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Farang Deadbeats


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a deadbeat teacher from Europe somewhere (I did not know he was a deadbeat at the time) called me and gave me some BS story about getting into an accident and how a cop was there and he needed 12K to pay him off or he was up the creek. I said no go dude. I went to the bar the next day and asked all his friends if they knew about the accident and nobody did. the dude shows up and pulls me aside to say it was a confidential matter and he told no one else. lol

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Hi all,

This is my first post here but I have been reading your forums for a while now. Joined yesterday so I can finally write something if I feel like it. I apologise if I am speaking out of school here, however I am surprised that the 'deadbeat farang' issue appears here so frequently.

I have been in and out of Thailand for 3 years now and play a very active role in the Australian Thai community. I must say that during my time in Thailand I have never been ripped off, never been accosted for loans etc and I am treated with respect wherever I go.

I do not know ANY farangs in Thailand and this site has confirmed my beliefs. Mind you, I've never been to pattaya, nana etc. Perhaps this is why I have a different view.

For every 20 farang with no money, drinking in bars and trying to marry a bar girl, there's 1 guy trying to convince Thai's that they're not one of them!!!

I'm sure some of the guys here know where I'm coming from.

As for these farangs asking you for money............a call to immigration would do the trick :o

Hope to contribute more to these forums in the future. Thanks for letting me have my say.

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Hi all,

This is my first post here but I have been reading your forums for a while now. Joined yesterday so I can finally write something if I feel like it. I apologise if I am speaking out of school here, however I am surprised that the 'deadbeat farang' issue appears here so frequently.

I have been in and out of Thailand for 3 years now and play a very active role in the Australian Thai community. I must say that during my time in Thailand I have never been ripped off, never been accosted for loans etc and I am treated with respect wherever I go.

I do not know ANY farangs in Thailand and this site has confirmed my beliefs. Mind you, I've never been to pattaya, nana etc. Perhaps this is why I have a different view.

For every 20 farang with no money, drinking in bars and trying to marry a bar girl, there's 1 guy trying to convince Thai's that they're not one of them!!!

I'm sure some of the guys here know where I'm coming from.

As for these farangs asking you for money............a call to immigration would do the trick :o

Hope to contribute more to these forums in the future. Thanks for letting me have my say.

Welcome KeeMao .....

with your name I would have thought you'd know Pattaya and Nana well :D

but hey! I have been to Nana and Pattaya ... but still think the same way you do :D

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Welcome KeeMao .....

with your name I would have thought you'd know Pattaya and Nana well :o

but hey! I have been to Nana and Pattaya ... but still think the same way you do :D

Hi JD,

Thanks for the welcome.

The name choice was my 4th try as most names are taken!!!

However, I am partial to a little partying and the odd drink :D

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Okay, Linkpopularity,

Why don't you explain your life in Thaiand? How wonderful it has been. How you have avoided to get ripped off in any way???

And then if you really think you have never been scammed, paid too much, and I'm sorry your house and car didn't get flooded shortly after you moved here, this must be due to your karma and, as usual, I deserved this???

Can you loan me some money since you are such a good guy, with no problems???

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when I first came here I had to scout in Bkk for the company, already the first day I walked a couple of times out of taxi's/tuk tuk's because they tried to scam me, I just walk away, never looked back !

did I ever pay again and again for other people ? no !

I had some "friends" coming over from my country and they wanted to stay at my place, I made them clear that I didn't like that, but they insisted with all kinds of excuses, ok, I let them stay and the first thing I did was to make a list of the expenses to be shared !

I wasn't asking to share the rent or so, in fact I just worried that I had to go to the shop every 2-3 days, instead of one's every week, that was my main concern ... still, it was obvious that they counted on me to keep it cheap for them, of course it never seemed to occur to them that it wouldn't be any cheaper or so, but that they would be spending my money, anyway, they were insulted and left asap !

I don't care, ok, a bit, because the guy was ok, she was the cheap skate trying to live on my expenses, but I didn't give in, never felt bad about it ! (by the way, they broke up by now, good for him)

now, you're story again ... you give and give, thinking it's the right thing to do and now you feel bad about it ...

I'm not trying to sound 'better' then you, just trying to help you ;-)

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Hi Linkpopularity,

Because you can't read my tone, let me say that I am not responding in anger to you, but I am confused why some people seem to see my stories as the same person or people taking advantage of me, and saying things like I am stupid for going back for more.

My cousin, I have never had a adult experience with him, could not expect what he would be like, my blood relation with him is my Aunt, she is the Dean of the medical school for the University of Michigan, my family all pretty much has some money and is well-educated, and polite. Why did he do this, probably because I have always had more money than most people in my family, and he thinks I won't care. If I hadn't gotten divorced and sold my business in the US I wouldn't have cared, but also, I would have just paid for him. Since I have paid for some trips for his sister, to visit me in London, in New York, maybe he thought I owed this to him, I don't know.

My step-sister, well my Mother just married her father a year before she came to Thailand to visit me and I hardly knew her. Now I know she is cheap and tries to scam people to pay for her, as she did this to many more times then the visit to Thailand. We are not friendly anymore. But I tried.

My house problems in Thailand. Not related to each other, each different Thai people, with different brokers, the lady who stole all the furniture out of my house is a professor at Chiang Mai University, got all her college degrees in my country, why would I think she would rip me off in this way, and that the professional broker that got paid 2 months rent, would not protect me because her father is a high-ranking police here??? I would say hard to predict that situation.

How could I predict the flood that happened to me. It wasn't just flooding from normal rain during the wet season, but the worst flooding my area has seen in 80 years, and my house happened to be at the lowest point to recieve this overflow of the river, which was 2 km away from me.

I'm starting to think that maybe some of the people who claim nothing bad has ever happened to them, either don't know what happened to them, don't know their lover collected commission on their first house, or maybe just don't have enough money for anyone to bother and if you are very tight for money you are going to be asking a lot more questions, simply because you may not have it. Do you think if some other relatives of mine come here that I can ask them for cash upfront to pay for things in case they run out of money? These are not friends, although some of my friends have visited and I had no problems with them. I just don't write about the normal experiences I happen to have because nobody cares.

Maybe I went back and asked more questions and got the real answers about commissions my fake friends took, and some people never bother to do that, because they are now married to the woman.

Surely, there are some people that are wise to the ways of Asia in general, have someone to look out for them here, and nothing bad ever happens most likely.

But even things I wrote about, like deposits for work on my house, then my house floods, then they won't give me any money back or the materials, those just happened to me, because my house happened to flood and I had the chance to see what would happen when I asked for some refund. Many people only ask for work, and get the work done eventually. I happen to feel particulary bad about this situation because people could see that I had lost a lot, and didn't give a crap about even giving me 1000 baht back, if that was only profit money on work they never did, much less they kept the materials or money for them. I didn't just call and say I changed my mind.

I lost at least $10,000 in that flood and people who had recently profited from me without doing any work wouldn't give me back even 10% of the money or the materials I supposedly paid for. Well that sucks, and those were not the same people I had dealt with before, so how could I know this about them.

I don't give my opinion based on one event here. Or based on one person here. I have given my opinions based on many people, of all classes and education. Even if some poster here has not had any negative experiences, that does not negate mine. And that does not mean that I am simply an idiot and that is the reason, as the rest of my life and things I have done or accomplished just doens't mesh with me being an idiot. Although I have admitted what I think my faults are, but they are nothing when compared with simply greedy people who will rip you off at any chance they see. Being weak or nice does not compare to simply stealing money from people who you decide can afford it and are nice/weak when you use manipulation as the tool.

I have tried to believe in my life, that you reap what you sow. If you do good things, good things will come back to you. I no longer believe this at all. (Not just because of Thailand, because of my total life experience). So I am no longer going out of my way to do nice things for people, although I am also not doing bad things and don't plan to do bad things.

But, if some jerk who should pay for dinner, says he lost his wallet, or he hasn't exchanged his money yet (even though he has been here for 2 months) I plan to now lie exactly the same way, and say I only have 100 baht on me and money for a taxi, so they better figure out what they are going to do. I used to think being honest was the most important, but I also no longer think this. I think matching what you are getting is important, and when I am getting crap, I will give crap now.

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I can relate to you, my wife and I have helped a few farang out, even let them use our condo in BKK We have a house in Nontaburi also, we only stay in the condo when we are down town and out for the evening. We lent it to a farang that was down and out on his luck......of his own doing,,I would say that my wife and I got burned a few times from people,,Now we dont help them ,,we tell them the condo is rented and our house is full. And our vehicle we do not take out at night drinking and it is always at my mother inlaws hahaha

I will admit that we do go out alot but we pay our own way and we take care of work and family first, and what ever money is left over is our play money...People can live very good in thailand if they manage them selves better.

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well i am totally free with food, as no one should starve. and occasionally i let someone sleep at my place, though i always make it known it is not indefinitely. and i won't lend more than 1000 baht and that is only in dire circumstances.

Finally, someone with decency and basic compassion about them. Very refreshing!

Anyway, whereabouts do you live? :o The hitchhike to Surat is usually easy enough, but it may take me a while to get the ferry sorted.



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Been there, done that. Two business deals. One in Bangkok and the other in Jomtien. The one in Bangkok was a viable business and could have made it but the guy was pretty lazy. He eventually got a job with a Thai company and the company went down the tubes. At least he was honest. The second was with a go getter. He was ambitious but he turned out to be quite crooked. This guy is still in business but his shady dealings are putting him out of business. He would have probably made it in Bangkok but Jomtien is too small to pull any less than honest deals.

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Best to define deadbeat.

Is it the decent unsuspecting victim of a calculated scam, robbery or accident, or illness or other misfortune?

Or a sponger bent on supplementing his play money at the expense of well wishers?

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I've come across some wonderful farang deadbeats in my time.

Once a friend of mine worked at a company (which has been mentioned on TV a few times), and they were hiring a marketing person. The successful candidate turned up on the first day, stinking of beer. This was 10am; he should have been there at 9am.

Rightly or wrongly, he was asked to go home and not come back.

He turned up the following day, asking for a year's salary in compensation. He was laughed out of the door. It turns out this chap was on the bare bones of his arse and had 8000 baht left to his name. We strongly suspect the guy who hired him (who - frankly - is not much better) met him on one of his legendary all night benders in soi 22.

The issue escalated. My friend was asked to deal with it. To make it go away, my friend offered him two months salary as severance which I thought was overly generous. No, this guy wanted more. He sent them an email threatening all sorts of blackmail, friends in high places and said that he could be silenced by 3 million baht (his salary, by the way, was around 50,000).

Needless to say, this caused hours of merriment. His emails, increasing in lunacy, were ignored, even those that suggested the guy was a disciple of Lao Tze's Art of War and the campaign would soon be stepped up a few degrees.

In the end, my mate lost patience. He sent off a note saying because of the hassle he was causing the new offer was one month salary which expired at 9am on the following Friday. After that, nothing.

Friday 9am. Nothing.

Friday, 11.15 the guy comes into the office, drunk and apologetic for the 3million baht demands. He asks for the month's severance.

He was told to sod off.

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Best to define deadbeat.

Is it the decent unsuspecting victim of a calculated scam, robbery or accident, or illness or other misfortune?

Or a sponger bent on supplementing his play money at the expense of well wishers?

I think most people equate a deadbeat with the sponger variety.

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Best to define deadbeat.

Is it the decent unsuspecting victim of a calculated scam, robbery or accident, or illness or other misfortune?

Or a sponger bent on supplementing his play money at the expense of well wishers?

I think most people equate a deadbeat with the sponger variety.

SBK ... my car broke down .. can I borrow 10,000 baht?

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Best to define deadbeat.

Is it the decent unsuspecting victim of a calculated scam, robbery or accident, or illness or other misfortune?

Or a sponger bent on supplementing his play money at the expense of well wishers?

I think most people equate a deadbeat with the sponger variety.

SBK ... my car broke down .. can I borrow 10,000 baht?

Please ask her for Bt20,000. I have a flat tire.

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I've come across some wonderful farang deadbeats in my time.

Once a friend of mine worked at a company (which has been mentioned on TV a few times), and they were hiring a marketing person. The successful candidate turned up on the first day, stinking of beer. This was 10am; he should have been there at 9am.

Rightly or wrongly, he was asked to go home and not come back.

He turned up the following day, asking for a year's salary in compensation. He was laughed out of the door. It turns out this chap was on the bare bones of his arse and had 8000 baht left to his name. We strongly suspect the guy who hired him (who - frankly - is not much better) met him on one of his legendary all night benders in soi 22.

The issue escalated. My friend was asked to deal with it. To make it go away, my friend offered him two months salary as severance which I thought was overly generous. No, this guy wanted more. He sent them an email threatening all sorts of blackmail, friends in high places and said that he could be silenced by 3 million baht (his salary, by the way, was around 50,000).

Needless to say, this caused hours of merriment. His emails, increasing in lunacy, were ignored, even those that suggested the guy was a disciple of Lao Tze's Art of War and the campaign would soon be stepped up a few degrees.

In the end, my mate lost patience. He sent off a note saying because of the hassle he was causing the new offer was one month salary which expired at 9am on the following Friday. After that, nothing.

Friday 9am. Nothing.

Friday, 11.15 the guy comes into the office, drunk and apologetic for the 3million baht demands. He asks for the month's severance.

He was told to sod off.

Similar experience with a guy from Colorado.......not drunk but never in the office and always claiming that he called me on my Hp to advise me he had a problem and that my Hp wasn't working......

....same problems in kicking him out (perhaps he was thinking to be in US), he tried also to accuse me and my company of discrimination (on what I am still asking myself today)........he received by scanned email a copy of a police report we made after his threats......he disappeared like a tear in the rain.

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It is my ambition to become a deadbeat one day. The sheer self-confidence and nerve the majority of them have when attempting their scams has always brought admiration from someone with a speech impediment and a TV habit.

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It is my ambition to become a deadbeat one day. The sheer self-confidence and nerve the majority of them have when attempting their scams has always brought admiration from someone with a speech impediment and a TV habit.

always said that some of them nay be stars in hollywood......anyway an empty belly brings up the best of you......once the belly is full they are really miserable losers. I agree with you that some of them can be fun to watch while trying to scam someone

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Similar experience with a guy from Colorado.......not drunk but never in the office and always claiming that he called me on my Hp to advise me he had a problem and that my Hp wasn't working......

....same problems in kicking him out (perhaps he was thinking to be in US), he tried also to accuse me and my company of discrimination (on what I am still asking myself today)........he received by scanned email a copy of a police report we made after his threats......he disappeared like a tear in the rain.

That has to be untrue! People from Colorado are all good guys <except Tancredo>! He must have been from Texas!

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I was between jobs once and skint for cash, best friend since school days “sponsored” me for a couple of months so I could go to the pub with him and pay my own way. I kept a record of each loan (max US$600 at Xmas) and paid him back the US$ 2,000 as soon as I was back at work.

10 years later, he had got himself into serious financial trouble with his business (he had always been a big spender and this was 2nd time he had gone bankrupt) and wanted me to loan him US$50,000 without any security. I was just about to get married and had recently completed a contract so again without work, so I said no.

He hasn’t spoken to me since.

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I tend to loan money to any FRIEND who asks for it, but I've never lent money to a stranger.

Losing a friend because of a money problem would be sad. I have had some friends pay me back and others who have not. I always remind them because I myself sometimes forget these things.

As for paying for food/drink bills or whatever, Im always happy to pay if I know I have more cash than a friend. I would expect them to do the same if they were earning more than me. Maybe they would, maybe they wouldn't.

I cover bills and lend money only because it makes ME happy to do so, not because of some utilitarian belief.

My friend once came to visit from the UK, lost his debit card on the very first day along with his passport (stolen by a thief right under our eyes believe it or not). I took him to the embassy to get the new passport- paid the fee myself as obviously he had no way of getting money that quickly. I paid all his expenses for 2 weeks, food, beer, taxis, rent. This guy is a "good friend" who I studied with and he has always had money problems and been working part time jobs while studying. It is now 2 years later and I have still never been paid back for anything I gave him during that holiday. He is currently working two jobs. He never mentions the money. I care only in so far as I wish he was more considerate but I also understand how having very little money can change your character.

I was once advised by my father that if I lend money, never expect to see it again. I.E - you can give someone money but only do so when you are simultaneously happy to really GIVE it to them. Then if they do pay you back, it is a wonderful surprise. If they do not, it doesnt matter because in your mind it was always a gift anyway and you wouldnt have given it unless you could afford to. I don't follow this advice personally but it sounds nice.

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I was once advised by my father that if I lend money, never expect to see it again. I.E - you can give someone money but only do so when you are simultaneously happy to really GIVE it to them. Then if they do pay you back, it is a wonderful surprise. If they do not, it doesnt matter because in your mind it was always a gift anyway and you wouldnt have given it unless you could afford to. I don't follow this advice personally but it sounds nice.

Will, I got the same advice from my mom and I do try to follow it. It isn't easy and it makes for a lot of rejections but then I don't feel bad if the (few) people I do loan money to don't pay me back.

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