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Just a slight resume, also the "founder of Thaicom".,,altho they do not furnish receivers for poor schools and the high hill schools are so poor they can't afford to buy needed hardware. The card got broken at my wifes school and they couldn't afford 4000 baht for a new card,so they had to return the receiver.


All the talk about better education, the schools are not allowed to hold a student back,no matter the grades made,or the number of days of attendance,,you must pass them on as they can not afford to keep them. and can not afford books or most printed material for teaching aids,the computers are broken and so old that they can not be fixed I volunteered to pay,so took a couple to the shop,and they were junk,got 3 more in now,and an aid in teaching English,some electronic machine,can't be fixed either.

###### poor way to become the "ASIAN TIGER" with illiterate kids being graduated from schools because they can't afford to teach them.

Teachers do not come to work,the principle comes in a few days a week,goes to lunch,gets a bottle of whiskey and never returns,or returns and drinks with some of the teachers,,

seems to me that the money being spent could be spent in productive ways, when a person is hired as a teacher,they would be put to productive work and not on payed vacation.Some do as well as they can ,and some do not :o


Bloody disgrace Kev. Keep ensuring that the beloved voter's become aware of the state of education in the Land of Smiles, and all under the benevolent wing of the Thai Rak Thai party.

Bloody disgrace Kev. Keep ensuring that the beloved voter's become aware of the state of education in the Land of Smiles, and all under the benelovent wing of the Thai Rak Thai party.

You will have perhaps read my posts/opinions regarding the "head waiter" so any further comment would be superfluous.

Please, "don't get me started" :o

Bloody disgrace Kev. Keep ensuring that the beloved voter's become aware of the state of education in the Land of Smiles, and all under the benelovent wing of the Thai Rak Thai party.

You will have perhaps read my posts/opinions regarding the "head waiter" so any further comment would be superfluous.

Please, "don't get me started" :D

Go your hardest John. His Excellency is bereft of supporters hereabouts :o

poor way to become the "ASIAN TIGER" with illiterate kids being graduated from schools because they can't afford to teach them.

:o TRT if any of you are reading this I hope you understand the meaning of shame.

:D No more poor people in LOS? I spit in your face! :D Can't even get something as basic as education properly right :D


It appears that Thaksin was minister of Edu. in 2001 and it looks to me as the post is a political appointment,you grease his skids and he appoints you to a post.

What to me seems funny is that the minister of Edu. can be anyone,even someone with no knowledge of his job. And the post is changed on a yearly basis.Just when he is maybe getting a handle on it,it is given to another political favorite.

I have read the goggle sites and it looks like they are stonewalling the world as to the caliber of Thai education,,altho in some sites I have visited Thailand rates at the bottom of Asia in edu.excellence. And Thaksin's degree is from Kentucky,which is by no means a blue ribbon rating. Kinda seems to me that the minister of education would be someone with a degree in education,not police sciences.

I would like to do something for the kids now in school,everyone knows that they are the ones that will be the leaders of the future,and with no education, Where are we heading.

I know that in the states they have a program in most areas where dropout kids and kids that just will not learn can graduate if they come to school everyday,cause no trouble and try to study,at the end of which time,they are graduated, But here the child does not even need to come to school on a regular basis, I have a kid in the English classes I am teaching that knows nothing and can not read,when asked about his situation,I was told that he goes daily to a computer shop and plays games all day and comes to school one day a week,his parents know of this and when he is 16,which will be soon,he needn't come to school anymore. He knows nothing and still every year he is passed onto the next grade.

Even the children that like school and do the best they can really have no chance,as there is only one book for about every four students,a lot of their study material is made up on my computer by my wife,printed off and taken to a copy shop for material to give the students. :o

What to me seems funny is that the minister of Edu. can be anyone,even someone with no knowledge of his job. And the post is changed on a yearly basis.Just when he is maybe getting a handle on it,it is given to another political favorite.

The same can be said of just about any ministry in the Thai government.


I noticed on this site that Khun Taksin received an award from Sam Houston University for "Outstanding Criminal Justice" Bet they're regretting giving that after reviewing our beloved P.M.s record on catching the murderers of the leaders of various local protest groups and the public executions without trial of a multitude of supposed drug dealers last year. :o

It's quite disconcerting that a man of his obvious cretinism can rise to his current position.

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