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Some One Please Explain This To Me, It's Bull S....


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i sit in wait for anybody to post in defense of this practise, and dare anybody to tell me to "accept it or get out of thailand!"


Freaky the bore ,

if that happened to my son, I would press charges of sexual assault.

If that would not get anywhere in the society I was living in, I would change the society I was living in for my sons sake.

Or do you accept it, oh no, you smack the local guys in the head instead ..............

You must be really popular in your village. :o

Doesn't sound like frikkie is enjoying his time there at all... Maybe time to get out of Dodge, m8?

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i sit in wait for anybody to post in defense of this practise, and dare anybody to tell me to "accept it or get out of thailand!"


Freaky the bore ,

if that happened to my son, I would press charges of sexual assault.

If that would not get anywhere in the society I was living in, I would change the society I was living in for my sons sake.

Or do you accept it, oh no, you smack the local guys in the head instead ..............

You must be really popular in your village. :o

Doesn't sound like frikkie is enjoying his time there at all... Maybe time to get out of Dodge, m8?

dear mr "me-no-sex", you are wrong there.

i did not come to thailand to win a popularity contest. when i first got to thailand,i listened to my thai wife, and people like you, who kept drumming it into my head that: " this is their, country- you are a visitor; this is thailand; dont complain;learn to live with it; don't complain about what you can't change" etc etc etc.

i tried hard to follow this advice, waaied everything from the local mattress to the soidogs, shared my beer with every drunken piece of trash that invited himself to sit at my table, watched the local kids willfully destroying my furniture, while their parents sat drinking my beer and not reprimanding them, supported a whole family of deadbeats who work only one month of the year, if that ,didnt dare make waves or complain about anything for fear of upsetting anybody.tolerance ,patience,acceptance, and stress. the incredible stress of.trying to be someone i am not, tolerating things that made my blood boil-pure, unadulterated stress. i hated thailand and its people, but i smiled. oh, how i 'kkin smiled.(land of smiles, you know!)

things eventually went sour as soon as my ex and her family realised there was a way to get at my money, and they cleaned me out. this is what my "popularity" got me: the entire community turned against this "mr nice-guy"- sided with my ex and helped her to screw me over. popularity got me no-where. i went through hel_l- my kids were missing and being abused by their idiot of a ,by now, alcoholic mother. i was thrown out on the street. no money to stay in thailand, and no money to get out of it.scared of what was going to happen to my kids, scared of the local police, who were harrassing me. broke and scared and i didnt understand what, or why it had happenned.

"aah!" ,i hear some of you say: "that explains it! this guy is just another embittered, pathetic farang who hates thais!" there, maigo, i said it first, so dont bother to respond. dead wrong.

i then changed my attitude. i had nothing to lose. i started being "me" again. i treat others with the same respect( or disrespect) they show me. i am under no pressure to impress anybody, i do not let anybody use me. i do not tolerate fools or drunks. i am friendly and helpful. i do not try to be a thai, since i realise i will never be one, and the thais will never let me be one, anyway. i dish out a smack if anybody tries to molest my child. (try to lay a charge against a thai at a local village police station) i take no sh1t, and guess, what?

i earned the respect of the locals. i lost all my money, and couldnt buy popularity or respect as some farang seem to try to do. the thais ended up helping me. shared their beer with me and actually accepted me as one of them, confided in me and advised me about thai culture, scams, and what they really think about farang and their big mouths and wallets. they respected how i made an effort to learn their language, how i outworked them in the fields, worked for the same wage as they did, and most of all, they respected me for being myself, accepting who i am , what i am, and for being just and fair.

so ,yes, maigo, in the end i did win the popularity contest. i made many thai friends,i made some enemies, but i have something i cherish above all else: my self-respect. the self-respect i lost trying to be too "thai"

i live a less stressful life, do not have to continuously be nice to people i do not like- i am at peace with thailand and its people. and most of them are at peace with me. i do not shut up when something is wrong, and i am under no pressure.

i speak up if something is wrong. i see others on this forum doing the same, and being labelled "whingers" complaining about everything. truth is, i read more posts by whingers whingeing about whingers than i read by people who have the balls to air legitimate gripes.

my advice for being happy in thailand:

accept that you are a farang. live by the same rules you lived by in your own country. do not stress yourself trying to be a thai- you are unlikely to succeed. be friendly,kind and helpful, but speak up when you need to. do not be too generous, and never buy a thai you don't know a beer unless he bought the first round.


freaky the bore

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shared my beer with every drunken piece of trash that invited himself to sit at my table

Yes, there are a lot of drunken trashy Farangs in Thailand, you should choose your company better Freaky. :o

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how i outworked them in the fields, worked for the same wage as they did

You broke the Immigration laws by working illegally!!! :D:D

Freaky, it's Farangs like you that give other Farangs a bad name. :o

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i sit in wait for anybody to post in defense of this practise, and dare anybody to tell me to "accept it or get out of thailand!"


Freaky the bore ,

if that happened to my son, I would press charges of sexual assault.

If that would not get anywhere in the society I was living in, I would change the society I was living in for my sons sake.

Or do you accept it, oh no, you smack the local guys in the head instead ..............

You must be really popular in your village. :o

if i was able to press charges, i would. sadly,the police seem to think it is a joke. they seem to think this is "normal" behaviour, hence my resorting to "frikkiejustice". i do not see why i should leave isaan just because of the devious behaviour of others. a smack along the ear does not gain popularity amongst those of this persuasion, but sends a clear message, and seems to have solved the problem in my area. and if i was to worry about losing popularity amongst this section of the community, well, quite frankly, i don't give a sh1t!

actually, a "snotklap"(as they say in my country) would be described as "getting off lightly" where i come from......

as for your question about my acceptance of this behaviour, i think my reaction to it (of which you obviously disapprove) speaks for itself.

i do not understand your getting on your high horse every time a poster criticises anything thai.

it seems any time a poster dares to comment about or criticise anything thai, you are there to tell him to "put up with it or go home" so, a thai male who molests a little boy, is ok, and the victim (a thai national, by the way) must put up with it or go home? this is my boy's home, and i see it as my duty to make it a better place for him to live in, and if it means beating the crap out of anybody to achieve this end, i will gladly do so,regardless of the consequences- your condemnation included!

freaky the bore

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i do not understand your getting on your high horse every time a poster criticises anything thai.

It seems that many Farangs who post in this forum appear very unhappy with their lives, so they blame Thailand, easy, you make a screw up of your life, so you blame a whole nation of Thais.

Read my signature. :o

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Right on Freaky

Would like to hear how you made it back from being totally broke, and on the street

worked hard,(yes,maigo, illegally, so i guess i did give all farang a bad name), went hungry ,and slowly built up to something resembling an existence.lots of help and sympathy from both thai and farang friends i made in spite of my "unpopularity" due to my intolerance of child molesters. by the way, i never asked a fellow human being for one baht in assistance.the only thing that kept me going sometimes was to force myself to remember that there were still people out there who were worse off than me (still have my health and my kids) and i still had a lot to be grateful for

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Frik, why bother? I'm sure you know the reason for the (ineffective) potshots?

yeah, realised that a while back. this guy is on a mission. don't think it's only me,though-just checked out all his other posts. seems he has a problem with all farangs. maybe a farang once (or twice) boinked his girlfriend, or something. wasn't me-promise.

thanks for the support. i'm going to stop giving him ammunition to make an even bigger fool of himself now, and will drop this

freaky the bore.

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Frik, why bother? I'm sure you know the reason for the (ineffective) potshots?

Freaky, if you wanna feel better about your life, just read some of Old Red Eye's posts, like you have said, there are always people worse off than yourself.

If I'm ever feeling blue, I just think of Old Red and instantly I feel better. :o

I call it colour therapy.

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Gotta love these Forums....

People giving opinions on people who they don't know, people seeking and taking advice from amomymous strangers who may be the biggest fork ups ever, people forming opinions as to ones upbringing, education, wealth, sexual orientation, member size etc, all from a few words on a monitor.


I am back in Thailand tomorrow chaps, so I will not be posting for a while, I know you'll miss me, but don't get too depressed, I'll be off to work again in 2 months or so, then I'll return.

When in Thailand I don't bother.

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Gotta love these Forums....

People giving opinions on people who they don't know, people seeking and taking advice from amomymous strangers who may be the biggest fork ups ever, people forming opinions as to ones upbringing, education, wealth, sexual orientation, member size etc, all from a few words on a monitor.


I am back in Thailand tomorrow chaps, so I will not be posting for a while, I know you'll miss me, but don't get too depressed, I'll be off to work again in 2 months or so, then I'll return.

When in Thailand I don't bother.

Its all entertainment. :D I prefer slow-motion train wrecks, but....

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Gotta love these Forums....

People giving opinions on people who they don't know, people seeking and taking advice from amomymous strangers who may be the biggest fork ups ever, people forming opinions as to ones upbringing, education, wealth, sexual orientation, member size etc, all from a few words on a monitor.

And Maigo can write the above words with complete impunity, as these are sins that he is not - nay, never - guilty of! Bless his little cotton socks, in trying to bring us all to the path of rigteousness & understanding. :D:o:D

Have a good time in Thailand, Maigo. :D I, for one, will try not to grieve too much until you're back :D

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Have a good time in Thailand, Maigo. :D I, for one, will try not to grieve too much until you're back :D

Thankyou Rainy, I have been away nearly 3 months this time, I guess that's why I'm pro Thai, probably cos I am working, I remember when I wasn't working and spent all my time in Thailand, I used to get pizzed off with the place too, I think the breaks do me good.

And now I bash Farangs instead of Thais. :o


Yes, please try not to grieve, I don't want to feel guilty and feel I am deserting you, be strong, and know that I'll Be Back. :D

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Gotta love these Forums....

People giving opinions on people who they don't know, people seeking and taking advice from amomymous strangers who may be the biggest fork ups ever, people forming opinions as to ones upbringing, education, wealth, sexual orientation, member size etc, all from a few words on a monitor.


I am back in Thailand tomorrow chaps, so I will not be posting for a while, I know you'll miss me, but don't get too depressed, I'll be off to work again in 2 months or so, then I'll return.

When in Thailand I don't bother.

There goes the neighbourhood

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Gotta love these Forums....

People giving opinions on people who they don't know, people seeking and taking advice from amomymous strangers who may be the biggest fork ups ever, people forming opinions as to ones upbringing, education, wealth, sexual orientation, member size etc, all from a few words on a monitor.


I am back in Thailand tomorrow chaps, so I will not be posting for a while, I know you'll miss me, but don't get too depressed, I'll be off to work again in 2 months or so, then I'll return.

When in Thailand I don't bother.

You really will not be missed. thanks and good bye.

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Frikkie, a message from neutral territory.

Respect for a (hopefully true) biography, concise and well documented.

You've survived life outside the farang cocoon and if ever I run across you, the beers are on me. :o

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Frikkie, a message from neutral territory.

Respect for a (hopefully true) biography, concise and well documented.

You've survived life outside the farang cocoon and if ever I run across you, the beers are on me. :o

publication of the whole truth would prove too much of a temptation to some posters and (understandably) they would probably label me a bullsh1tter! i am not in thailand at the moment, due to visa -rule changes. when i get back next year, beers will be on me! i have met farang in thailand whose (true) storiies would make mine seem like a walk in the park. one fellow i met in isaan was living in a makeshift shelter on the pavement, and earned his living washing dishes for a thai "restaurant" in isaan- yes, working illegally, but at least he was trying to improve his lot and did not resort to beggings. he had invested his life savings in his house and his wife's "business", and was thrown out of his own home by his wife and her thai policeman boyfriend and laughed at when he sought recourse to the law. this fellow had not thrown away his future on whores and drink- his only mistake was that he had been too trusting.

i love thailand and its people, and will return soon, but have to advise fellow dreamers to be extremely careful about investing their futures in a place they know very little about. truly another planet...........thanx for the support,quertz and a few other posters-much appreciated

respect to you all,too


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Its like Agony Aunt TV in here again? Trust me I am Gypsy Rose TV and my ball says its not looking good in the lands of plenty! :o

Tesco trolleys, exercise bikes? <deleted>. I would hate to see some people in real life deep 6ft poo poo!

Live a little people, without mystery life is but a pageless novel.....plus I like shopping trolleys, yes I am the grown man skidding past you riding those four wheel wonders at high speed!


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Gotta love these Forums....

People giving opinions on people who they don't know, people seeking and taking advice from amomymous strangers who may be the biggest fork ups ever, people forming opinions as to ones upbringing, education, wealth, sexual orientation, member size etc, all from a few words on a monitor.


I am back in Thailand tomorrow chaps, so I will not be posting for a while, I know you'll miss me, but don't get too depressed, I'll be off to work again in 2 months or so, then I'll return.

When in Thailand I don't bother.

Thank <deleted> that idiots off the forum for a few months. Can there be a bigger prat in this world ? He makes me feel ashamed to be a farang. I bet his neighbours can't wait for him to come back to Thailand. That at least will give them 2 months for them to sell up and move before he gets back.

Suggestion for when he gets back and that is join 'Thailandqa' he'll be amongst his own kind and, due to his sucking up to the Thais should, make Senior Moderator by his second post. He goes on about "People giving opinions on people who thet don't know etc etc" but from what I've read of his post he has to be the biggest hypocrite going.

Edited by coventry
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Its like Agony Aunt TV in here again? Trust me I am Gypsy Rose TV and my ball says its not looking good in the lands of plenty! :o

Tesco trolleys, exercise bikes? <deleted>. I would hate to see some people in real life deep 6ft poo poo!

Live a little people, without mystery life is but a pageless novel.....plus I like shopping trolleys, yes I am the grown man skidding past you riding those four wheel wonders at high speed!


Bugger off coldcrush, I'm having a bad day and I'm missing mago's erudite input too. :D

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