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Half Dog Half Buffalo?

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I posted a photo of Vinnie a couple of months back and there were some very useful tips from people as to his origins. I've decided he's half Rott and half water buffalo as I can't get him out of the pond on a hot day. Do Rottweilers like the water? My Thai dogs hate water and run a mile when it's bath time.



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Wow, looks a beauty. Cute pic of him in the water :o

But it's difficult to see how he really looks like. Is it possible to squat down when making another pic? When you put the camera on the same height as your dog, you can make some very nice and clear pic's. I sometimes even lie on my belly to make proper pic's.


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I have 4 Thai dogs. One goes and sits in the water on a regular basis, just like your boy there. Another two go out in the ocean (when its low enough) and go fishing (honest to god). The other is a lazy girl and hangs out around the house all day. Doesn't like to get wet.

It depends on the dog.

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Ah! I love the dog threads with pics. Excellent, Eddy! I love Vinnie, too.

True, Sbk, I had one Thai dog that used to go fishing also. My sis came out one year and didn't believe me until she saw it with her own eyes. Then he got bonked in the head by a flying fish and he avoided the ocean thereafter. Most of my Thai dogs hated the water, but they would come out to "save" me when I went swimming. Scared the crapola outta me the first few times (shark!), but then I'd make them give me a free ride back to shore (tail life line).

When I lived near a big river, the four dogs I looked after lined up at my desk at 5pm sharp every day. I sang "take me to the river", got a glass of wine and off we went through the jungle to the cool, usually clear river under the shade of big trees and not a soul around. The lab swam over to his jacuzzi spot, the two Thai boys chased each other up and down the banks and the Thai bich dove head-first into the stream, swimming for sticks. A beautiful spot and the doggies loved. Sorry, no photos. Sigh.

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Fuzzy, my current avatar (I like to switch between my dogs, Scruffy, our old boy, was the white dog previous to this avatar), is the main fisherdog. Here she is, doing her stuff at sunset.


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