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" The Chappell Rambuttri "


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Suddenly the peace was shattered by the arrival of a 'new kid on the block' and not only a 'new kid' but one that had already 'scored' ... candy in hand and proving that if hes successful elsewhere he can be sucessful on new turf also ! :D

Not only has the new kid been successful with a member of the opposite sex he's also of 'larger stature' which means a larger stomach for drinking the dwindeling supplies of ale within Terences territory !

An imbalance was invisaged by Terence this very night as he pictured all his beloved katoys, soi dogs and beer retreating into the distance with the big stranger never to be seen again !

A modern day viking pillaging and plundering upon the very parish that Terence calls home !

So here ladies and gentlemen lies the real reason for Terrys insecurity ! :D

So that it was...after all, we are all human...even Terry :o

Terry my man, you should not be upset, out of your chapel Rambuttri there are plenty of katoeis who with you may find consolation for your broken heart. :D

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For us that aren't fluid...
fluid? peoples lack of literacy never ceases to amaze me.

He whose English is faultless among you, let him first cast a stone at TAWP.

t.s., you do not qualify: you have an apostrophe missing in “peoples” (and you do not capitalise the first letter of your sentences)



Hate to bring this up but The Oxford Dictionary of Modern Slang does not recognize the term "fluid" at all.

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terrence, would you be so kind to describe the look on the Thai ladys face as she walked with the big fella ? Was it a neutral look, a look of shame, a look of happiness, etc ?

And what about the Thai onlookers ? What do you think was behind the laughter ? Was it a cover-up for disgust or something else, or was it "just a funny spectacle" and a mai pen rai ?

out of interest.

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I'm not so sure that you are being entirely honest with us here Terence ... :D

I think the real reason behind your hostility towards the 'large' stranger in your midst at the Chapel Rambuttri the other night lies far from the issue of prostitution but in actual fact lies within the issue of male fireman competitive nature ...!

The chapel Rambuttri is very much a small traditional parish for regular farangs, Thais, katoys and soi dogs alike all imbibing comfortably in peace and harmony with each other... no surprises, no shocks.

Suddenly the peace was shattered by the arrival of a 'new kid on the block' and not only a 'new kid' but one that had already 'scored' ... candy in hand and proving that if hes successful elsewhere he can be sucessful on new turf also ! :D

Not only has the new kid been successful with a member of the opposite sex he's also of 'larger stature' which means a larger stomach for drinking the dwindeling supplies of ale within Terences territory !

An imbalance was invisaged by Terence this very night as he pictured all his beloved katoys, soi dogs and beer retreating into the distance with the big stranger never to be seen again !

A modern day viking pillaging and plundering upon the very parish that Terence calls home !

So here ladies and gentlemen lies the real reason for Terrys insecurity ! :bah:

jeesus dave,

can you please stop entertaining the punters as im the one that is suppost to raise the big issues on this forum and give the followers something to talk about . :o

i was doing real well until you came in and side blasted me. :D

anyway, its your buy at our other chappel tomorrow night and there will be no big 25 stone shockers there, as they can fit in that bloody small staircase. :bah:

thank you very much dave. :D

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and to you miss fawn, can you please stop laughing as your giving dave ammunition at my expense of course. :o

and after all the times ive taken on the punters that have knifed you in the bleeding back and protected your good name. :bah:

i think you 2 guys must be getting it on together. :D:D:D

and thank you very bloody much. :bah:


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I'm not so sure that you are being entirely honest with us here Terence

More Pork Pies than the whole of Melton Mobrey.

and to you guesthouse my top friend,

the last time i seen you laugh like that was the last bloody funeral you went too. :D:D

so stop laughing as your face will fall off, as its not used to having so much fun. :bah::D

thank you very much guesthouse. :D

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For us that aren't fluid...
fluid? peoples lack of literacy never ceases to amaze me.

He whose English is faultless among you, let him first cast a stone at TAWP.

t.s., you do not qualify: you have an apostrophe missing in “peoples” (and you do not capitalise the first letter of your sentences)



Hate to bring this up but The Oxford Dictionary of Modern Slang does not recognize the term "fluid" at all.

and to you my friend,

can you please stay on topic as we are talking about 25 stone human beasts with a liking for 2 foot tall thai girls roaming the street rambuttri.

the mods will ban you if you dont lift your game so bloody smarten up will you. :o:D

and theres no thank you very much for you. :D

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Sorry that I missed you in Bangkok Reverend Terence.

I got caught up in too much depravity! :D

thats a very good excuse MR G, :D

and the batton jokes have just gone out the window . :D

and i thought you were my top punting mate from chaing mai. :D

and thank you very much ( maybe) :o

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terrence, would you be so kind to describe the look on the Thai ladys face as she walked with the big fella ? Was it a neutral look, a look of shame, a look of happiness, etc ?

And what about the Thai onlookers ? What do you think was behind the laughter ? Was it a cover-up for disgust or something else, or was it "just a funny spectacle" and a mai pen rai ?

out of interest.

and to you grover the simple answer is NO.

maybe tomorrow. :o:D

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horendous, horrific and shocking 25 stone falang beast has been sighted climbing the " bayoke tower"

small thai girl still clinging to fat mans wallet. :D

building starting to buckle under huge strain from bulk of the fat man.

could be another september/ 11. :o

all punters advised to vacate area immediate as if fat man falls many will certainly die. :D

all top firefighters like terry cannot attend as situation too dangerous. :bah:

standby for update. :D

thank you very much punting friends. :D


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Terry, you may find this funny but I don't.

This is potentially a very dangerous precedent.

Thailand is very close to the equator and if too many obese people congregate there it's likely to throw the world off its axis.

Flooding, subsidence, snow in Chiang Mai will surely result.

We must act now and refuse entry to LOS to anyone weighing over 100 kilos.

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If i wanted to read about some <deleted> getting bottled in BKK or some fat falang with 3 stone GF in BKK then i would expect to read it in the BKK forum, same as Pattaya or Issan ect forums, Terriotorial quotes should be in the area the poster lives/dont live/wants to live/has a dream about living there/ect, newbies coming here will look at the the post that relates to where they are going, hope you all understand this, Thankyou, Lickey..

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Terry, you may find this funny but I don't.

This is potentially a very dangerous precedent.

Thailand is very close to the equator and if too many obese people congregate there it's likely to throw the world off its axis.

Flooding, subsidence, snow in Chiang Mai will surely result.

We must act now and refuse entry to LOS to anyone weighing over 100 kilos.

Steady on!!!! mein freund :D if thailand barred all us fellas who are too heavy for our hight,the only tourists would be chinese :o and under 25,s!! kin ell mate!! it has taken me 64 years and a lot of hard work to get to this shape and weight, I,m always surrounded bya bevy of petite thai ladies , but they are either extended family or friends, prefer that to be surrounded by Dockers fans with faces like smacked bums :D Nignoy
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If i wanted to read about some <deleted> getting bottled in BKK or some fat falang with 3 stone GF in BKK then i would expect to read it in the BKK forum, same as Pattaya or Issan ect forums, Terriotorial quotes should be in the area the poster lives/dont live/wants to live/has a dream about living there/ect, newbies coming here will look at the the post that relates to where they are going, hope you all understand this, Thankyou, Lickey..


Teryy, I hope you're reading this.

Lickey thinks you should exercise a little more decorum.

Not my idea but he seems somewhat dsipleased with your larks.

BTW, <deleted> is Rambuttri?

I thought at first read it was "jam butty" in your fractured English. :D

And Nignoy, I have nothing against rotundity per se but I don't want Thailand listing worse than the Titanic before I get over there.

I sense disaster here with great holes appearing in sidewalks and Thais evolving with one leg shorter than the other. :o

Edited by qwertz
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If i wanted to read about some <deleted> getting bottled in BKK or some fat falang with 3 stone GF in BKK then i would expect to read it in the BKK forum, same as Pattaya or Issan ect forums, Terriotorial quotes should be in the area the poster lives/dont live/wants to live/has a dream about living there/ect, newbies coming here will look at the the post that relates to where they are going, hope you all understand this, Thankyou, Lickey..


Teryy, I hope you're reading this.

Lickey thinks you should exercise a little more decorum.

Not my idea but he seems somewhat dsipleased with your larks.

BTW, <deleted> is Rambuttri?

I thought at first read it was "jam butty" in your fractured English. :D

And Nignoy, I have nothing against rotundity per se but I don't want Thailand listing worse than the Titanic before I get over there.

I sense disaster here with great holes appearing in sidewalks and Thais evolving with one leg shorter than the other. :D

hey qwertz,

dont worry about good old lickey, as he is another one of the fun police and he is only happy when he attends funerals. :bah:

the poor fella just dont know when us guys are having a bit of good craic but we have no need to be bothered by sad fellas like him. ;)

anyway qwertz, make sure you stand by as im about to fire in another" news flash." :D

and rambuttri means, the soi rambuttri which runs next to koh san road behind the wat and is an institution for expats.

id tell you where the chappel is but i dont want guesthouse to roll up as he might have too much fun and throw a herat attack. :o:D

and a big hello to you guesthouse. :o

thank you very much. :bah:


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human beast falls from bayock tower. :D

downtown pratnam devistated by implosion.

women and children maimed and injured. :bah:

extremely small thai girl falls on the beasts wallet and is saved from certain death. :D

fat man last seen heading towards the klong and could possibly be headed back to rambuttri street. :D

stay tuned for further updates.

exercise extreme caution if fat man is sighted. :o

thank you very much.

terence the super sluth and inside detective. :D

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Terry mate, this is for you...

Can you pls do the test and publish your result in here?

Woud like to know is this is the reason of you adversity for the big fat man!

sorry torito,

some people got radars, some have gaydars :D and some have thaidars. :D

im firmly in the corner of the thaidar, as i can spot a good one at 10 klm.

i have nothing against gay people but crickys mate, good old terry likes front bottoms and definately not back bottoms. :D

as far as large people go, i aint got nothing against them either but when they parade there little thai girls out in public i find them absolutely disturbing and they need a good slapping. :o

thank you very much. :D


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Terry mate, this is for you...

Can you pls do the test and publish your result in here?

Woud like to know is this is the reason of you adversity for the big fat man!

hey torito,

just took the test and scored 46% gay.

it told me i was a good hetrosexual punter from fremantle. :D:D

thank you very much :D

that means you dont have to worry when you buy me that coffee when i get back. :D:o

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just took the test and scored 46% gay.

it told me i was a good hetrosexual punter from fremantle. :D:bah:

thank you very much :D

that means you dont have to worry when you buy me that coffee when i get back. :D:o

Mate, 46%, you are in the dangerous zone....

I guarantee you a coffee, becuase a beer can take you over the 50% to the other side :D

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