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I bought three of those small water turtles, the ones that are about 2" long... I really cared for them, changed the water every other day... kept it very clean. Gave them a nice spacioius area to roam around in, with a deep end, and a shallow area, and rocks for them to sun on in the afternoon, which I know they loved. They were doing so well, afer a few months, they more than doubled in size... they ate well, and swam a lot... they appeared to be real happy.

Then one day, one of them was gone. I thought when the maid was changing the water, she let one go, but she said she didn't... therefour, someone, the turtle must have climbed over the 5" high plastic side. I thought it was a fluke, but a second one must have done the same thing yesterday. There's no sign of them anywhere, and I'm really sad about it... the one that is left hasn't eaten anything, I guess cause it's alone, and maybe sad/depressed.

I'm going to get some area for them that has higher walls, and I'll get another turtle right away... I feel like I was careless and irresponsible... but I really loved those guys, cause I knew they were happy.

So if you have turtles, make sure the walls are high enough... turtles are strong and clever, and can get away.

Fortunately, all my goldfish are doing great, and the tank water has lots of air, filters, plastic plants etc.

I know they are "just" turtles, but I feel like I let them down...


How about the water qaulity ? Too much chlorine ,hard water and brackish water in tab water(Patthaya) is harmful to aquatic animals even turtle.

How about the water qaulity ? Too much chlorine ,hard water and brackish water in tab water(Patthaya) is harmful to aquatic animals even turtle.

I thnk the water quality is acceptable.. i'm told out water is cleaner than most places to begin with, and it gets filtered BEFORE it goes into our community, then again by the water filter for my place...

I know i was told NOT to use bottled water for the turtles, better to use hose/tap water.


when i was a kid everybody had those "disposable" red-eared sliders with the plastic dish with palm tree island and fed them dried ant eggs and they always died.

besides proper diet and good water quality,most turtles need to bask and need the vitamin d sunshine provides.if in an indoor aquarium,supply a spotlight in one area for them to bask in to regulate their body temperatures and provide a specialized fluorescent lamp like vita-lites to supply them with the necessary vitamin d.

always wash your hands if handling due to salmonella concerns.


LOL ... well the 2 of the 3 'turtles' were actually space aliens ... and having found no intelligent life ay WeHo's they just beamed back home .... hence the disappearance

once the next one floats on its back through your aquarium, try this:


If however you do not have any Turtles, try this recipe:-

Mock turtle soup

Mock turtle soup is an English soup that was created in the mid-18th century as a cheaper imitation of green turtle soup. It often uses brains and organ meats :D to duplicate the texture and flavor of the original's turtle meat.

Mrs. Fowle's Mock Turtle Soup, from Martha Lloyd's Household Book:-

"Take a large calf's head. Scald off the hair. Boil it until the horn is tender, then cut it into slices about the size of your finger, with as little lean as possible.

Have ready three pints of good mutton or veal broth, put in it half a pint of Madeira wine, half a teaspoonful of thyme, pepper, a large onion, and the peel of a lemon chop't very small. A ¼ of a pint of oysters chop't very small, and their liquor; a little salt, the juice of two large onions, some sweet herbs, and the brains chopped.

Stand all these together for about an hour, and send it up to the table with the forcemeat balls made small and the yolks of hard eggs." Approach the recipe with caution because once the head of a turtle is separated from the body the turtle still has the ability to bite.

Mock Turtle Soup is the basis for the character of the Mock Turtle in Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, the joke being that Mock Turtle Soup is supposedly made from Mock Turtles.

In the Oldenburg and Ammerland regions of Germany, Mockturtlesuppe—the English designation "mock turtle" retained—is a traditional meal.


Kan Win


I feel very sad for your loss WEHO, I hope your tragedy will not affect your ability to keep us entertained in the future


I grieve for your loss, Weho.

Like Bowthai, I had the plastic dish with the palm tree island home for my turtles when I was a kid (not allowed to have a dog or cat). I called my first turtle Henry. He was lovely and I used to let him out for a run on the carpet every Saturday afternoon. But, he was shy and used to run and hide under the sofa (I did not use him as a vroom vroom dinkey toy). Anyway, I forgot about him one time he was out and my Mom found his carcass the next week when she was hoovering. I kinda forgot about him. Anyway, we buried him under the crabapple tree in a real wooden box that previously held dried apricot candies from the Okanagan. A bit big for him, but it was the right shape for a coffin. Mom bought me another turtle whom I named Henry II. Unfortunately, the same scenario played out for him and the turtles that followed. Mom stopped buying me turtles when Henry VIII died.

I think the terrapins in Thailand like to run away, too. My friend kept one in a concrete tank. Poor thing. Her name was Bernadette. I gave her to a resort owner. She ate all the lotus roots in his pond and then ran off. Maybe that happened to your turtles, Weho.

Careful when handling the turtles. They can carry salmonella. Wash your hands.

I know that... did you know that in Amerigay, they no longer sell turtles, I think under 4" for that reason... totally illegal...

Is your name from that Andy Kaufman guy? sounds familiar...

And the one surviving turtle just isn't eating that much... I think he's depressed, cause he's all alone. Maybe I should put some Xanex or Prozac or St. John's Wort in the tank water.

Careful when handling the turtles. They can carry salmonella. Wash your hands.

I know that... did you know that in Amerigay, they no longer sell turtles, I think under 4" for that reason... totally illegal...

Is your name from that Andy Kaufman guy? sounds familiar...

And the one surviving turtle just isn't eating that much... I think he's depressed, cause he's all alone. Maybe I should put some Xanex or Prozac or St. John's Wort in the tank water.

Andy 's not around anymore is he? Maybe Kaufman's name was from Tony Clifton. :o

once the next one floats on its back through your aquarium, try this:


If however you do not have any Turtles, try this recipe:-

Mock turtle soup

Mock turtle soup is an English soup that was created in the mid-18th century as a cheaper imitation of green turtle soup. It often uses brains and organ meats :D to duplicate the texture and flavor of the original's turtle meat.

Mrs. Fowle's Mock Turtle Soup, from Martha Lloyd's Household Book:-

"Take a large calf's head. Scald off the hair. Boil it until the horn is tender, then cut it into slices about the size of your finger, with as little lean as possible.

Have ready three pints of good mutton or veal broth, put in it half a pint of Madeira wine, half a teaspoonful of thyme, pepper, a large onion, and the peel of a lemon chop't very small. A ¼ of a pint of oysters chop't very small, and their liquor; a little salt, the juice of two large onions, some sweet herbs, and the brains chopped.

Stand all these together for about an hour, and send it up to the table with the forcemeat balls made small and the yolks of hard eggs." Approach the recipe with caution because once the head of a turtle is separated from the body the turtle still has the ability to bite.

Mock Turtle Soup is the basis for the character of the Mock Turtle in Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, the joke being that Mock Turtle Soup is supposedly made from Mock Turtles.

In the Oldenburg and Ammerland regions of Germany, Mockturtlesuppe—the English designation "mock turtle" retained—is a traditional meal.


Kan Win

I always wanted to pay you a visit when I go to the Kan next time (<deleted> know when this will be, though...) - but one thing I now for sure....we will eat outside! :D


i dun get how the tips on water quality n diet etc are relevant....

his turtles <deleted> disappeared <deleted>

who said they died?

they just disappeared!

Right- they just vanished.

That's what I don't understand about this story. Provided that the turtle enclosure was inside the house, where could they have possibly gone?

If they crawled under the couch and died, one would think that they must be stinking pretty bad by now.

who said they died?

they just disappeared!

Right- they just vanished.

That's what I don't understand about this story. Provided that the turtle enclosure was inside the house, where could they have possibly gone?

If they crawled under the couch and died, one would think that the must be stinking pretty bad by now.

I'll stick with my explanation ... they were, in fact, space aliens looking for intelligent life ... having found non the moved on :o

  • 2 months later...

I HAVE AN UPDATE ON THE TURTLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today, I had 5 gardeners over to do stuff I'm too lazy to do... and one of the guys FOUND ONE OF THE TURTLES... he was in great condition, and has doubled in size. He washed him off real good, and put him in with the lone existing turtle... they are both VERY HAPPY, and were swimming around in a nice big setup I have for them, very clean water, some plastic plants, a place to take sun.

I'm very emotional about this...

I HAVE AN UPDATE ON THE TURTLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today, I had 5 gardeners over to do stuff I'm too lazy to do... and one of the guys FOUND ONE OF THE TURTLES... he was in great condition, and has doubled in size. He washed him off real good, and put him in with the lone existing turtle... they are both VERY HAPPY, and were swimming around in a nice big setup I have for them, very clean water, some plastic plants, a place to take sun.

I'm very emotional about this...


Now Tommy the turtle is no longer AWOL you might want to paint your house number or tel no on his shell.

We had one that kept doing a runner so put address on his shell and the locals now know where to return him to!


  • 2 weeks later...
when i was a kid everybody had those "disposable" red-eared sliders with the plastic dish with palm tree island and fed them dried ant eggs and they always died.

turtles are my favorite animals, i love them. but in chinatowns all over the US they sell red-eared sliders by the bucketload. this has been made illegal, because though the little guys are about the size of a quarter to start with, they can grow to be up to a foot in diameter. they also require a lot of tedious care and expensive filtering systems. i had two of them but it soon became too difficult to keep up with them. they need a large tank or pond area with a basking light, a very good filter, and the water needs changing quite often. i travelled too much to do this and gave them away to a man with a pond. but so many people just throw theirs into central park or somewhere like that and they have upset the balance of the ecosystem there. there are so many of them that they can't survive. PLEASE DO NOT BUY THESE TURTLES unless you are willing and able to take care of them, i was quite sad to realize i wasn't.

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