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KTC MasterCard Issues

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I tried to use with my Thai PayPal connected to my KTC MasterCard to order from Ali express and ship to my UK address. It was declined. I changed the shipping to my Thai address and it was declined.

I then tried to use the card directly with the same order. It was declined, so I changed the shipping to my Thai address and it was accepted.


Now, i have just tried to buy a UK coach ticket with Amazon Pay that is connected to my MasterCard. It was declined! However, i then used the card directly and it worked.


I think the problems are connected with the verification process as i have to enter a code sent to my mobile to authorize the transaction. So, any ideas of how to get around this and get my Amazon Pay working again?



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I recently tried to purchase goods on Amazon for delivery to my son in the US. I tried to use my Chase debit card but the transaction did not go through and I received a message that either something was wrong with the payment method or the delivery address. Purchases made prior to Thailand requiring Amazon to collect VAT went through with no issues.


Maybe Amazon's systems have been set up to charge people with a Thai address or payment method VAT and then struggle with purchases sent to other jurisdictions that may also charge VAT or a sales tax for online purchases. 

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10 hours ago, stubuzz said:

I think the problems are connected with the verification process as i have to enter a code sent to my mobile to authorize the transaction.

Yes, cards with 3DS (Verified by Visa or MasterCard SecureCode) invariably require a response to the challenge question  which would be the randomly generated code sent via SMS or e-mail or in some cases by approving the transaction on the app. This is especially the case for card-not-seen purchases or transactions made where the card is not physically inspected or seen by the merchant. 


You cannot make transactions above a certain Baht threshold if you attempt to skip or cancel the VbV or SecureCode authentication step. Repeatedly making cluster transactions to test the lower threshold (i.e. looking for the amount where an approval is obtained without a code provided) can trigger a fraud alert and possibly card blockage. 


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