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Singapore nationals test COVID-19 positive at Preah Sihanouk windsurfing competition

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Following the Southeast Asian Sailing Championship in Preah Sihanouk, four officials from Singapore Sailing Federation (SSF) have tested positive for Covid-19. The news was broken by the SSF’s executive director, Terence Ho, on December 17.  According to Director Ho, of the four positive, three show no symptoms and one has mild case of fever. The four tested positive one week after the arrival in the Kingdom.


“As per Cambodian regulations, all of them have been confined to their official residence and have not been physically interacting with any other persons at the meet,” Director Ho stated.


Currently the officials are in quarantine and regular rapid tests are being done to monitor their conditions. While the SSF officials are positive, Singapore’s delegation of seven sailors and one coach were not infected with Covid-19. This is due to the competitors and their coach travelling and staying in different location.


read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/50990708/singapore-nationals-test-covid-19-positive-at-preah-sihanouk-windsurfing-competition/



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