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90 Day On-line reporting - Approved but cannot access/print off the slip to put in passport

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Having successfully previously reported every 90 Days on-line many times, we both registered for the new App when it became available and my wife and I both submitted our latest on-line 90 Day Reports yesterday (using iPads). 
We both received emails to our Yahoo email addresses saying our reports had been successfully submitted and to see attached file. There were no files attached to the email. 
The App showed both of reports as “Pending”. A few hours later we both received confirmation our on-line reports were “Approved” and to see the file attached to the email. Neither us received a file attached to the email. 
The App shows us both as “Approved” and there are two PDFs showing for each of us on the App. 
We cannot access the PDFs as clicking on them doesn’t do anything. When we tried emailing the PDFs it just includes a PDF logo. 
It looks like there are files attached to the “Approval” email as there is a paper clip shown but we cannot see them.
We both forwarded our emails to our Gmail accounts. 
My wife can now see the file attached to her Gmail  and print it off. 
There is no file attached showing on my Gmail. 
I have tried changing browsers from Safari to Chrome and it makes no difference. 
Any ideas?

UPDATE:  Just deleted my Gmail email and re-sent - both times including the attachment. This time it included the attachment when I opened my Gmail. So I have been able to print off the slip. 
No idea what is going on but think I will use my Gmail email address next time I report and not Yahoo. 

1 minute ago, Digitalbanana said:

You can also view the PDFs on the immigration web site without need for any email.

That doesn’t work for us. We click on the PDFs and they don’t open. The old Immigration extranet site only contains details of previous reports. It does not include the latest report done vis the new App which can only be accessed from there. 

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