credit to take it seriously.

But true , we don't know the details, least of all whether the Guesthouse had anything at all to do with it.


Why stop at just boycotting Lek Guest House? I say we boycott all of Chiang Rai. A drunk Aussie lady got raped there so it must be the fault of the entire community. IF the alleged rape actually occurred that is.

I think Limbo has it about right. The lady needs to be more selective in her drinking companions (of whatever nationality) or stick to Pepsi.


"I think Limbo has it about right. The lady needs to be more selective in her drinking companions (of whatever nationality) or stick to Pepsi."

Yes, but lack of common sense is no justification for rape or blaming the victim, but then you suggest to boycott all of Chiang Rai, so I don't think you are serious.



I for one minute do condone closing down hotels , guesthouses or roads come to that where people have been attacked or worse.

I am sorry if my point did not come across but the lack of police accountablity here is I am sure you will agree pityfull.

I don't care where the victim came from or their background but they do deserve the best investigative police work to bring the culprits to book.

Yes I know that's an oxymoron here.

I don't care how much money they have, take a look at O.J.Simpson you can get away with murder if you have the wherewithal to do so.

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