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Growing Fish On Pig Manure

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I have read on the forum before about rearing fish on pig dung. I have recently dug a pool 25 m by 6 m by 2deep behind my pig houses, where I have already started to via plastic drainage piping to wash in the pig s**t. The water is only, maybe a foot or so deep just now, but is already a very dark green colour. When full & matured a little I would like to fill the pool with pladuk, which, I am led to believe eat & thrive on the s**t. Is this actually so? Also how many fish to stock the pond with, this pool not big at only 300 cubic. Thanks in advance:)

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I have read on the forum before about rearing fish on pig dung. I have recently dug a pool 25 m by 6 m by 2deep behind my pig houses, where I have already started to via plastic drainage piping to wash in the pig s**t. The water is only, maybe a foot or so deep just now, but is already a very dark green colour. When full & matured a little I would like to fill the pool with pladuk, which, I am led to believe eat & thrive on the s**t. Is this actually so? Also how many fish to stock the pond with, this pool not big at only 300 cubic. Thanks in advance:)

Hi Fruity.

Pig-manure and fish can be mixed, but keep a low density, about 1-2fish/m2, and plar Duc is not the best choice, since they dont eat plankton, you should get some Plar Nin, the black one, in fingerling size (40-50gr) or bigger.

How many pigs do you raise ? and what kind of feed do you use ? We produce pig-feed as well as fish-feed.


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Hi Tilapia,

Thanks for this information, I will get the Plar Nin, black as you advise. I wonder could the Plar Duc be mixed in there too? We have two other ponds, where we have Nin, Duk & others whose names escape me are mixed & seemingly doing well, these are fed conventionally, not on the pig s**t.

We are down on pigs right now, cleared out with the exception of one heavily in-pig sow for houing repairs/maintenance. We usually only keep two breeding sows, producing four litters per year, all of the piglets being retained & reared to slaughter. We are 'expanding'....lol....We have two pedigree landrace gilts coming soon, so will be up to 6 litters per year-all retained soon. Not a big operation by any standards, however, we do get through a lot of feed!

As you know, pigs require varying protein levels depending on age & circumstance, all costing different money. As an example, a 13% protein feed for finishing (pellets) costs me B350 / 30KG. I do not like 'meal' feeds, very wasteful, only the pelleted.

There you are a potential customer awaits, we also have a few head of cattle that are fed a daily concentrated feed, also the fish, not forgetting our 100-plus laying ducks. I am in Buriram. Can you produce pelleted feed?



Hi Fruity.

Pig-manure and fish can be mixed, but keep a low density, about 1-2fish/m2, and plar Duc is not the best choice, since they dont eat plankton, you should get some Plar Nin, the black one, in fingerling size (40-50gr) or bigger.

How many pigs do you raise ? and what kind of feed do you use ? We produce pig-feed as well as fish-feed.


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Hi Fruity.

I am in Buri-Ram as well, I have send you a PM with my phone number. I think I can help you out, we can almost do everything, except give birth and breast-feed, but we might be able to learn.

Best regards.


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  • 3 months later...
I have read on the forum before about rearing fish on pig dung. I have recently dug a pool 25 m by 6 m by 2deep behind my pig houses, where I have already started to via plastic drainage piping to wash in the pig s**t. The water is only, maybe a foot or so deep just now, but is already a very dark green colour. When full & matured a little I would like to fill the pool with pladuk, which, I am led to believe eat & thrive on the s**t. Is this actually so? Also how many fish to stock the pond with, this pool not big at only 300 cubic. Thanks in advance:)

i agree with chownah that if you keep in the pool of pigmesh, it will not taste too good, if you cook them that same day/night. what you can do, however, to place it in another container with fresh water, and change water regularly for next 5-7 days, the "sewer-smell" and "danik-ness" will disappear..... hope it helps

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The green colour of your pond is actually plankton and other micro-organisms which Pla Nin feed on, fish do eat some of the waste introduced from washing down ,but the main sustinance is the organisms that require Phosphurous rich water to multiply in.

Given a choice Thais generally turn their noses up at fish from pig waste fed ponds.

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