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I thought Thai visa was all about helping people and giving advice to fellow farangs in trouble.Please A Traveller and Minburi do not be so judgemental of people.Are you really that full of self importance and have no skeletons in your cupboards ?

jai yen yen !

Pardon? Please take the time to review my posts before typing :o


Apology in the post?


Hi there

I had the same problem recently of an overstay about 15 days not much, I did pay the fine at the Immigration Airport at Suvanabhumi, the whole process took at least 2 minutes and a half with, the officers were friendly no stupid threats were made and also no questions were made.

The officers seemed to be happy with their collecting business and as

as told here and also to my knowledge you would be only blacklisted in the case of an deportation. it is always a good idea to inform the officer by first contact that you do have an overstay so you do not have to tell the same things twice and the officers has less workload and escort you right to the office.

You have to avoid by all means to travel by ship, car train or bus.

In the case that you raise suspicion you have been working without a work permit with a wrong visa and lately without a visa things could get worse. No needless speech should be made during the process of the payment. Avoiding situations where you could get caught on the streets before you are leaving is to be understood.

Good luck. :o

As far as I know the only time you might be blacklisted for overstay would be if you were deported at Thai government expense. Paying fine at airport on departure will not result in black listing.

Why is that people on here think that they know all the rules and regs? Lopbori is correct, i have no idea why someone would say that he was going to be blacklisted when they dont actually have any idea if this is true.

It is obvious that the question was asked by someone who is in need of some assistans and asvice! Why is it that people consider themselves expert enough to give an opinion as to what should be done when they have no idea what the situation is?

Good luck to you my friend! Pay your fine then come back its no big deal.

I don't feel sorry for you in any way as there is no excuss for 6 months overstay and hopefully they fine you and stamp your passsport to stop you coming back in again.

You and similar people are to blame for the new and enforced regulations regarding visas which is effecting genuine long term tourists and others who are / were long term residents here (doing monthly border runs which in themselves is not idea but was tolerated) and who are now faced with all sorts of problem to stay with wives and family.

If you think this is a good way to answer, then it's up to you!! But next time first think and then answer... as long you don't know the facts of my overstay you should'nt judge me as well... i know, that my overstay is/was not a good way... dont think i did like it... but sometimes there are no other ways... it's sure a fact, that you can't imagine how happy i am to have also some good answers and at least also to have somebody cares about me... bye and i hope you stay as clean and proper as you like to judge and write


It is people like you who do NOT take resposiblity for their actions and expect others to get you out of the mire. You who have caused all the new regulations.

GETALIFE, you are the irresponsible one here, right from the start. NO EXCUSES, reasons, do things properly next time.

I have no sympathy for you and people like you, but do, for the many YOU and your ilk have caused law abiding tourist and wannabe residents.

Myself I stay just under 6 months here, then 6 months at home, summer all year, so the 90 days does not affect me.

Kiwi Pete

I don't feel sorry for you in any way as there is no excuss for 6 months overstay and hopefully they fine you and stamp your passsport to stop you coming back in again.

You and similar people are to blame for the new and enforced regulations regarding visas which is effecting genuine long term tourists and others who are / were long term residents here (doing monthly border runs which in themselves is not idea but was tolerated) and who are now faced with all sorts of problem to stay with wives and family.

I don't feel sorry for you in any way as there is no excuss for 6 months overstay and hopefully they fine you and stamp your passsport to stop you coming back in again.

Here Here, It is pople like you that can't follow the rules that make life hard for us that do!!! I am sick of hearing about people and overstays here, Try it in another country. I'll send you some pizza and pancakes or whatever I can slip under your cell door!

Sorry if I'm being a little strong in speak, but have had enough!!!!

It is people like you who do NOT take resposiblity for their actions and expect others to get you out of the mire. You who have caused all the new regulations.

What a load of utter rubbish. Overstays have absolutely nothing to do with the "new regulations" of which you speak.

Myself I stay just under 6 months here, then 6 months at home, summer all year, so the 90 days does not affect me. Kiwi Pete

Might I perhaps suggest that you consider extending the length of the "home" portion of your yearly schedule to the full 12 months.
I don't feel sorry for you in any way as there is no excuss for 6 months overstay and hopefully they fine you and stamp your passsport to stop you coming back in again.

You and similar people are to blame for the new and enforced regulations regarding visas which is effecting genuine long term tourists and others who are / were long term residents here (doing monthly border runs which in themselves is not idea but was tolerated) and who are now faced with all sorts of problem to stay with wives and family.

If you think this is a good way to answer, then it's up to you!! But next time first think and then answer... as long you don't know the facts of my overstay you should'nt judge me as well... i know, that my overstay is/was not a good way... dont think i did like it... but sometimes there are no other ways... it's sure a fact, that you can't imagine how happy i am to have also some good answers and at least also to have somebody cares about me... bye and i hope you stay as clean and proper as you like to judge and write


It is people like you who do NOT take resposiblity for their actions and expect others to get you out of the mire. You who have caused all the new regulations.

GETALIFE, you are the irresponsible one here, right from the start. NO EXCUSES, reasons, do things properly next time.

I have no sympathy for you and people like you, but do, for the many YOU and your ilk have caused law abiding tourist and wannabe residents.

Myself I stay just under 6 months here, then 6 months at home, summer all year, so the 90 days does not affect me.

Kiwi Pete

Actually "Law abiding tourists" never have problems coming here. Nor do properly qualified "wannabe residents" who go through the proper channels. I presume that you are vilifying the OP because you think he will somehow make life more difficult for people like yourself who also technically break the rules by falsely declaring that tourism is your purpose of visit over and over again, when in fact you are a temporary resident rather than a tourist.

To avoid a double standard here, and given that you have such higth moral standards, perhaps you should condemn visa runners like yourself too, and not just overstayers? If you spend six months a year here on 30 day stamps, while falsely declaring "tourist" on their entry card, you aren't a bona fide tourist even if you do get around the 90-day rule.

I don't feel sorry for you in any way as there is no excuss for 6 months overstay and hopefully they fine you and stamp your passsport to stop you coming back in again.

You and similar people are to blame for the new and enforced regulations regarding visas which is effecting genuine long term tourists and others who are / were long term residents here (doing monthly border runs which in themselves is not idea but was tolerated) and who are now faced with all sorts of problem to stay with wives and family.

Absolutely agree. These idiots are like a cancer for the good intended visa applicants.

Go away and dont come back.

I don't feel sorry for you in any way as there is no excuss for 6 months overstay and hopefully they fine you and stamp your passsport to stop you coming back in again.

You and similar people are to blame for the new and enforced regulations regarding visas which is effecting genuine long term tourists and others who are / were long term residents here (doing monthly border runs which in themselves is not idea but was tolerated) and who are now faced with all sorts of problem to stay with wives and family.

Absolutely agree. These idiots are like a cancer for the good intended visa applicants.

Go away and dont come back.

And if everyone took your advice we would only be left with the likes of YOU! Which would be worse than we began with.


Guys, I think right wing accusations are a wee bit over the top. I do however feel that those of us who pay taxes here and stick rigidly to the laws often at great expense in order to try and scrape a legitimate living are entitled to feel aggrieved with certain elements who place our positions in jeopardy by their actions. It is not though in any way fair to make comments or statements when not in full posession of the facts!!

It would be ideal that we all stay within the rules but when the powers that be keep changing them it is just more time consuming and irritating.

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