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Understanding test and go


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I want to travel to Thailand for at least a month . I am fully vaccinated. I I know I have to go to a special hotel on the first night and take a PCR test there. And after that on 5th day I can take another test but what I don't understand is if I test positive on either day one or day 5 what happens? Do I have to go into quarantine and if so who will pay for it? What if I test positive but have no symptoms do I still have to go into quarantine where do I go what do I do? Thank you for answering my questions. Also as a UK citizen what is the current visa regulation do I still get one month if I fly in or do I need to get a visa in advance?

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1. if I test positive on either day one or day 5 what happens?   Nobody knows

2. Do I have to go into quarantine and if so who will pay for it?  Nobody knows

3. What if I test positive but have no symptoms do I still have to go into quarantine where do I go what do I do?  Nobody know


It is recommended not to come unless you have something urgent to do in Thailand, or until your above very important questions are clarified and answered in such a way that we can trust whatever protocol the government comes up with.  


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