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Foreign mining companies’ expansion destroys wild life in northern Cambodia


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Villagers in the Battembang province in northwest Cambodia have reported draconian measures undertaken by foreign mining companies in their pursuit to generate more profit.


Ber Saran, a chieftain in the Takream village said the work of the mining companies has affected the village in so many ways, as he reported that following the government’s decision to allow mining companies to operate in the village, the mountain overlooking the village lost many of its wild life.


He added that over 100 families around one of the companies’ sites have been hit hard by the dusts stirred by mining works, as their fields stopped growing crops as before.


Saran said the village demands the companies operating near them to alleviate their suffering by spraying water on the road to help reduce the dust and simply cover the load trucks carry to prevent rocks from falling over the road.


The lack of safety measures by the mining companies operating near the village has resulted in the death of a villager after an ill-devised explosion hurled a rock that landed on the deceased’s head.


-- © Copyright A24 News Agency 2022-04-11
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