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Covid insurance renewal


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Hi there has anybody got a list of insurance companies or would recommend any that will provide covid insurance renewal for the expats already in Thailand for non OA or O extension based on retirement? I'm looking for the 3.5M baht in & out patient cover plus covid cover. Strangely enough, AXA Thailand that I have a policy with now, says it won't renew my policy because the first one I took out was over 270 days! I know it doesn't make sense but that is what they said.

So looking for something else. Thanks

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Hi Salerno, thanks for the link. I will check it out now.
I enter with a non A-O and I was hoping to get the 1 year extension based on retirement as I was doing for years with a non O before covid hit. I never had an O-A visa before so I hope there won't be any problem to get the yearly extension and to go back to my previous routine. Any experience on that front you can share? Thanks

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1 minute ago, John207 said:

I hope there won't be any problem to get the yearly extension and to go back to my previous routine.

Getting the extension is not an issue but unfortunately you will be stuck with the compulsory insurance for evermore. <--- slightly over dramatic ????


Basically your extension will be based on the Non  O-A hence the insurance issue. A lot of people are looking at/already have changing back to Non O because of the insurance (sounds like premiums get ridiculous for the older guys ... if they can actually get it!) but to do so means starting again basically after letting the extension lapse.


When is your visa due to expire?

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I see...interesting info Salerno thanks for that!
Visa expiring on the 25th of Dec but my insurance cover expires on the 4th of Dec so I guess they'll go with the latter and extensions will run from the 4th of Dec every year from now and on.

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3 minutes ago, John207 said:

Visa expiring on the 25th of Dec but my insurance cover expires on the 4th of Dec

Covid has certainly complicated things, you could have just done a border hop and got stamped in for another year.


I take it you already have 800K in the bank for the extension from before? (Or depending where you're from, a letter from your Embassy re 65K per month.)

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Yes I do have the necessary money in the bank  I.E. 400K all year plus another 400K 2 months before renewal and keep it there another 3 months after renewal or so I've been led to believe. Hope nothing has change in regard to that!
Just found out from AXA now (from the link you've given me) that after all, they can renew my policy or the guy over the phone says they can but I"m not holding my breath. Also said even though if the Thai gov recently lowered the minimum requirement for the O-A visa holders from 3.5M baht down to 1.7M baht, that only applies to new enters. For renewals the 3.5M baht still applies! Incredible!

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24 minutes ago, John207 said:

Hope nothing has change in regard to that!

Nope, still the same.


24 minutes ago, John207 said:

Also said even though if the Thai gov recently lowered the minimum requirement for the O-A visa holders from 3.5M baht down to 1.7M baht, that only applies to new enters.

Hold on a minute. Crossed wires perhaps ... yes, just reread your situation.


OK there's two insurance policy issues:


1 Covid insurance to get into Thailand - was US$100K, from November dropped to $50K

2 Non O-A insurance - the only visa that required 40K Bht outpatient and 400K Bht inpatient


The above could be combined in the one policy, which is likely in your case.


You are in Thailand therefore 1 no longer applies but you do need 2 which unfortunately, has just been amended to ... yes, you've guessed it ... US$100K.






24 minutes ago, John207 said:

For renewals the 3.5M baht still applies! Incredible!

So they're not ripping you off as such, they just didn't explain properly. Possibly worth reviewing the cover you have and shopping around.


Edited by Salerno
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