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dose my gf need to write a letter to the australian ebassy to get her tourist visa?

and if so should it be in english or thai???

and what should it say??

please help

thanks sean



No sean your lass does not need to write a letter, it is you who needs to write a letter stating you will support her and state you have accomodation for her.

You both need to supply evidence that she will return after her visit.

If she does not have a job to go back to, no house, car etc it may be hard.

Good luck



thanks scotty,

big releaf for me cheers buddy!

wont get her job when she gets back, no house, no car!

hard yards, but i feel good about it!

cheers again


thanks scotty,

big releaf for me cheers buddy!

wont get her job when she gets back, no house, no car!

hard yards, but i feel good about it!

cheers again



She won't need to write a letter, IF you are supporting her while she is here then you will need to write a letter or as I advised previously a Statutory Declaration.

A Stat Dec is a legal document, if you supply one it means you are taking the legal responsibility for her while she is here....it takes away a lot of the onus on her to provide a reason to return as you are taking on the responsibilty for that.

My now wife was listed as unemployed with no assets, monetary or otherwise on her first application. I supplied a Stat dec with some letters, a few photos, a few phone bills, Western Union receipts and credit card/bank statements. She got it first go, no worries.

If you are not supporting her and she has no letter from her employer or another good reason to return then she will find it hard going.

Any documents given to the Embassy in support of applications should be in English.


Wait for scouse, he knows more than me mate.

Im doing an application myself.



While the Scouser is great for UK applications, the OP is talking about a visa application to Oz....there is a lot of similarity between the two but there are differences.

..there is a lot of similarity between the two but there are differences.
and seeing the advise scouse gives out i think he knows more than most on this site, thats why i said wait for him.


Don't take it personally,

All Graham was stating, is that there are subtle differences between the differing countries, guys rarely cross territories and the Aussie section is generally left at this time to Graham, Samran and Bronco.

Scouse, in general, deals with the UK and Europe.



thanks guys

helps alot

i have written a stat dec so i hope it will be smooth sailing

but asusual i will not get my hopes to high!

thanks again Graham


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