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Non Immigrant ED and O Visa Application Process - New Bank Account Process & Tax Query

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1) My family plan to enter Thailand on a single Non Immigrant ED & O Visa and then extend for 1 year multi entry visas.  And so my question is when can I open a local Thai bank account ?  Can I open it as soon as I arrive or will the local banks only accept me to do so after I've been granted the 1 year multi entry visa ?


2) Same question but for obtaining a Credit Card ?


3) After I open the local bank account then can I deposit cash that I bring in or I can only transfer it in from abroad ?


4) As I will be entering Thailand on the Non Immigrant Visa program and so if I earn Revenue outside of Thailand then do I need to declare that within Thailand just because we are living there or not at all ?




Gordon Dutch

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7 hours ago, Gordon Dutch said:

3) After I open the local bank account then can I deposit cash that I bring in or I can only transfer it in from abroad ?

For extensions no need to show that money came from abroad.

If you were obtaining the non O (retirement) inside Thailand then you would need to show money from abroad to obtain the non O.


Regarding the opening of bank account you may need to shop around.

When I wanted to open a fixed term account I had issues with some banks even though I was on 12 month extensions and had reentry permit.

Bangkok Bank wanted something from my Oz embassy and also something from my Oz bank.


Kasikorn opened one on the spot.


If you did not have the non O it would be even more difficult.

In that situation an agent can assist. Some positive reports of using Siam Legal (many other companies available). They use Bangkok Bank.

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1. Who is getting the non-o visa and upon what basis?

If a parent it requires 500k baht in the bank for 30 days for the first extension of stay application.

You will be getting extensions of stay not visas at immigration. You can get a single (1000 baht)  or multiple (3800 baht) re-entry permits at immigration.


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