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I went to open the windows to day and was met by this

un wanted visitor, any one know who he is...? whats his name

and is he a bad boy ...?

Thanks ...

I went to open the windows to day and was met by this

un wanted visitor, any one know who he is...? whats his name

and is he a bad boy ...?

Thanks ...

Dont know who or what Hissing-Sid is,

If its any consolation has also happend to me on several occasions. Open a window and in pops a small. looks to be, a small garden snake. Think they like to get up high to escape all the rain. Scares the heck out of me when it happens. But now non-plused.

I get a long handled BarBque tongs & pick the thing up, and out the door, into an empty field, after a chase around the house. They're pretty quick and usually have to get them in a corner before I can grab 'em with the tongs. Sometimes they'll return, can see them on my roof. But do not know if it's the

same one that was evicted.

Ah life in LOS!!


Dunno, cute though.

He doesn't look like any of the poisonous snkaes here http://www.siam-info.de/english/snakes_poisonous.html unfortunately he doesn't look any of the non-poisonous ones either http://www.siam-info.de/english/snakes_non-poisonous.html except maybe, a Painted Bronzeback

Treat all as potentially lethal, if you don't have small children leave him alone and he'll leave (looks like he's on the ouside).

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


Thanks Guy's , here's a second photo of Hissing Sid, Ive just seen him again in the garden but this time

with a smaller mate by his side, looks as if there's a family staying here. just told daughter ( aged 9 ) to stay away from the front garden for now . let's hop they move on ....




Hope you find a way without killing it.....

I recall a posting of a guy who was very proud of killing the snakes and three month later he posted about his big problems with rats....

I grow up near snakes and most children are smarter than the parents believe. It seems children keep away from snakes by instinct..


Well , it looks as for now they are staying with us, just hope they will move on some time,

its the nearest ive been to a snake here, and this one's really striking in its green pattern

no way will I think about killing it , just let it go on its way ....



Well sad new's the smaller one of the Two snakes that paid us a visit made the mistake of

poping into the bedroom of my Thai neighbour and you can guess the rest ... and yes it was a Golden tree Snake

such a good looking one too . The larger one is I think still in our garden some where .



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