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Tv Friday Nights Out


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I'll come out of the woodworks tonight.

I could be tempted to come and watch you "coming out"!!!!!!! :o

:D mamanoodle how could you........ :D

Cos you did'nt notice it was ME signed in and not you when YOU posted it!!

Now you both get banned!!! :D

Discussion of moderation raro, hattrick!

..and an admin posting right after you....we're all doomed!

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Hello all,

I wanted to say thanks to one and all for a GREAT night out.

We had more people than have been around of late and we spent longer talkin' story at PBG's than usual. Time spent talking is the best BTW, and we did still get our chromium supplements. Texan and Hawaiin cultures have a great tradition of yarn spinning and I love it as both a listener and a tall tale teller.

also another Happy birthday wish as soundman winds his way home. Good to see ya.

The whale on a plate at Bert's was again, as always, great fuel for the eve.


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Hello all,

I wanted to say thanks to one and all for a GREAT night out.

I really need to make the effort to turn up again. I enjoyed the couple I went to when I came down from Chiang Mai.

We had more people than have been around of late and we spent longer talkin' story at PBG's than usual. Time spent talking is the best BTW, and we did still get our chromium supplements. Texan and Hawaiin cultures have a great tradition of yarn spinning and I love it as both a listener and a tall tale teller.

yarn spinning? must be an American phrase for "bullshitting" :o

also another Happy birthday wish as soundman winds his way home. Good to see ya.

The whale on a plate at Bert's was again, as always, great fuel for the eve.

yep really must make the effort soon


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I have faint memories that I was out last night with a bunch of people that I think i met before....can someone fill me in with more details? :o

Didn't somebody mention:



Wooohooo !


(but I think that was before you got drunk !) :D

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Just wondering from those with more experience than me,

is it possible for a hangover to skip a day and murderate you on the next day?


Yes it is possible - the trick is to drink sufficient for the liver not to be able to remove sufficient alcohol to make a hangover possible.

Must have been a good session


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Just wondering from those with more experience than me,

is it possible for a hangover to skip a day and murderate you on the next day?


Yes it is possible - the trick is to drink sufficient for the liver not to be able to remove sufficient alcohol to make a hangover possible.

Must have been a good session


Howdy Crowboy,

Thanks, that just might be it! Hope CM is treating you right.

On another topic, rather than taking offense, which I am sure was NOT meant, at the comparison of yarn spinning to male cows excreting, I will take this opportunity to try to elucidate, shed some dim light on the topic for one and all not blessed with being from the southwest US or Hawaii or I guess most places with the tradition. Yarn spinning is an art with the primary goal of entertainment. Unlike bulls00t, it is best when it contains a bit of reality or even a greater truth.

Bull leavings are often done to deceive, that ain't yarn spinning or a tall tail or talk story.

The tall tales can be told to a group, but meant for an individual, as long as all are at least somewhat entertained. Tall tales can have the teller or an other as subject. An unwritten rule is that

if the teller is the subject that while the tale can be heroic the teller must always come out a buffoon or dupe at some point. Very easy in my case. The tall tail is never meant to insult or belittle another in the audience other then the teller

and should be judged both on its immediate entertainment value and possibility of being remembered or (the holy grail) retold. Wiki Pecos Bill for some fakelore that was such a good tall tale that it became folklore.

If in Texas or much of the US southwest and its evening, especially if there is a campfire and more so if there is bourbon, you are likely to hear a tale tail or several. If in Hawai'i on an evening and there is alcohol, food, Hawaiians, and haoles you can be sure that what you are hearing is talk story, or tall tales, especially if the hoales are eating poi for pu-pu's. I suspect a similar tradition exists in OZ, perhaps with a different name. I certainly have been entertained by a tall tale or several from folks hailing from that continent down under.

Hope ya do make it down for a night out again or see you in CM. We can share some tall tails again and if you want you can call yours bullpoop.

I am going to sign my liver up for a membership at Tony's Gym or Bumrungrad surgery, time will tell.


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Just wondering from those with more experience than me,

is it possible for a hangover to skip a day and murderate you on the next day?


Yes it is possible - the trick is to drink sufficient for the liver not to be able to remove sufficient alcohol to make a hangover possible.

Must have been a good session


Howdy Crowboy,

Thanks, that just might be it! Hope CM is treating you right.

On another topic, rather than taking offense, which I am sure was NOT meant, at the comparison of yarn spinning to male cows excreting, I will take this opportunity to try to elucidate, shed some dim light on the topic for one and all not blessed with being from the southwest US or Hawaii or I guess most places with the tradition. Yarn spinning is an art with the primary goal of entertainment. Unlike bulls00t, it is best when it contains a bit of reality or even a greater truth.

Bull leavings are often done to deceive, that ain't yarn spinning or a tall tail or talk story.

The tall tales can be told to a group, but meant for an individual, as long as all are at least somewhat entertained. Tall tales can have the teller or an other as subject. An unwritten rule is that

if the teller is the subject that while the tale can be heroic the teller must always come out a buffoon or dupe at some point. Very easy in my case. The tall tail is never meant to insult or belittle another in the audience other then the teller

and should be judged both on its immediate entertainment value and possibility of being remembered or (the holy grail) retold. Wiki Pecos Bill for some fakelore that was such a good tall tale that it became folklore.

If in Texas or much of the US southwest and its evening, especially if there is a campfire and more so if there is bourbon, you are likely to hear a tale tail or several. If in Hawai'i on an evening and there is alcohol, food, Hawaiians, and haoles you can be sure that what you are hearing is talk story, or tall tales, especially if the hoales are eating poi for pu-pu's. I suspect a similar tradition exists in OZ, perhaps with a different name. I certainly have been entertained by a tall tale or several from folks hailing from that continent down under.

Hope ya do make it down for a night out again or see you in CM. We can share some tall tails again and if you want you can call yours bullpoop.

I am going to sign my liver up for a membership at Tony's Gym or Bumrungrad surgery, time will tell.


I'll have 2 of whatever you're drinking :o

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Just wondering from those with more experience than me,

is it possible for a hangover to skip a day and murderate you on the next day?


Yes it is possible - the trick is to drink sufficient for the liver not to be able to remove sufficient alcohol to make a hangover possible.

Must have been a good session


Howdy Crowboy,

Thanks, that just might be it! Hope CM is treating you right.

On another topic, rather than taking offense, which I am sure was NOT meant, at the comparison of yarn spinning to male cows excreting, I will take this opportunity to try to elucidate, shed some dim light on the topic for one and all not blessed with being from the southwest US or Hawaii or I guess most places with the tradition. Yarn spinning is an art with the primary goal of entertainment. Unlike bulls00t, it is best when it contains a bit of reality or even a greater truth.

Bull leavings are often done to deceive, that ain't yarn spinning or a tall tail or talk story.

The tall tales can be told to a group, but meant for an individual, as long as all are at least somewhat entertained. Tall tales can have the teller or an other as subject. An unwritten rule is that

if the teller is the subject that while the tale can be heroic the teller must always come out a buffoon or dupe at some point. Very easy in my case. The tall tail is never meant to insult or belittle another in the audience other then the teller

and should be judged both on its immediate entertainment value and possibility of being remembered or (the holy grail) retold. Wiki Pecos Bill for some fakelore that was such a good tall tale that it became folklore.

If in Texas or much of the US southwest and its evening, especially if there is a campfire and more so if there is bourbon, you are likely to hear a tale tail or several. If in Hawai'i on an evening and there is alcohol, food, Hawaiians, and haoles you can be sure that what you are hearing is talk story, or tall tales, especially if the hoales are eating poi for pu-pu's. I suspect a similar tradition exists in OZ, perhaps with a different name. I certainly have been entertained by a tall tale or several from folks hailing from that continent down under.

Hope ya do make it down for a night out again or see you in CM. We can share some tall tails again and if you want you can call yours bullpoop.

I am going to sign my liver up for a membership at Tony's Gym or Bumrungrad surgery, time will tell.


I'll have 2 of whatever you're drinking :o

no they are min mine all mine


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If in Texas or much of the US southwest and its evening, especially if there is a campfire and more so if there is bourbon, you are likely to hear a tale tail or several.

So, Bareback Mountain was a 'tale tail' at a campfire, and not a true reflection of Texan mores and culture then?

Do you still have a functioning liver, by the way? Doesn't seem to have filtered out much of the juice in 48 hours.

Reason for edit - many too many typos in a two-line response

Edited by Humphrey Bear
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If in Texas or much of the US southwest and its evening, especially if there is a campfire and more so if there is bourbon, you are likely to hear a tale tail or several.

So, Bareback Mountain was a 'tale tail' at a campfire, and not a true reflection of Texan mores and culture then?

Teetotalers Telling Terrifically Terrible Tall Tail Tales Thanklessly ? :o

Do you still have a functioning liver, by the way? Doesn't seem to have filtered out much of the juice in 48 hours.

As the immortal Homer Simpson might say "All right liver, I don't like you and you don't like me - so let's just do this and I'll get back to killing you with beer.

(Homer actually said brain, not liver, possibly from being beer-addled at the time) :D

Reason for edit - many too many typos in a two-line response

//edit - No need to edit ! :D

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If in Texas or much of the US southwest and its evening, especially if there is a campfire and more so if there is bourbon, you are likely to hear a tale tail or several.

So, Bareback Mountain was a 'tale tail' at a campfire, and not a true reflection of Texan mores and culture then?

Do you still have a functioning liver, by the way? Doesn't seem to have filtered out much of the juice in 48 hours.

Reason for edit - many too many typos in a two-line response

Liver seems to still work, thanks for asking.

Sorry I can't help you understand your questions in regard to your bareback movie, I never saw it.

Did hear it was about some kinda tail though, butt what you watch is up to you. As a public service announcement, please wear condoms, the bear should never go bare no matter what kinda tail is the subject of the evening.

Now Brokeback Mountain, a movie about 2 men in Wyoming, is a different tale and found in the mainstream section of the movie rental emporium. Please be warned, however, that while Brokeback Mountain deals with homosexuality it is not graphic porno and tries to be a movie about more than the sexual activities of the characters, but how the mores and culture of their world affected their lives and love.

Be safe out there.


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I have faint memories that I was out last night with a bunch of people that I think i met before....can someone fill me in with more details? :D

Didn't somebody mention:



Wooohooo !


(but I think that was before you got drunk !) :D

I can ascertain you that I was already quite in a good mood when I met the gang at 10 pm....the BCCT function was just too hard to leave... :D

Having a close encounter with Mr. Soundman after did not really help for neither my mental nor physical health... :o

I suggest a counter visit in Kabin by the Friday crowd...just to have a look at the Kabin wildlife....

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Ok Crowboy helped me figure out the skipped day hangover, thanks I think you hit the liver on the lobe.

Bare and I discussed movies and the geography of the US of A, Wyoming is not a city in Texas.

Soundman and Raro showed they are still alive, I got home about oh my god o'clock how bout you 2? I coulda shown you more re the vodka bar, but the flow seemed to go. Next time.

Now to further offer my clueless nature of things Thai, what is Kabin? Is it a suburb of Surin? vice versa?

I enjoyed our trip to Surin and time at the Farang Connection, if we went Kabinwards would we be close enough to stop by FC and say Hi?

Saw Begs and Mamanoodles today seemed like they survived and seconded the notion that the talk time at PBG was one of our best. I know they left early, but they also started early, I know, I was there.

Buckwheat, you always leave me with a few memorable one liners, hope to see you more often. Say Hi from us to your lady and next time we hope my other will be there.

I don't remember when Screws and Phil and Monty left, I was talking to them around 4 am when I heard a request for a lady drink and the spell was broken and I found myself alone amongst a bevy of beauties, again.

She who runs with scissors has mysteriously left me alive and kickin', I am afraid .. I fear the reckoning!!!!!


thanks again to all there and commenting


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Ok Crowboy helped me figure out the skipped day hangover, thanks I think you hit the liver on the lobe.

You are welcome - years of experience and a certain amount of expertise in these things.

Bare and I discussed movies and the geography of the US of A, Wyoming is not a city in Texas.

Bare who? bare back broke bare back - Where is Wyoming a city then?

Soundman and Raro showed they are still alive, I got home about oh my god o'clock how bout you 2? I coulda shown you more re the vodka bar, but the flow seemed to go. Next time.

The Castle?

Now to further offer my clueless nature of things Thai, what is Kabin? Is it a suburb of Surin? vice versa?

I think the Kabin is an offshoot of the Castle

I don't remember when Screws and Phil and Monty left, I was talking to them around 4 am when I heard a request for a lady drink and the spell was broken and I found myself alone amongst a bevy of beauties, again.

Did you get your lady drink and who bought it for you?

She who runs with scissors has mysteriously left me alive and kickin', I am afraid .. I fear the reckoning!!!!!

Hope all is better with her health

thanks again to all there and commenting

Hope to catch up with you guys in a week or two


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I don't remember when Screws and Phil and Monty left, I was talking to them around 4 am when I heard a request for a lady drink and the spell was broken and I found myself alone amongst a bevy of beauties, again.

lucky bastard...I can vaguely remember that they were around at all... :o

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Ok Crowboy helped me figure out the skipped day hangover, thanks I think you hit the liver on the lobe.

You are welcome - years of experience and a certain amount of expertise in these things.

Bare and I discussed movies and the geography of the US of A, Wyoming is not a city in Texas.

Bare who? bare back broke bare back - Where is Wyoming a city then?

Soundman and Raro showed they are still alive, I got home about oh my god o'clock how bout you 2? I coulda shown you more re the vodka bar, but the flow seemed to go. Next time.

The Castle?

Now to further offer my clueless nature of things Thai, what is Kabin? Is it a suburb of Surin? vice versa?

I think the Kabin is an offshoot of the Castle

I don't remember when Screws and Phil and Monty left, I was talking to them around 4 am when I heard a request for a lady drink and the spell was broken and I found myself alone amongst a bevy of beauties, again.

Did you get your lady drink and who bought it for you?

She who runs with scissors has mysteriously left me alive and kickin', I am afraid .. I fear the reckoning!!!!!

Hope all is better with her health

thanks again to all there and commenting

Hope to catch up with you guys in a week or two


Ola Crowboy, not sure what or where the Castle is, but heard it is S&M type bar. Not my taste.

So if Kabin is a little Castle in the woods, no thanks.

I got so many drinks I was unable to tell the gender of the drinks, but still could tell the gender of the ladies, I think.

Actually had a mamasan buy me a drink just before she took me to the establishment's "limousine" to send me home. Great service,

but I am afraid to check my remaining funds to see what I might have done to deserve such service.

Thanks SWRWS health is much improved, dengue yuck!

Let us know when you are in the neighborhood or see you in CM.


Hey where are we going this Friday? Can white lightning strike the same place twice?

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Pathetic!! I hope it's not all falling apart - 'cos I'll be back on 7th November and I hate drinking alone. (Well, not actually 'hate' - more 'prefer company').

So I'll be in PBG from about 7-ish in a couple of weeks time. Got to have an eye operation during the following week, so may not be allowed any alcohol after the first weekend.

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greetings from Germany! Outside it's some 4°C and drizzly rain. Good news is that half-decent wine comes at less then 200 Baht a bottle. Add homemade sausages and....still shitty... :o

miss ya all...will be on the 7th at the PBG...

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