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Confession For Being Anti-farang(as It Seems)


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So I stick to my original statement of no sane person commits suicide.

And that should be the final statement on the subject, as obviously, personal feelings are coming into play here.

I actually wasn't going to say anymore, Maigo. But I must congratulate you on becoming a mod! :D I didn't realise. That is why you're telling other members what they can & can't address in a thread, isn't it? :o

Oh, and this thread wasn't about property ownership, originally, either. :D

Edit - has meemiathai been on TV since he made this OP? Does anyone know?

Edited by November Rain
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I actually wasn't going to say anymore, Maigo. But I must congratulate you on becoming a mod! :D I didn't realise. That is why you're telling other members what they can & can't address in a thread, isn't it? :o

I was sympathetic to you actually as you had expressed yourself in your post, and I know that some people take things typed on threads very much to heart. So I was kinda asking Richard to respect you, and say no more as it may be upsetting for you.

But as you say, I'm not a Moderator and would never want to be.

Sorry I offended you.

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I actually wasn't going to say anymore, Maigo. But I must congratulate you on becoming a mod! :D I didn't realise. That is why you're telling other members what they can & can't address in a thread, isn't it? :o

I was sympathetic to you actually as you had expressed yourself in your post, and I know that some people take things typed on threads very much to heart. So I was kinda asking Richard to respect you, and say no more as it may be upsetting for you.

But as you say, I'm not a Moderator and would never want to be.

Sorry I offended you.

Apologies, Maigo. I got the wrong end of the stick. As it was my "turn" to reply, I thought your post was directed at me. Sorry :D

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Apologies, Maigo. I got the wrong end of the stick. As it was my "turn" to reply, I thought your post was directed at me. Sorry :D

No problem Rainy, thanks.

Under my cold Farang bashing exterior, there beats a heart that occasionally shows some compassion :D

Only occasionally though. :o

( I love my new avatar, I laugh just looking at it )

Edited by Maigo6
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With the very last post by meemiathai being the one that opened this thread, I might be more on target than I would really like to be. I hope I am wrong. Has anyone heard from meemiathai lately?

Anyone who knows him care to send him an email or a phone call? :o

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The land owner thai elite is far better than the potential land owner farang elite...today at least there is some land for non elite thais.

Didn't understand the rest of your post, but I take it you support the thinly guised racist policy of foreigners not being able to own land in Thailand?

I assume you also support the laws which prevent foreigners from owning their own businesses?

What about having separate toilets for foreigners and Thais?

What about separating foreigners from Thais on public transport?

Would you support these ideas also?

Emperor you understand only what you want to understand. Your arguments are nonsense.

This is not a racist policy, it is a policy aim to avoid an enormous impact in Thai society.

Land that today cost nothing will triple on its price. The price is driven by the demand. Very basic economic concept. Rich Thais who today own premium real state and have money will buy more land before farangs come and will speculate with the prices.

Thais have one great virtue that farangs do not. The rich can live next to the poor. Most farangs cannot. I think farangs are more likely to create separated environments for themselves.

Separated toilets and trasport for farangs?...what stupid arguments, who can support that?. :o

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This is really getting to me. Posts ago (yesterday), I asked if anyone knew if meemiathai was OK. Richard & kmart have just echoed that, yet people are still arguing about property.

Does anyone know if meemiathai is OK, or not? Does anyone know him?

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This is really getting to me. Posts ago (yesterday), I asked if anyone knew if meemiathai was OK. Richard & kmart have just echoed that, yet people are still arguing about property.

Does anyone know if meemiathai is OK, or not? Does anyone know him?

I just emailed him asking him to reply to the post to let everyone know all is ok. Will let you know if I get a reply.

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Oh come on people. Thaivisa might be important but it AINT that important. I'm sure it wouldnt be high on people's lists of things to square off being taking any drastic steps.

Perhaps he's just bored of Thaivisa.

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Oh come on people. Thaivisa might be important but it AINT that important. I'm sure it wouldnt be high on people's lists of things to square off being taking any drastic steps.

Perhaps he's just bored of Thaivisa.

I hope Bendix is right. I would much rather feel stupid for worrying about someone I have never met than to have something really happen to him.

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Doesn't this post sound a bit suicidal? :D

No sane person commits suicide over a forum. meemiathai won't either. :D

No sane person commits suicide.

Don't talk about things you know nothing about. :o

You don't know me and you don't know what I know. Don't assume you think you know what I know. If you think you know something then that's ok. If you have anything furthur to add about what you know or don't know, feel free to post it. Stop telling others not to talk about it.

You don't know much about that subject or you wouldn't have come out with such a ridiculous generalisation. Firstly, I was a nurse & had experience with suicidal patients. Sanity and illness such as depression are not mutually exclusive.

Secondly, my father killed himself four & a half years ago. He was perfectly sane & killed himself to get the family out of a financial hole via an insurance policy (yes, it paid on suicide, no, we didn't know his plans until it was too late). So, there's one sane person who committed suicide. Your statement is wrong.

Sorry to drag this thread off track.

First, I'm sorry for your loss. However, I don't agree that your father or anyone who commits suicide is the act of a sane person. Outside of an act to immediately save another life, it is an act of insanity.

If your father killed himself because he had problems then he was not sane. That is not the thinking of a sane man. Especially since he hid his plans so well that your family had no idea of his intentions until it was too late. He was living a double life. On one hand, he had a family that he was trying to take care of. On the other hand, he was planning his death because he was failing at taking care of his family. His death would rescue the family from their financial problems. However, I'm sure if you could, you would rather have your father back than your good credit record.

People who intend to do this successfully have tunnel vision and cannot focus on any other possibilities.

Your father had financial problems that depressed him and he rationalized a solution that led him to suicide. Had a different solution been available he might have missed it because he was focused on his goal of suicide. It is a desperate act of insanity rationalized as a way to eliminate the incredible circumstances that is tearing his life apart from the inside. His planning was sane but his final solution was insane.

So I stick to my original statement of no sane person commits suicide.

I see the coroner in most suicide reports uses the term " while the balance of the mind was disturbed " as a reason for death,.
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Doesn't this post sound a bit suicidal? :D

No sane person commits suicide over a forum. meemiathai won't either. :D

No sane person commits suicide.

Don't talk about things you know nothing about. :o

You don't know me and you don't know what I know. Don't assume you think you know what I know. If you think you know something then that's ok. If you have anything furthur to add about what you know or don't know, feel free to post it. Stop telling others not to talk about it.

You don't know much about that subject or you wouldn't have come out with such a ridiculous generalisation. Firstly, I was a nurse & had experience with suicidal patients. Sanity and illness such as depression are not mutually exclusive.

Secondly, my father killed himself four & a half years ago. He was perfectly sane & killed himself to get the family out of a financial hole via an insurance policy (yes, it paid on suicide, no, we didn't know his plans until it was too late). So, there's one sane person who committed suicide. Your statement is wrong.

Sorry to drag this thread off track.

First, I'm sorry for your loss. However, I don't agree that your father or anyone who commits suicide is the act of a sane person. Outside of an act to immediately save another life, it is an act of insanity.

If your father killed himself because he had problems then he was not sane. That is not the thinking of a sane man. Especially since he hid his plans so well that your family had no idea of his intentions until it was too late. He was living a double life. On one hand, he had a family that he was trying to take care of. On the other hand, he was planning his death because he was failing at taking care of his family. His death would rescue the family from their financial problems. However, I'm sure if you could, you would rather have your father back than your good credit record.

People who intend to do this successfully have tunnel vision and cannot focus on any other possibilities.

Your father had financial problems that depressed him and he rationalized a solution that led him to suicide. Had a different solution been available he might have missed it because he was focused on his goal of suicide. It is a desperate act of insanity rationalized as a way to eliminate the incredible circumstances that is tearing his life apart from the inside. His planning was sane but his final solution was insane.

So I stick to my original statement of no sane person commits suicide.

Edited by mikethevigoman
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Boy, some of you people can sure chew up a topic. stop worrying about meemiathai. i'm sure he's fine...in fact I see him online right now.

As far as farangs-owning-land-in-Thailand debate...hey, its the law. If you don't like it, there are plenty of other countries around the world that would be glad to sell you land. Go there.

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Hello everyone,

Sorry for making you worry. I am very fine. :o Just have been busy.

Actually a very close relative from London is here in HK staying at my place and we had a night out and had a lot of nice conversations. Perhaps I felt a bit guilty so wanted to apologize. I would really want people to know that I am not anti-farang at all. There are countless things I like about farangs but there are also things that are not good. Same is it with thais. I don't point out the bads things of thais coz I think there are enough people here to do so. And the good things of farang people here will know.

Thanks everyone. NR....etc

Please don't be polite to me in the future. It is difficult to critize and have different opinions once you befriend people. That's why I try to be a bit blunt sometimes. I like to get some bashings too. Especially when they are funny.

Great people here! And I don't know why I hate it! :D

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Hello. My name is Pepe' and I am "anti-bloody farang."

No I mean Hello. My name is Pepe' and I am an "anti-bloody farang."

No, no, no what I mean is... Oh nowI'm confused.

I know I'll just say ten Hail Marys and ten Our Fathers now that I've confessed and receive absolution.

Then tomorrow I can say or do whatever I please, confess again, receive absolution again and go and do whatever I bloody well please and be good to go.

Bloody well right mate, No worries then... :o

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Boy, some of you people can sure chew up a topic. stop worrying about meemiathai. i'm sure he's fine...in fact I see him online right now.

As far as farangs-owning-land-in-Thailand debate...hey, its the law. If you don't like it, there are plenty of other countries around the world that would be glad to sell you land. Go there.

Here's the original post.............

I want to thank the mods for being so tolerant towards me. Sorry for being so critical of farangs for the past few years. I didn't mean it. I appreciate a lot actually for what they have done to this world. I mean just look at this brilliant website!

I hope I never have upset anyone here. I wish everyone happy. There are lots of good people here. Even those who complain a lot about thailand. There seems to be a lot to say but I couldn't figure out what to write.

Thanks cdnvic for understanding me. And Kmart, don't get angry, I'll still continue. But don't get too serious, they are just for fun.

Goodnight, just came back from a night out.

Not sure what some of you are talking about.

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Boy, some of you people can sure chew up a topic. stop worrying about meemiathai. i'm sure he's fine...in fact I see him online right now.

As far as farangs-owning-land-in-Thailand debate...hey, its the law. If you don't like it, there are plenty of other countries around the world that would be glad to sell you land. Go there.

Here's the original post.............

I want to thank the mods for being so tolerant towards me. Sorry for being so critical of farangs for the past few years. I didn't mean it. I appreciate a lot actually for what they have done to this world. I mean just look at this brilliant website!

I hope I never have upset anyone here. I wish everyone happy. There are lots of good people here. Even those who complain a lot about thailand. There seems to be a lot to say but I couldn't figure out what to write.

Thanks cdnvic for understanding me. And Kmart, don't get angry, I'll still continue. But don't get too serious, they are just for fun.

Goodnight, just came back from a night out.

Not sure what some of you are talking about.

Read the entire thread to understand what I posted.

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I will get into the topic later but this is a nice discussion to get into.

If it arrives the day arrives when my health is simply not good enough to take care of myself, then I would expect to be sane enough to kill myself....for me it would not be a better way to leave this wonderful world than choosing my way...it would be a privilege.

I respect those who are on wheelchair or in a bed depending on others care, but I hope this will not be my way...and I think I am pretty sane.


Coming back to the topic....I am called a farang because I do not look Asian, but I am Latino and my perspective is totally different than the Caucasian ones.

I am not an anti-Caucasian at all, but sometimes I regard some of their attitudes as arrogant and patronizing, attitudes that are only supported by a self-believe of superiority. I know also that I have learn a great deal of good things from their culture and way of thinking, things that were denied to me on my native culture, and that definitively have contributed in my life for the better. But I have no apologies at all for my reaction towards what I think is wrong from them.

I agree with you Torito on both points. I, also, would prefer to plan my own exit from "this mortal coil" if I should become hopelessly ill or dependent upon others.

My life partner of 20 years is Latino (Mexican-American) and shares your views on that topic, as do I, having been privileged to see life through his eyes over the years. However, he had a Filipino grandfather and his features are sooooo confusing to Thais......they are not sure "what he is"! Because he is very dark complected he is sometimes not treated very well in Thailand, but when they discover he can't speak Thai, his status becomes magically elevated. What a world we live in!

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Well, now we know that maimeethai is ok, let's get back to suicide.

Some philosophical views:

"No man ever threw away a life worth keeping" - David Hume

"The thought of suicide is a great comfort; one can get through many a bad night with it" - Friedrich Nietsche

"To die in order to avoid the pain of poverty, love or anything else that is disagreeable is not the path of a brave man, but a coward." - Aristotle.

I'm not sure I agree with any of these.

During my younger years, I went through a Bloomsbury Group obsession. The words written in her diary by artist Dora Carrington after her friend/soulmate Lytton Strachey died still haunt me:

"He first deceased.

She for a little tried

to live without him,

liked it not.

And died."

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Well, now we know that maimeethai is ok, let's get back to suicide.

Some philosophical views:

"No man ever threw away a life worth keeping" - David Hume

"The thought of suicide is a great comfort; one can get through many a bad night with it" - Friedrich Nietsche

"To die in order to avoid the pain of poverty, love or anything else that is disagreeable is not the path of a brave man, but a coward." - Aristotle.

I'm not sure I agree with any of these.

During my younger years, I went through a Bloomsbury Group obsession. The words written in her diary by artist Dora Carrington after her friend/soulmate Lytton Strachey died still haunt me:

"He first deceased.

She for a little tried

to live without him,

liked it not.

And died."

so memithai is ok whoopee ,anyway i like farangs :o

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In any event, if we can lease land for 30 years or we can own the land de facto through company structuring and voting writes then why not simply legitimise ownership under stringent conditions?

There is no need to legitimise land ownership for Farangs, as I said before, if 1 rai per person was allowed, then there would be a whole new industry involving Farangs buying land who then get all their family members to buy the land adjoining theirs, soon all land worth having will be in foreign control.

The laws are just fine right now, think about it from a Thai persons viewpoint.

1 Rai per person to build a house sounds fine, but you and I both know that Farangs will try their best to find loopholes where they can own 100 Rai if they can afford it.

Thai land for Thai people is fine as it is. :o

i like your reasoning mate,

thailand means thailand, and it dont mean farang land does it. if farang could own land you would have all the rich tossers buying it all up just like the japs have done in aussie.

keep thai for thai and the laws here do the thai people justice. :D

thank you very much.

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In any event, if we can lease land for 30 years or we can own the land de facto through company structuring and voting writes then why not simply legitimise ownership under stringent conditions?

There is no need to legitimise land ownership for Farangs, as I said before, if 1 rai per person was allowed, then there would be a whole new industry involving Farangs buying land who then get all their family members to buy the land adjoining theirs, soon all land worth having will be in foreign control.

The laws are just fine right now, think about it from a Thai persons viewpoint.

1 Rai per person to build a house sounds fine, but you and I both know that Farangs will try their best to find loopholes where they can own 100 Rai if they can afford it.

Thai land for Thai people is fine as it is. :o

i like your reasoning mate,

thailand means thailand, and it dont mean farang land does it. if farang could own land you would have all the rich tossers buying it all up just like the japs have done in aussie.

keep thai for thai and the laws here do the thai people justice. :D

thank you very much.

Good to hear ya Terry! Thanks for confirm what I have tried to tell in here to some farangs who want Thailand farang owned......

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Point of order.

It is perfectly legal for a farang to OWN up to one rai of land, providing it is used solely for the purposes of building a home and providing he/she has invested a cool 40million baht in Government bonds.

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