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Illusive to hit 100 percent vaccinated for adults with 99.48 percent innoculated in Cambodia

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The push to achieve 100 percent vaccinated for adults aged 18 and above in Cambodia is proving to be illusive as it struggles to hit the magical mark since the vaccination campaign began on February 10. To date, 9,948,252 people have been vaccinated with at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, of whom 5,017,353 are females, out numbering males.


Of this number, 9,591,698 have been fully vaccinated with both doses of the vaccine, comprising 4,822,430 females. A further 72,133, of whom 39,762 are females were deemed ineligible to receive the vaccines due to various reasons.


The Ministry of Health is yet to release any official reports to state what the overall situation in Cambodia, with regards to vaccination of the targeted people with COVID-19 vaccines is after the campaigns started. A  report which states where the unvaccinated are would facilitate them to narrow down their location and take final efforts to get them vaccinated via mobile vaccination centres.


read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/50953866/illusive-to-hit-100-percent-vaccinated-for-adults-with-99-48-percent-innoculated-in-cambodia/



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