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2018 rental law change and early termination of 1 year house lease what is possible

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I was wondering if under the 2018 and 2020 rental law adaptions one can terminate the lease with a good cause i.e. returning to Europe/US with 30 day advance notice.


Everywhere it is mentionend that for some or all provision to apply the landlord must rent more then 5 properties. How is one to know how many properties are being rented out by the landlord?


Question1: In any case am I correct to assume that the most I can lose is the 1 month security deposit, if I have to leave Thailand for example after 8 months? Or would I face the payment of the missing 4 months. I know in real life no one will catch you if you leave the country but I like to stay on the legal side.


Question 2: With a Plus 5 Landlord I should be ablre to terminate with 30 days notice after 6 months and get my deposit back at least in theory ????


Question 3: With a sole property landlord I should lose the 1 month deposit even after the 6 month period and 30day notice







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It depends what is in your contract, whilst the law states 1 month deposit most landlords are still charging 2 and if you signed a contract for that I believe it will be difficult to argue the case. If you leave early you would most definitely lose your 1 month. You have to bear in mind that the landlord pays an agent 1 months commission for a 12 month contract and if you leave early they do not get a refund. I am a landlord and I believe whatever is agreed in the contract should be met by both parties, however if I have a tenant that had a major issue then I would allow early termination and I have on one occasion. I would suggest you prepare some evidence to show the landlord why you want to leave early. IE early termination of your job or other good reason as they may want you to leave anyhow if you cant pay the rent so it would help your case. 

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9 hours ago, stat said:

Everywhere it is mentionend that for some or all provision to apply the landlord must rent more then 5 properties. How is one to know how many properties are being rented out by the landlord?

I think you will find the 5+ properties relates to when the landlord owns an entire building of apartments, not 5 individual condos. Apartment buildings operate somewhere between hotels and individual condos, then the different provisions apply for more deposit, add to elec bill etc. 


As you say, it would be impossible to know how many individual properties a landlord has.


As others have said, the penalty for breaking a lease early should be mentioned in the lease, its usually would be the 1 month deposit. 

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