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I belive in two things after this life, and god aint on the list.

A: Lights out when you die!

B: Whatever you're subconcious has in store for you. Like a dream you cant wake from. A bad trip. All the guilt about your life stacked up. Maybe your "ball" of life that leaves your body finds its way into another life. Doubtful if you were a bad person.

And speaking of reincarnacion!!! If we did come back as a person for person..i.e. not a frog for a rabbit. But if we were coming back, as another person, we would be diluted everytime, by population expansion.


50% soul, then 25% soul 12.5% ...etc...

Dissolved people with no soul.

Maybe thats why we always say "Eeeh, the worlds gettin worse every day"

Just a thought. No apt smiley....

P.S. My mate is convinced we were "dropped off" by aliens... I laughed at first, then I saw he was serious, then I started think. And I cant rule that one out either...

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Are you having a try at 'being philosophical', or what is this? :o

No, I guess i'm no good at that.

think I'll go and get a nice cool towel, wrap it round my head, and sleep easy on this one, as one does whence wearing a towel around ones head.

I belive in two things after this life, and god aint on the list.

A: Lights out when you die!

B: Whatever you're subconcious has in store for you. Like a dream you cant wake from. A bad trip. All the guilt about your life stacked up. Maybe your "ball" of life that leaves your body finds its way into another life. Doubtful if you were a bad person.

And speaking of reincarnacion!!! If we did come back as a person for person..i.e. not a frog for a rabbit. But if we were coming back, as another person, we would be diluted everytime, by population expansion.


50% soul, then 25% soul 12.5% ...etc...

Dissolved people with no soul.

Maybe thats why we always say "Eeeh, the worlds gettin worse every day"

Just a thought. No apt smiley....

P.S. My mate is convinced we were "dropped off" by aliens... I laughed at first, then I saw he was serious, then I started think. And I cant rule that one out either...

This contribution is a bit on the esoteric side for a simple lad like me. I have a little bit of trouble accepting that there is a life hereafter.

I have a little bit of trouble accepting that there is a life hereafter.

As the tart said to the bloke at the disco, if you are hereafter what I think you are hereafter you will be here after I have gone home.


Game over when you're dead, I'm afraid. Enjoy it whilst it lasts. Why not make a poll of it?

According to some Christians my non-belief in God will result in me spending an eternity in He11, which I think sounds a lot more fun than an eternity of being dead :o


That is where all your friends and acquaintances will either already be, or will soon arrive, and that's where all those naughty ladies will be ensconced :o and the booze shop owners

That is where all your friends and acquaintances will either already be, or will soon arrive, and that's where all those naughty ladies will be ensconced :o and the booze shop owners

Hehe ..... Let's hope so :D


If there is a god,who is all knowing, omnipresant, careing and all round "good guy" super being, do you think it would really care if people eat fish on a friday, bacon, wore little rubber things on their willies, or even cared if "god" existed ??

Met a bloke in the pub once reconed he was god, his name was Ian. He said sorry about the Earth, apparently another god bet him he could'nt make a world in 7 days (reconed the ave was about 3 weeks).

Anyway according to him if he had worked the Sunday he could of got it right, but was so chuffed with finishing in six days, he went out on the p!ss whith the rest fo his mates on Saterday night, and could'nt make it to work on Sunday..

I think he was having me on though, who ever heard of a god called Ian!!!


I was in the tank for a few days many years ago that thought he was Jesus Christ re-incarnate. when we first stated to talk,he seemed OK,he was a swisser,and he told me about how to make cheese.

Then he started to talk of some dude named Basil who would deliver the kiss and then he would have to carry the cross down sunset blvd. in LA to some hill where they would nail him up,,hard to get away from a dude while locked in the tank.

But for me,when you are dead.you are dead,and a trip thru the oven will stop the worms from eatin on you.

I do believe in a power greater than myself,but have no idea what it is,I have been sober for a long time,and they tell me that you have to believe in something to stay sober,so I guess I really must believe in something. :o

But if you are asking,,"do I believe in the christian GOD?" NO I do not. :D


Yes,he has a name GOD,and some have seen him,,with the right combonation of drugs and alcohol you can go anywhere you want.

like the teacher asked the little boy what he was drawing. he said "A picture of GOD" the teacher said "But johnny,no one knows what God looks like" he said "well they will when I get done with this picture"555 :o


You have to be very careful with this God type of being you know.

If you talk to God it's called praying, if God talks back to you it's called madness.


In the very early days of JUDAISM there was supposed to be a man named Zadok who had some regular talks with God who was called "El-Shaddai"also known as "Yahweh" and who led the Jews, now this was a long time ago tho,,in the years 1400 B.C.E. maybe he got his gonji from a good supplier. :o


When I was young and a soldier in Vietnam I remember to have called God many times to get me out of this one just one more time. After I came out OK I went back to my ways of not believing or caring about anyone but myself.

Now I am a proud Father of three beautifulyt children and I have a wonderful wife and I still seem to forget who made this all possible.

There certainly is evil out there everywhere and every negative has a positive therefore there is a God. After all, he seemdd to have a plan for me and not just leave me laying in the mud in Vietnam or some other forsaken place. He gave me a good life in Thailand with a family and more responsibility than I deserved or earned.

No, I am not one of those Bible thumping people, but in my heart, I do believe there is a God and he has many names to many different people throughout this little world of ours.

That is where all your friends and acquaintances will either already be, or will soon arrive, and that's where all those naughty ladies will be ensconced :D and the booze shop owners

and erco :o


It is true that most of us have been given more than we deserve and when you think about it we are given the qualities of love, wisdom and justice and the power to use them. And that is true in all cultures isn't it?

Apparently we have not been able to figure out how to balance the use of the qualities we all have. Maybe we need help!

The religious shysters are many but why throw the baby out with the bath water--calling someone a bible thumper does no good but it calls into question the veracity of the bible if you associate it with the fraudulent users of it.

Example if you will: Solomon (10th century BC) said that a live dog is better off than a dead lion as "the living are concious that they will die but the dead are concious of nothing at all." He said that the dead have no love, hate, work devising or knowledge. Over 30 times in the bible it says that souls die. Jesus said the dead are asleep--so did Paul and he said death was an enemy--it is! It takes life from us! The only way to know such is to keep an open mind, right?

I would be quite upset if someone was telling the neighbors that I keep my children alive just to burn them..............!

The dead are--dead, not alive--and so are not being punished as many would have you believe. Religious leaders for hundreds of years have capitalized on our ignorance and fear of the "unknown".

Folks, it is the book that they claim to represent that says the above.


Do you believe in a better day

Do you have faith in a golden way

If you do then we must come together this day

Come together as one united

Television audience

Brought together by the sound of my voice

United united financially united socially

United spiritually and all possible ways

Through the power of money

And the power of prayers

What God wants God gets God help us all

God wants dollars

God wants cents

God wants pounds shillings and pence

God wants guilders

God wants Kroner

God wants Swiss francs

God wants French francs

Oui il veut des francs francais

God wants escudos

God wants pesetas

Don't send lira

God don't want small potatoes

God wants small towns

God wants pain

God wants clean up rock campaigns

God wants windows

God wants solutions

God wants TV

God wants contributions

What God wants God gets God help us all

God wants silver

God wants gold

God wants his secret

Never to be told

God wants gigolos

God wants giraffes

God wants politics

God wants a good laugh

What God wants God gets God help us all

God wants friendship

God wants fame

God wants credit

God wants blame

God wants poverty

God wants wealth

God wants insurance

God wants to cover himself What God wants

God gets God help us all

Roger Waters

When I was young and a soldier in Vietnam I remember to have called God many times to get me out of this one just one more time. After I came out OK I went back to my ways of not believing or caring about anyone but myself.

Now I am a proud Father of three beautifulyt children and I have a wonderful wife and I still seem to forget who made this all possible.

There certainly is evil out there everywhere and every negative has a positive therefore there is a God. After all, he seemdd to have a plan for me and not just leave me laying in the mud in Vietnam or some other forsaken place. He gave me a good life in Thailand with a family and more responsibility than I deserved or earned.

No, I am not one of those Bible thumping people, but in my heart, I do believe there is a God and he has many names to many different people throughout this little world of ours.

i say AMEN to that


...said the fish in the tank to the other: "So, you are now an atheist, can you than just explain to me where the food comes from every day?"

People like to believe something if they cannot explain it, anymore.

And I believe, if I could open a church, I would be rich by now.


When rock 'n roll first came out the church condemned it out of hand, work of the devil etc.

Then the happy clappy brigade got a guitar and a tambourine, now look at em, can't move for the buggers.

All white shirts and nice smiles (and of course no sex until you get married), makes me sick just thinking about them.

Do you believe in a better day

Do you have faith in a golden way

If you do then we must come together this day

Come together as one united

Television audience

Brought together by the sound of my voice

United united financially united socially

United spiritually and all possible ways

Through the power of money

And the power of prayers

What God wants God gets God help us all

God wants dollars

God wants cents

God wants pounds shillings and pence

God wants guilders

God wants Kroner

God wants Swiss francs

God wants French francs

Oui il veut des francs francais

God wants escudos

God wants pesetas

Don't send lira

God don't want small potatoes

God wants small towns

God wants pain

God wants clean up rock campaigns

God wants windows

God wants solutions

God wants TV

God wants contributions

What God wants God gets God help us all

God wants silver

God wants gold

God wants his secret

Never to be told

God wants gigolos

God wants giraffes

God wants politics

God wants a good laugh

What God wants God gets God help us all

God wants friendship

God wants fame

God wants credit

God wants blame

God wants poverty

God wants wealth

God wants insurance

God wants to cover himself What God wants

God gets God help us all

Roger Waters

Very moving. Really. No jokes, that moved me!

(no apt smiley)

People like to believe something if they cannot explain it, anymore.

And I believe, if I could open a church, I would be rich by now.

You can say that again just ask L. Ron Hubbard the Bagwhan (ask the Beatles) or the Rev Moon believe in me and don't forget your wallet.

On many occasions I have myself been called a cult figure, I could have sworn they said cult.


I am personally an athiest , but each to their own :o Religion always reminds me of being sent to private protestant school and having to sing such classic as" Yes, jesus loves me " :D But always liked " Jesus built my hotrod" by Ministry:P

I think some can not handle the concept that we are just an advanced hominiod with a cycle of life and death. Religion helps deal with this.

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