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Poll Reveals Contamination Of Thai Society By Obscene And Indecent Media Content

Jai Dee

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ABAC Poll study reveals contamination of Thai society by obscene and indecent media content

The Ministery of Culture indicates that a recent survey by the ABAC Poll Research Center has revealed that obscene and indecent material are contaminating Thai society.

Minister of Culture Khunying Khaisri Sri-arun (ไขศรี ศรีอรุณ) revealed that a recent national meeting on creative and safe news medium development at Government House, organized in party by the ABAC Poll Research Center, has revealed from a study of 1354 people aged 15-60 years in Bangkok, that 76.5 percent of city residents are exposed to obscene sexual content on the internet, while 87.6 percent believe that news mediums encourage sexual misconduct, and 70.1 percent support the control of obscene and sexually explicit content in news mediums.

72.4 percent of respondents also believed that a 500 baht fine for obscene behavior or sexual misconduct is not a sufficient deterent against these acts.

The Minister of Culture added that the ABAC Poll study reflected the current contamination of Thai society by inappropriate content.

Khunying Khaisri called on relevant agencies to address this issue.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 04 June 2007

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ABAC Poll study reveals contamination of Thai society by obscene and indecent media content

The Ministery of Culture indicates that a recent survey by the ABAC Poll Research Center has revealed that obscene and indecent material are contaminating Thai society.

Minister of Culture Khunying Khaisri Sri-arun (ไขศรี ศรีอรุณ) revealed that a recent national meeting on creative and safe news medium development at Government House, organized in party by the ABAC Poll Research Center, has revealed from a study of 1354 people aged 15-60 years in Bangkok, that 76.5 percent of city residents are exposed to obscene sexual content on the internet, while 87.6 percent believe that news mediums encourage sexual misconduct, and 70.1 percent support the control of obscene and sexually explicit content in news mediums.

72.4 percent of respondents also believed that a 500 baht fine for obscene behavior or sexual misconduct is not a sufficient deterent against these acts.

The Minister of Culture added that the ABAC Poll study reflected the current contamination of Thai society by inappropriate content.

Khunying Khaisri called on relevant agencies to address this issue.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 04 June 2007

Obviously true, and I am glad to know the authorities will act against that.

Let say : close down Nana, Soi Cowboy and Pat Pong (for Bkk), and give huge fine to the owners of the places .... I was told it was Thai army and Royal Thai Police the real owners, so it should be quite easy to fine them and COLLECT those HUGE fines.

Let say again : close massages parlors that are in fact brothels (mmmmmmmmmmmm , remenber me something that happened 3 years ago with Khun S********, the massage parlor tycoon....

Still why not banned porn websites .... Well, it was my thai friends who told me bigboobs.com was a real website, untill that I supposed it was a bad joke from a US tv show.

Could also speak about the porn CD (walk around Sala daeng, and listen the thais (yes sir thai) sellers screamin : CD, DVD seeeeeeeeeeeeex.

well I could continue for a long time and not finish the list.

Anyway I am glad to learn this governement will do what all others failed to do : ban all those who pervert the wonderfull thai culture (ban army, police, bar girls, thai sellers/encrochers ..... the population will be not 64 millions after that, but maybe only 20 millions!!!!!).

Question: who will fine the army? The police? the Navy? ....

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Minister of Culture Khunying Khaisri Sri-arun (ไขศรี ศรีอรุณ) revealed that a recent national meeting on creative and safe news medium development at Government House, organized in party by the ABAC Poll Research Center, has revealed from a study of 1354 people aged 15-60 years in Bangkok, that 76.5 percent of city residents are exposed to obscene sexual content on the internet, while 87.6 percent believe that news mediums encourage sexual misconduct, and 70.1 percent support the control of obscene and sexually explicit content in news mediums.

"Exposed" because they Googled "obscene sex" and got what they were looking for. :o

Same mentality forces people to sit up all hours of the night to watch a play on TV with reviews revealing it to be raunchy and then writing into the papers as "Disgusted of Oxford".

Oh well, huMAN natURE as BT would have summed it up.

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Minister of Culture Khunying Khaisri Sri-arun (ไขศรี ศรีอรุณ) revealed that a recent national meeting on creative and safe news medium development at Government House, organized in party by the ABAC Poll Research Center, has revealed from a study of 1354 people aged 15-60 years in Bangkok, that 76.5 percent of city residents are exposed to obscene sexual content on the internet, while 87.6 percent believe that news mediums encourage sexual misconduct, and 70.1 percent support the control of obscene and sexually explicit content in news mediums.

"Exposed" because they Googled "obscene sex" and got what they were looking for. :o

Same mentality forces people to sit up all hours of the night to watch a play on TV with reviews revealing it to be raunchy and then writing into the papers as "Disgusted of Oxford".

Oh well, huMAN natURE as BT would have summed it up.

JR Texas: Once again looking for any excuse to stop the flow of useful information from reaching the masses.....stopping anything that might threaten the corporate-political-military triangle of power.

So for the dimwits: Internet = Obscene + Indecent = BAD = MUST BE CENSORED!

This is happening all over the planet..........

Here is a really filthy and dirty site: http://www.unfpa.org/ and here is another one: http://www.unaids.org/en/ Both are all about sex. Oh.........the horrors of the internet!

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Let say : close down Nana, Soi Cowboy and Pat Pong (for Bkk), and give huge fine to the owners of the places .... I was told it was Thai army and Royal Thai Police the real owners, so it should be quite easy to fine them and COLLECT those HUGE fines.

Let say again : close massages parlors that are in fact brothels (mmmmmmmmmmmm , remenber me something that happened 3 years ago with Khun S********, the massage parlor tycoon....

Still why not banned porn websites .... Well, it was my thai friends who told me bigboobs.com was a real website, untill that I supposed it was a bad joke from a US tv show.

Could also speak about the porn CD (walk around Sala daeng, and listen the thais (yes sir thai) sellers screamin : CD, DVD seeeeeeeeeeeeex.

These are the real corrupters and have been around for 20+ years. :o

Deal with the stone in your own eye, before you take the grit out of your brother's.

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What a bunch of monkeys!! Call themselves a government? Couldn't arrange a piss up in a brewery!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Like it or not, for better or worse it is the way things are.

Do they really think they can put blinkers on the entire country and everyone will be oblivious ?!?!?!?

Now please excuse me, I have to take some valium and have a lie down. (oops forgot that was illegal now too)


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Yes indeed it is all over the web, indecent add's like the ones that offer you to meet beautifull Thai ladies, meeting singles in BKK (for free) and uuuuuuhhhhhmmmm....

What if you are an innocent and naive person, (like me) walking on the street and above is mentioned to you by some dodgy looking person, hmmmmm.. na na na? :o

I would say, lets start a crusade against this and all other obsceneties, like for example shops showing posters and even plastic models of scantily dressed women in order to boost their sales of lingerie. Let's start with redesigning the Uni students uniform (let them wear something like a burka).

Yes I am confronted with them nearly everyday as I pass three uni"s on the way to my work.

It is just too much........ :D

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Sorry I forgot to add something else.

How about banning names that end on Porn, like Supaporn, Suporn and such?

40% of the girls here in my office their name ends on porn.

Can you imagine how I feel?


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I agree with the Thai respondants.

The sex industry is another issue. It is your choice to go there.

But why do all the newspapers have to show girls in bikinis. Only katoeys and rich women wear bikinis.

Why do the TV stations constantly have women in singlet tops, when mainly Thai people don't wear them. Is that what is should be beamed in the temples and small villages. Can't the media act a bit more appropriately?

Obviously not, as they want ratings and to sell papers. So it makes sense to have the govt remind them of their responsibility

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My friend Bob just came over and was looking over my shoulder at this thread, and he told me this amazing story:

"Why, what an amazing coincidence! Just the other day, an attractive young man came to my door and introduced himself as an ABAC college student conducting a survey. He asked me what I thought about life in Bangkok, and if I might be worried about things like pollution, traffic, government graft, lack of infrastructure, etc. I said, "No, no, no. Those things are of no concern to me. The real problem here is that Thai society is contaminated by obscene and indecent media content."

Naturally, he was surprised by this, and asked if I had any examples. "Why, sure," I replied, "come on in." I then demonstrated how unfortunate I was to have been exposed to obscene sexual content. He confessed to having been exposed to obscene sexual content as well, and before long we were so overcome with all this exposure that we unfortunately may have committed acts of sexual misconduct. Contradictory to the findings of the article, however, in this case a 500B fine was sufficient."


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The interesting thing about this is it is about personal choice and not about culture. I can easily select to be exposed or not exposed to anything. I am however getting annoyed that the culture minister seems to be expanding her authority beyond her mandate. Hence I personally feel if left unchecked she poses a real concern to Thailand as she attempts to remold it in her image. Big things always start small.

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Witch hunt anyone?

Please form an orderly queue.

Talk about massaging figures (numbers, not the other one)... when anyone is approached with a survey and one of the questions is along the lines of "have you seen naked ladies on the internet?" I can practically guarantee the response will be the same every time ..... "who me? ... no... deplorable.... ban it... ban it all" ........ the reality is ?

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Surveys such as these are minimally helpful because they are so subjective. As a generalization, my guess is that most people are referring to what they think other people should not be allowed to see, not themselves.

Unfortunately, this is a society in which some sort of diffused sense of responsibility is prevalent. If there is violence between schools, it is the schools that are held accountable, rather than the individuals. In the recent case of TRT being disbanded we saw the same thing. I very much doubt that all 111 people colluded on the same issue(s).

Thus sexual content is the responsiblity of the media.

The point being missed is since the dawn of time, people have been interested in sex--it is how we survive and propogate. There are cave drawings which are essentially pornographic. In Pompeii they have found graffiti of a sexually explicit nature on the walls. This is nothing new and no one will ever stop it.

Meanwhile, the violence in the South continues, the economy is faltering....but we will be made safe from this evil!

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My friend Bob just came over and was looking over my shoulder at this thread, and he told me this amazing story:

"Why, what an amazing coincidence! Just the other day, an attractive young man came to my door and introduced himself as an ABAC college student conducting a survey. He asked me what I thought about life in Bangkok, and if I might be worried about things like pollution, traffic, government graft, lack of infrastructure, etc. I said, "No, no, no. Those things are of no concern to me. The real problem here is that Thai society is contaminated by obscene and indecent media content."

Naturally, he was surprised by this, and asked if I had any examples. "Why, sure," I replied, "come on in." I then demonstrated how unfortunate I was to have been exposed to obscene sexual content. He confessed to having been exposed to obscene sexual content as well, and before long we were so overcome with all this exposure that we unfortunately may have committed acts of sexual misconduct. Contradictory to the findings of the article, however, in this case a 500B fine was sufficient."


Why is it that when this kind of news comes out people on here always look at it as if the gov't doesn't do anything else besdies this? It's not either this issue or the pollution, traffic, gov't graft and infrastructure. Right now they are working on those problems as well. If anyone is not aware of this, try reading more news.

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