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Abhisit Use Of Fortune-tellers By Junta


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Abhisit use of fortune-tellers by junta

(BangkokPost.com) - Democrat party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva urged country leaders to use logic and widom to solve problems and not to believe too much in fortune-tellers.

Mr Abhisit's remarks came after reports that Council for National Security chairman Sonthi Boonyaratkalin will go to meet again with a renowned fortune-teller in Chiang Mai to get readings on the fate of the country, supposedly predicted to have bad luck.

there is nothing to worry about ,

we're in safe hands ............................. :o

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Abhisit use of fortune-tellers by junta
(BangkokPost.com) - Democrat party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva urged country leaders to use logic and widom to solve problems and not to believe too much in fortune-tellers.

Mr Abhisit's remarks came after reports that Council for National Security chairman Sonthi Boonyaratkalin will go to meet again with a renowned fortune-teller in Chiang Mai to get readings on the fate of the country, supposedly predicted to have bad luck.

there is nothing to worry about ,

we're in safe hands ............................. :D

What will he do if the fortune teller tells him he's in for BIG TROUBLE..while he is in CM he can come and see me and I will will tell him that for FREE :o

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Abhisit may well become a lame duck PM leading a minority government, but the only way he is going to become a powerful PM is to slick his hair back and start wearing a big fukc off ammulate around his neck to show his street cred with the morons...sorry... voters up north who still think Thaksin had their interests (rather than his) at heart.

The Oxford education will do nothing for him here.

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That's the scary part. He ain't joking. :D

Funny thing is, the leaders of most nations are representative of the people - in othere words they come from the people they represent, mentality and all :D   they could be educated anywhere on the planet but geneticaly they are the same - bonkers :o

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Abhisit use of fortune-tellers by junta
(BangkokPost.com) - Democrat party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva urged country leaders to use logic and widom to solve problems and not to believe too much in fortune-tellers.

Mr Abhisit's remarks came after reports that Council for National Security chairman Sonthi Boonyaratkalin will go to meet again with a renowned fortune-teller in Chiang Mai to get readings on the fate of the country, supposedly predicted to have bad luck.

there is nothing to worry about ,

we're in safe hands ............................. :o

What's wrong with that?

Probably the fortune-teller understands more about National Security than him! :D

Edited by torito
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That's the scary part. He ain't joking. :D

Funny thing is, the leaders of most nations are representative of the people - in othere words they come from the people they represent, mentality and all :D they could be educated anywhere on the planet but geneticaly they are the same - bonkers :o

Sad but true. :D

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Why do Thai leaders trust in fortune tellers? Do they really or is it just a game? I doubt this practice would get support from either the Lord Buddha or the Prophet Muhammad. For example, the Qur'an says: "Knowledge of the Hour belongs to God....No soul knows what it will reap tomorrow, and no soul knows in what land it will die; it is God who is all knowing and all aware." (Sura Luqman 31: 34) It's not my business, but General Sonthi is a Muslim. Is he seriously going to take any notice of a soothsayer?

Edited by Xangsamhua
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Thais believe in these things, who can stop them? That particular fortune teller reportedly doesn't make mistakes, it's eery.

Sonthi must be a brave men to ask about his future. I mean everyone can do it, but do you really want to know if you sense REAL trouble?

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I've always wondered who gets the contract to redecorate the PM's office suite, every time. I recall Chavalit reordering on the basis of 'advice', Thaksin did the same, and these chaps are at as well.

Wonder if they should consider a visit from "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy".


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Why do Thai leaders trust in fortune tellers? Do they really or is it just a game? I doubt this practice would get support from either the Lord Buddha or the Prophet Muhammad. For example, the Qur'an says: "Knowledge of the Hour belongs to God....No soul knows what it will reap tomorrow, and no soul knows in what land it will die; it is God who is all knowing and all aware." (Sura Luqman 31: 34) It's not my business, but General Sonthi is a Muslim. Is he seriously going to take any notice of a soothsayer?

I was wondering about that.Amazing how you can be either a Christian/Muslim and still believe in this <deleted>.Amazing Thailand.

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Thaksin's wife meets fortune-teller

(BangkokPost.com) - Potjaman Shinawatra, wife of deposed premier Thaksin, went to see a renowned foretune-teller during her visit to Chiang Mai on Friday, according to local reports.

Khunying Potjaman met with Warin Buawiratlert at around 1.30 p.m. and spent about 1.30 hours with him.

Ladies and gentlemen, attention please

Come in close so everyone can see

I got a tale to tell

A listen don't cost a dime

And if you believe that we're gonna get along just fine

Snake Oil

(Steve Earle)

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Thaksin's wife meets fortune-teller
(BangkokPost.com) - Potjaman Shinawatra, wife of deposed premier Thaksin, went to see a renowned foretune-teller during her visit to Chiang Mai on Friday, according to local reports.

Khunying Potjaman met with Warin Buawiratlert at around 1.30 p.m. and spent about 1.30 hours with him.

Ladies and gentlemen, attention please

Come in close so everyone can see

I got a tale to tell

A listen don't cost a dime

And if you believe that we're gonna get along just fine

Snake Oil

(Steve Earle)

These people know their constituents well. Unbelievably, I think they publicize these meetings in the hopes that their association with the fortune teller will lend them credibility! :o It's very Thai to use third parties to press initiatives and to lobby on behalf of others.


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Abhisit may well become a lame duck PM leading a minority government, but the only way he is going to become a powerful PM is to slick his hair back and start wearing a big fukc off ammulate around his neck to show his street cred with the morons...sorry... voters up north who still think Thaksin had their interests (rather than his) at heart.

The Oxford education will do nothing for him here.


Political analysts take note!!!!


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surprising venom there samran ,

surely some education would be more appropriate for your fellow country men in the North , rather than derision ?

yeah, sorry you are right, but it is a hard one not to get emotinal about this stuff.

at one point a couple of years ago I was up north collecting some stats on household debt. No secret that state banks and other quasi govt institutions were forced to lend monies to communities under the guises on micro finance, which in turn were used for pure consumption goods. Great vote winner at the time, and for some reason still seems to be, but it set a dangerous precedent. Instead of empowering the people, it turned out to be a sure fire way of dispossesing these people of what they already had when the debt collector came.

Then you get the poor farmers coming down, debt ridden from up north, camping out at government departments. You walk past them and you think, poor bastards, until you find out that it is some TRT crony to what shipped them down paying them 100baht per family to sit around.

I also have a highly moronic aunt from Khorat who is a big fan of TRT, even though all that has happened in the past 5 years was get herself into even more debt - and the house repossesed. Kinda personal, yet highly symbolic.

Objectively, I know generalisations are bad. But I keep seeing it. Admittedly too, the non TRT BKK elite don't much about it, but at the same time I keep thinking that it may be best that they dont even try....

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yeah, sorry you are right, but it is a hard one not to get emotinal about this stuff.

no damage done , I commented because it is rare , from you .

as to the gist of your post ,

no such thing as a free lunch ,


very easy to convince the uneducated otherwise.



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yeah, sorry you are right, but it is a hard one not to get emotinal about this stuff.

no damage done , I commented because it is rare , from you .

as to the gist of your post ,

no such thing as a free lunch ,


very easy to convince the uneducated otherwise.



Yeah, I'd argue not easy, but do-able over time.

Senator Meechai (Mr Condom) comes to mind too. He's got some wondeful micro finance projects going, and he has been doing this stuff for nearly 3 decades too. He's actually just been granted a $1million endowment from the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation too apparently to continue his work. But, litterally, along side his good works you see the other half of the problem...



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  • 3 months later...

2007-06-08 (BangkokPost.com) - Democrat party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva urged country leaders to use logic and widom to solve problems and not to believe too much in fortune-tellers.


In line to lead?:Abhisit Vejjajiva has his palm read by fortune-teller during a break from a ceremony in which Abhisitpresented certificates to those who completed a fortune-telling course.


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Wasn't it Ronald Reagan who was reportedly consulting astrologists(?) during his tenure as President a way back?

Depends how much faith you personally put in stuff that isn't very scientific. Anybody here ever consulted a "Feng Shui" specialist, for example....? :o

Have to run along now... The monks are here to bless my lottery tickets and new fridge. :D

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That's the scary part. He ain't joking. :D

Funny thing is, the leaders of most nations are representative of the people - in othere words they come from the people they represent, mentality and all :D they could be educated anywhere on the planet but geneticaly they are the same - bonkers :o

Do you really believe that (..leaders are representative of the people...)? It seems to me that they represent the interests of big business (i.e. the obscenely wealthy) and are completely out of touch with common people.

Edited by pattyboy
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Why do Thai leaders trust in fortune tellers? Do they really or is it just a game? I doubt this practice would get support from either the Lord Buddha or the Prophet Muhammad. For example, the Qur'an says: "Knowledge of the Hour belongs to God....No soul knows what it will reap tomorrow, and no soul knows in what land it will die; it is God who is all knowing and all aware." (Sura Luqman 31: 34) It's not my business, but General Sonthi is a Muslim. Is he seriously going to take any notice of a soothsayer?

Huh once the word "God" comes into any politics Im outta there!!!! Hitler loved fortune tellers too!!!!!!

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A singha statue with a marble in its mouth stands at the entrance to the Thai Rak Thai party's headquarters on Phetchaburi road.

Singhas to refresh ailing TRT party

Thai Rak Thai has again resorted to the ancient Chinese practice of feng shui to ward off bad luck, in the face of a run of unfavourable events. A pair of statues of singha, a mythical animal, were installed at the entrance of the party's headquarters on Phetchaburi road yesterday.

They are supposed to improve the party's waning fortunes according to feng shui, the traditional Chinese study of harmony with nature based on the principles of I Ching.

An astrologer, Pinyo Pongcharoen, said the chart of the destiny of caretaker Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra indicated that his credibility had taken a battering.

His popularity seemed to have reached its nadir. Bringing in the pair of singha statues was the right antidote, according to the astrologer.

The party also changed the backdrop used at its press conferences, which now shows a picture of Mr Thaksin and the message: ''Thank you all for every one of your votes, which saved democracy so that our country can move forward.''

The new backdrop depicts Mr Thaksin in a white jacket giving a wai with a message reading: ''We are willing to embrace all political obstacles with a smile. We are determined to soldier on and solve all the problems for the good of the country.''

Did DTAC Smile allow their trademark to be used by the ex-AIS owner? :o

On March 22, the party rearranged the interior of its headquarters according to the principles of feng shui. It also installed a new spirit house in the driveway, put up under the close supervision of the prime minister's wife Khunying Potjaman.

Two days later, a tile unexpectedly fell off the outside wall of the headquarters and smashed into pieces near the spirit house.

Sources said the incident drew much speculation that the party and its leader were about to be drawn into a political mess.

Earlier, the prime minister rode on an elephant during an election campaign in Surin province on March 14. He really needs that magical elephant wand now, eh?... :D

It was believed that riding an elephant, an auspicious animal in Thailand, would ward off bad luck and shield him from danger.

- Bangkok Post

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Abhisit use of fortune-tellers by junta
(BangkokPost.com) - Democrat party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva urged country leaders to use logic and widom to solve problems and not to believe too much in fortune-tellers.

Mr Abhisit's remarks came after reports that Council for National Security chairman Sonthi Boonyaratkalin will go to meet again with a renowned fortune-teller in Chiang Mai to get readings on the fate of the country, supposedly predicted to have bad luck.

there is nothing to worry about ,

we're in safe hands ............................. :o

maybe the fortune teller should run in the next election :D

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