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Emirates airline: PCR requirement for travel from Bangkok to Paris by Emirates airline?


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I'll be traveling by Emirates airlines from BKK to Paris at the end of this week (with 2 hour transit in Dubai).   I'm trying to find someone (anyone!) who has done this flight recently and can confirm by their experience that NO PCR is required for a fully vaccinated (French) traveler.  I've read the Emirates web site and they have CONFLICTING information.  One of their web pages says that I must have a PCR test (<72 hours); several other pages suggest that I don't need it for transiting, and I know that France doesn't require it.  I've called the Emirates phone line, and their people tend to give cagey answers just essentially saying to check their web site, in spite of me pointing out the conflicting info there, so I'd really like to have someone confirm this whose done it!  I really don't want to get to Suvarnabhumi and discover that they insist upon a PCR test result!  But I'm not too keen on doing a someone painful, slightly expensive 2500 THB test if it isn't required.  Thanks.

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I have the pleasure of replying to my own question.  In another Facebook group where I posted this question, I had the reply of someone who took the identical flight as I'll be taking late in September, and the answer is No, a PCR is NOT required for that flight.  I do love social networks (at times!).

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15 minutes ago, carlf said:

I have the pleasure of replying to my own question.  In another Facebook group where I posted this question, I had the reply of someone who took the identical flight as I'll be taking late in September, and the answer is No, a PCR is NOT required for that flight.  I do love social networks (at times!).

I flew from London to BKK with Emirates a couple of weeks ago. The guy who checked me in just asked a set of questions from a crib sheet for Thailand, it is all about the final destination requirements.

You are quite right in thinking at this point in time there is no necessity for the test to transit Dubai, unless you intend to stop over. If for some reason you are forced to stop over you would have to take the test at Dubai before leaving the airport.

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