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Four siblings drown in sea off Preah Sihanouk

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Five siblings who were in Preah Sihanouk for the Pchum Ben holiday, drowned in the sea during rough weather near ‘the tree of love’ on the afternoon of October 7. Rescuers managed to bring to safety a 10 year old boy and recovered the bodies of two female victims while the bodies of two men were still missing.


Kouch Chamroeun, Governor of Preah Sihanouk Province, personally led a joint police force and a rescue team to conduct  search operations for the remaining two victims.


Reports show that the victims were siblings between the ages of 10 and 20, residing in Prey Nob district, Sihanoukville province.


read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/50948121/four-siblings-drown-in-sea-off-preah-sihanouk/

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