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My "######" In Modern Britain


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Like most others, I blame the UK immigration policy. I hold no ill will to any individual or race.

Sure, the practical issue is one of immigration policy.

But I have a problem with your underlying attitude, you say it is not against an individual nor a race.

But the way you talk it is about a diverse group of people, migrant workers.

I do have a problem that they're only here on the take and they make no secret of it. If you ask them if they 'cared' about England, they'd probably say '<deleted>.ck England'.

So if I'd go to work in England now, I'd be one of them.

Had I aquired British citizenship years ago, as I could have, you'd be defending my right to receive social benefits before any migrants take advantage.

Curious how much difference a piece of paper can make to the worth and alleged motives of a human being.

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I stand by my comment that many people who come to England for work have a '<deleted>.ck England' attitude. It is not something in my imagination and there was even a Panorama documentary on this problem where they filmed these people and their statements with a secret camera.

I feel equally sure that there are some with legitimate reasons for coming here and respect my country and they are welcome, as you are Stroll.

The question of how many UK nationals sponge benefits compared to migrants who sponge benefits is irrelevant... it is wrong, whoever the sponge may be, besides which, my statements refer to those who come here to work as cheap labour.

Is it wrong of me to have a sense of national pride and to want certain things to be preserved for the benefit of native English folk? (and I include those native English folk who are Black, White Yellow or Brown). The Thai's are far more Nationalistic than I am. Some might argue they are Xenophobes. Do you think I am a Xenophobe? I only worry for my job security which is why I think I need to make my money soon. I don't blame migrant workers for coming here, I would do the same if I were in their position. I am adjusting my future plans to adapt to the way things are going. I want the UK to change it's immigration policy to preserve my income and job security but I can't see that happening.

This thread is about UK life compared to Thailand life. I entered this debate to air my opinion about life in England at this time. To go into an in depth mud slinging match about immigration, immigration policly, who can come and who cannot come, who I like and who I don't like, am I a Labour supporter of a BNP supporter blah blah blah.... this is not the place.

I draw your attention once more to my first post in this thread. It contains everything I wanted to say on the matter... and is on topic.

I take my leave from this thread.

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Stroll, I don't understand why you being so adversarial with this fellow. It seems quite clear to me what he is saying and I don't detect any racist overtones in his writing. I feel you are goading him and forcing issues that just aren't there.

Rather than say the reference to politeness in his forum name is inappropriate, perhaps you should look at your own approach first.

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Stroll: I agree about Harehills.

Three years ago I happened to get a day as a Supply Teacher in a primary school there (although all my experience is Uni, Tech and Upper Sec).

I had the only white face in the classroom and hadn't a clue what to do.

But those little seven year olds (of South Asian or Carribean extraction) coped magnificently.

They told me what we had to do, how we had to do it, and exactly when it had to be done.

My only real contribution was to read them a story first thing and promise them another one at the end of the day if we got done what the missing Miss would have done with them.

If anything saves Yorkshire from going down the tubes it will be them.

As to migrant workers, I found it piquant a few years ago when the UK tabloids were stirring it up about 'bogus asylum seekers' who were really 'economic migrants' to take back my passport at LHR and then tell the Home Office dragoness "Oh dear! Now you have to tell Mr Blunkett that you have just let in another economic migrant".

But then, I had started young. At 21, the day after I finished college, I sailed for Canada. And ended up as the worst sort of migrant worker----a mercenary soldier of fortune----as a Brit who, in Canada, hired out to the Yanks to represent them on their front facing the Russians!!

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Stroll, I don't understand why you being so adversarial with this fellow. It seems quite clear to me what he is saying and I don't detect any racist overtones in his writing. I feel you are goading him and forcing issues that just aren't there.

Rather than say the reference to politeness in his forum name is inappropriate, perhaps you should look at your own approach first.

Yes, I overreacted. I already said I am sorry I misinterpreted some of what he posted. I don't want to pursue it further, either. It's just that I am one of the people he made a dismissive generalisation about. In his last post he differentiated already, I am happy to leave it like that.

And thanks for your comment, Martin, I also rather adored my Pakistanis' neighbours' wellbehaved kids, who I was looking after for some time.

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