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What Would You Do ?


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A thai freind of mine that does work for me ocasionally came to see me today, a neighbor of his is a thai lady and she has told him she has had a serious fall out with her english husband and she wants to sell the house quick,,.he has retufned to the UK , .now im no estate agent but i went to look at it tonight, its a 2.5 mill house all day i guess, she will take 1.4, its 3 years old ,a bungalow on not a bad estate,. problem is i saw photos of him with her, he looks like about 70 year old and not in the best of health,..if this is what we will all assume and he comes back and finds new owners in his property it could finish the old boy off,. i am a businessman and ill always look at something with a profit in it, however i have a gut feeling and feel bad here,. what would you do ?

Put yourself in the same situation, pretend that it's your wife wanting to sell your house while you are away....Go figure....Money aint everything.


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Bit of a pointless thread really. Ask advice you have already made up your mind. Just after the feelgood factor is that it? Buy it or don't. simple as that conscience shouldn't come into it. Show me the money.

Call me callous. However I was on the receiving end of this situation and I am still alive and kicking and most of all happy that the bitch is out of my life ha.

Hence my seeming lack of sympathy.

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Don't see what the big fuss is. If u don't buy it someone else will, and they won't know yr friend from a hole in the ground. So you should buy it and if u r feeling charitable, give yr 70 yr old friend a lifetime lease, and sell it and make your 1M when he's dead. 2 birds with one stone.

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Bit of a pointless thread really. Ask advice you have already made up your mind. Just after the feelgood factor is that it? Buy it or don't. simple as that conscience shouldn't come into it. Show me the money.

Call me callous. However I was on the receiving end of this situation and I am still alive and kicking and most of all happy that the bitch is out of my life ha.

Hence my seeming lack of sympathy.

Seems about 70-30 against right now,.
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Nice one! He probably has a lease or Usufruct on it. Maybe he does not care! I am going with the troll option.

Well either way it was sold this morning for 1.2 to a chinese businessman im told ,.interesting comments on here though and i know who id prefer for friends and neighbors,. :o Edited by mikethevigoman
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Nice one! He probably has a lease or Usufruct on it. Maybe he does not care! I am going with the troll option.

I had to look it up as i wasnt 100 per cent sure what it meant,. still really dont know your version,.....In Internet terminology, a troll is someone who intentionally posts derogatory or otherwise inflammatory messages about sensitive topics in an established online community such as an online discussion forum to bait users into responding.[1] They may also plant images and data on networks that others may find disturbing (usually indirectly relating to the individual in person) in order to cause confrontation. While not necessarily related to hacking, such a practice is against the Computer Misuse Act 1990 in the United Kingdom, where mischief is caused in order to ensure chaos is spread.
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Nice one! He probably has a lease or Usufruct on it. Maybe he does not care! I am going with the troll option.

I had to look it up as i wasnt 100 per cent sure what it meant,. still really dont know your version,.....In Internet terminology, a troll is someone who intentionally posts derogatory or otherwise inflammatory messages about sensitive topics in an established online community such as an online discussion forum to bait users into responding.[1] They may also plant images and data on networks that others may find disturbing (usually indirectly relating to the individual in person) in order to cause confrontation. While not necessarily related to hacking, such a practice is against the Computer Misuse Act 1990 in the United Kingdom, where mischief is caused in order to ensure chaos is spread.

I think we will go with your definition "sensitive topics in an established online community such as an online discussion forum to bait users into responding" sensitive topic being people who settle in Patters and turn out to be "jumpers" or broke and lose everything.

This type of post normally attracts all the negative comments about life in LOS. I know better and should not even have posted.

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If you knew you were never going to buy this place, why did you start this thread?
To see what others think and would do, simple

Straight forward business deal and no room for sentiment...its the way life works....innit. :o

However if afterwards you still have a bit of a moral hangup when you have sold the place on and made a nice little luvly jubbly profit then why not toddle off down to your local Patti Kiddies orphanage and chuck them a wad.....and then for you.... the next morning ......the Sun will shine..... :D

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Nice one! He probably has a lease or Usufruct on it. Maybe he does not care! I am going with the troll option.

I had to look it up as i wasnt 100 per cent sure what it meant,. still really dont know your version,.....In Internet terminology, a troll is someone who intentionally posts derogatory or otherwise inflammatory messages about sensitive topics in an established online community such as an online discussion forum to bait users into responding.[1] They may also plant images and data on networks that others may find disturbing (usually indirectly relating to the individual in person) in order to cause confrontation. While not necessarily related to hacking, such a practice is against the Computer Misuse Act 1990 in the United Kingdom, where mischief is caused in order to ensure chaos is spread.

I think we will go with your definition "sensitive topics in an established online community such as an online discussion forum to bait users into responding" sensitive topic being people who settle in Patters and turn out to be "jumpers" or broke and lose everything.

This type of post normally attracts all the negative comments about life in LOS. I know better and should not even have posted.

That wasnt and isnt my intention, im curious as to other members thoughts ,money does strange things to people and i could have used a mill or so injection but it didnt feel right,.and i wont lose any sleep over it,. i am familiar with all the stick los gets and id have felt like one of these low lifes we often debate on here that will do anything to earn a crust had i been party to this guys possible fleecing,.,A man with no conscience is a danger to all, but mostly to himself,. .
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I have a conscience, ethics, and a heart. At the end of the day you have to look in the mirror and live with yourself. If you believe in a creator then when you meet him good luck explaining how you had no ethics and it was all about money!

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I have a conscience, ethics, and a heart. At the end of the day you have to look in the mirror and live with yourself. If you believe in a creator then when you meet him good luck explaining how you had no ethics and it was all about money!

Luckily there isn't :o but as a simple business deal .... there is no ethics involved is there?

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I think that taking advantage of this situation falls into "bad karma".

Opens up a entire moral dilema. Do unto others as you would have others do unto you!

Buy it and there might just be someone waiting in the shadows when you "fall down"

Main moral of this entire episode is protect your interests in Thailand as best you can. Also do not sink all your money into something which you do have the ability to control.

I certainly like the previous poster "A man with no conscience is a danger to all, but mostly to himself,. ."

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If I knew the property was hers ... and unencumbered ... and a real value? <I mean a REAL value so I knew I could turn it fast? That's what people do! No shame in that. My issues are with the drama of domestic issues ... but if I could turn it fast why not? Make 1,000,000 in a week or 3? The big issue is knowing the land!

As i said im sure its all kosher and in her name and free to sell etc,. and yes a million cash injection would be all very nice, but if i ever saw the old boy i know i couldnt live with myself knowing i had assisted in fleecing him,.,

Why dont you buy the house. Rent it out for 18 months and if the husband does not turn up in that time your conscience and pocket are quids in!

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I'm assuming the original post was made by a farang. Wouldn't that mean that he couldn't own the property outright and would have to buy it in his Thai wife's name, making her the legal owner? As the saying goes "what goes around comes around.", meaning he's not immune to getting the same type of (what appears to be) sleazy treatment from his wife when he's getting on in years. I think I'd be afraid of creating some really bad karma for myself if I made the purchase suspecting that my elderly neighbour was getting the shaft in any way.

It's true that somebody's going to snatch it up at a bargain price, and I'm sad to hear what seems to be another story of a house paid for by a farang being heavily mortgaged or sold behind his back while he's out of the country

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I have a conscience, ethics, and a heart. At the end of the day you have to look in the mirror and live with yourself. If you believe in a creator then when you meet him good luck explaining how you had no ethics and it was all about money!
Thankyou, at least YOUR reply has given me some reassuarance,.from others im not so sure,.after all the criticism,people with no feelings and them basically calling me a liar, im about to pack my bags i think,.
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this will get everybody going ,it will probably be deleted by mods ,BUT IT IS A FACT !!!!!!!!!

Pattaya is full of sex tourists and ladies of the evening (dont want to upset bronco) lots o guys are sucked in, but the FACT is ,if its in her name it is HERS. if you dont buy it somebody will, all your good intentions and conscience will not stop this guy from being fleeced,she is what she is ,DO I NEED TO SPELL IT OUT?? there will be another plane full of idiots arriving tommorow ,shes laughing all the way to the bank.if you dont buy it somebody will.

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Yea but think about this!

You might be that unlucky sucker coming home from visiting your family & friends & find out when you come home you're ole lady

sold your house & hit the bricks.

I made a poor mistake in judgment in the States & got talked into being partners on foreclosures.

I made a killing on the 5th one a man & a lady pulled up as I was showing the house to another couple.

The lady wrapped herself & begged me to let her buy back the house with payments as it was all they ever had in the world & would give me 15 % on top of what I was getting.

How would you feel if this happened to you?

it turned out my partner & I separated ways & he sold the house anyway.

Good for him He made a ton. Later his Karma will catch up with him & if he gets cancer a person like that I highly doubt would have anyone to visit him on the way out.

Hmmm lets see a rich prick or someone who is liked!

You can always make money but Blood money, I would rather see you selling illicit things & not living off others misfortunes.

think about that!

If the man comes home & wants to sell Buy Buy Buy. But to screw over someone for a buck.Come on we didn't move to Thailand to knowingly Shyster people?

Get a conscience!

Money not the most important things. friends are way more important, at least you will have someone to console you if things get rough or they can bury you in your Ferrari & lack of self respect! It's not only about how you perceive yourself but how others perceive you as well. I would rather be viewed as a stand up kind off man than as a Prick! An act of kindness begets kindness & vise versa.


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Yea but think about this!

You might be that unlucky sucker coming home from visiting your family & friends & find out when you come home you're ole lady

sold your house & hit the bricks.

I made a poor mistake in judgment in the States & got talked into being partners on foreclosures.

I made a killing on the 5th one a man & a lady pulled up as I was showing the house to another couple.

The lady wrapped herself & begged me to let her buy back the house with payments as it was all they ever had in the world & would give me 15 % on top of what I was getting.

How would you feel if this happened to you?

it turned out my partner & I separated ways & he sold the house anyway.

Good for him He made a ton. Later his Karma will catch up with him & if he gets cancer a person like that I highly doubt would have anyone to visit him on the way out.

Hmmm lets see a rich prick or someone who is liked!

You can always make money but Blood money, I would rather see you selling illicit things & not living off others misfortunes.

think about that!

If the man comes home & wants to sell Buy Buy Buy. But to screw over someone for a buck.Come on we didn't move to Thailand to knowingly Shyster people?

Get a conscience!

Money not the most important things. friends are way more important, at least you will have someone to console you if things get rough or they can bury you in your Ferrari & lack of self respect! It's not only about how you perceive yourself but how others perceive you as well. I would rather be viewed as a stand up kind off man than as a Prick! An act of kindness begets kindness & vise versa.


wake up to yourself and the town you live in!!! its not about stiffing other people. is he being stiffed ?? because its not HIS to sell ,IT IS HERS!!!! she is likely just another pattaya wh##e who has sucked in a fool to buy her a house. somebody will get a cheap house ,if one person doesnt buy it ,somebody else will. karma has f### all to do with it.

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You don't need to know the ins and outs as to Why the place is for Sale, its for Sale that's all you need to know.

If you agree a price and the paperwork is in order then ..why not?

As someone else stated, if it is indeed a bargain if you don't snap it up, someone else may

On the pessimistic side, this topic does have a feel of "too good to be true" about it ... and the outcome of those are never favourable

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this will get everybody going ,it will probably be deleted by mods ,BUT IT IS A FACT !!!!!!!!!

Pattaya is full of sex tourists and ladies of the evening (dont want to upset bronco) lots o guys are sucked in, but the FACT is ,if its in her name it is HERS. if you dont buy it somebody will, all your good intentions and conscience will not stop this guy from being fleeced,she is what she is ,DO I NEED TO SPELL IT OUT?? there will be another plane full of idiots arriving tommorow ,shes laughing all the way to the bank.if you dont buy it somebody will.

I was ready to buy it.

And I could care less about whatever emotions were invloved.

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Yea but think about this!

You might be that unlucky sucker coming home from visiting your family & friends & find out when you come home you're ole lady

sold your house & hit the bricks.

I made a poor mistake in judgment in the States & got talked into being partners on foreclosures.

I made a killing on the 5th one a man & a lady pulled up as I was showing the house to another couple.

The lady wrapped herself & begged me to let her buy back the house with payments as it was all they ever had in the world & would give me 15 % on top of what I was getting.

How would you feel if this happened to you?

it turned out my partner & I separated ways & he sold the house anyway.

Good for him He made a ton. Later his Karma will catch up with him & if he gets cancer a person like that I highly doubt would have anyone to visit him on the way out.

Hmmm lets see a rich prick or someone who is liked!

You can always make money but Blood money, I would rather see you selling illicit things & not living off others misfortunes.

think about that!

If the man comes home & wants to sell Buy Buy Buy. But to screw over someone for a buck.Come on we didn't move to Thailand to knowingly Shyster people?

Get a conscience!

Money not the most important things. friends are way more important, at least you will have someone to console you if things get rough or they can bury you in your Ferrari & lack of self respect! It's not only about how you perceive yourself but how others perceive you as well. I would rather be viewed as a stand up kind off man than as a Prick! An act of kindness begets kindness & vise versa.


Hi bear, as you can see by the next 2 postings on this there are some that think different to us,. i wont be needing any more answers as i think i get the gist of most people on here,as long as i feel good about my self they can do and say what the want, amazing some of the replies..
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I think that taking advantage of this situation falls into "bad karma".

Opens up a entire moral dilema. Do unto others as you would have others do unto you!

Buy it and there might just be someone waiting in the shadows when you "fall down"

Main moral of this entire episode is protect your interests in Thailand as best you can. Also do not sink all your money into something which you do have the ability to control.

I certainly like the previous poster "A man with no conscience is a danger to all, but mostly to himself,. ."

Let's not get metaphysical about this thing it would be a business transaction plain and simple buy it or do not. Karmic repercussions and the like have no place in business. The potenyial buyer owes nothing to the seller or her spouse.

Sorry just MVHO is all

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