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Do You Like Karaoke?


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In some places you can sing on stage if you want to, the corner shop karaoke doesn't have a stage, but there is social pressure from your friends to have a go when the mic is passed around. Just trying 1 or 2 lines is well appreciated.

I don't actuaaly hate it, but I do seem to develop an inabilitating headache after a couple of hours, unless it is one of chon's recommendations.

In some karaoke they employ singers and hostesses you may want to invite for a lady's drink, and in some the staff are open to inhouse or after hour services on a financial basis.

Sorry to be a bore for explaining the obvious to those who know, but Andy hasn't set foot in Thailand yet.

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Quote (part of) from Stroll..

In some karaoke they employ singers and hostesses you may want to invite for a lady's drink, and in some the staff are open to inhouse or after hour services on a financial basis.

Quite frankly I would have been surprised if someone were to suggest otherwise.

The majority of the Karaoke joints are just another division/branch of the prostitution industry in Thailand.

They (the singers/hostesses) wouldn't be sitting outside soliciting customers while showing off their mams and generous portions of thigh (I am not complaining) if they were selling copies of Bhuddist verses would they.

And before I make a trip to Khon Kaen is the underground show still operating :o

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last time (before here) i was in a Karaoke was in a beach restaurant in southern Spain when i was about...umm 11 years old or so. i've been 4-5 times here within one month or so with my girlfriend (she has such an amazing voice), her sisters, family, etc. its quite fun and they have like 10-20% english songs as well. good way to learn thai, too ..if everyone else just speaks thai. :o i like it.

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I was invited to a wedding in Chang Rai some years back and as the only farang there I was strong armed into singing on the microphone for all the guests pleasure, bear in mind it was the middle of the day there was no musical accompaniment, well, except for the chickens - I was shit scared too as I'd only been in Thailand about 3 weeks, they were all clapping away and I was in a cold sweat, mind a complete blank as to what to sing.....

....By the light of the silvery moon, they love to swoon, to my honey I'll croon loves tune, oh honeymoon, they'll be swallowing soon, until that day they tra la la la hey! I'll be swallowing sooooooooon, by the silvery moooooooon...

Repeat 4 times

Classic, there's nothing like showing up a buncha chickens to get you over the fear of stage fright, I'm now a black belt karaoke singer.

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last time (before here) i was in a Karaoke was in a beach restaurant in southern Spain when i was about...umm 11 years old or so. i've been 4-5 times here within one month or so with my girlfriend (she has such an amazing voice), her sisters, family, etc. its quite fun and they have like 10-20% english songs as well. good way to learn thai, too ..if everyone else just speaks thai. :o i like it.

I think I have been credited with some "anti Thai garbage" so heres a change.

I think that Thai girls (most) have the most amazing voices (some of the guys too)

And even if the girls are not all that flash in the voice department, most are delightful just to look at.


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I like western Karaoke, not this sitting down at a table in a pink tissue cafe listening to Thai's on 100 Pipers warbling along to Loso songs and me wishing I was Andy Biggs so that I could have a go.

Even worse are there little private booths you see in the shopping malls and posher places - what the smeg is all that about!!?? A private pod big enough for 2 with a couple of mics?

Karaoke, I like it western style, where I can entertain a pub of pissed up wally's by singing songs that we all know and love and get beers bought for me as I finish to drunken apllause. It should be PUBLIC! Is there ANYWHERE in Bangkok where I can do this? The closest I got was performing Mustang Sally at the Muzic Cafe in Patpong with a live band - that was excellent, I got two free Singhas and the crowd asked for more so I did Hey Jude and finished with My Way before letting the singer have his mic back. :o

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I enjoy the Karaoke machine in my wife's village bar , the Thai songs have fantastic backing tracks , real guitars/drums etc , even sound a bit like the original.

My turn arrives , I opt to sing the classic , well the only English language track they have , "Have you ever seen the rain" (CCR) get ready to belt it out....

The weediest backing track of all time , in a dodgy key , sounds like a stylophone , I start to sing , it's about 2 octaves to high , everyone looks pleased that the farang proves again what a <deleted> he is..... :o

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