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How Much To Tip Traditional Masseuses ?


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In case anyone is like me and couldn't be bothered to read all those pages, the answer is:

For a 200 baht 2 hour massage:

If the massage is crappy or substandard tip 20 baht (this should never happen as you should have given better direction)

If the massage is nothing special or average, tip 50 baht

If it's a fantastic massage tip 100 baht and get the card or number of the masseuse so you can schedule appointments for the future. Also, tell your friends so as to benefit the masseuse.

Edited by lannarebirth
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In case anyone is like me and couldn't be bothered to read all those pages, the answer is:

For a 200 baht 2 hour massage:

If the massage is crappy or substandard tip 20 baht (this should never happen as you should have given better direction)

If the massage is nothing special or average, tip 50 baht

If it's a fantastic massage tip 100 baht and get the card or number of the masseuse so you can schedule appointments for the future. Also, tell your friends so as to benefit the masseuse.

i have had the same massage lady for 8 years ,she now comes to the house she is incredable always a perfect massage (for me anyway) give her 100b tip above what she wants :o

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If you want to be a hero and tip big I suggest you piss off back to the States and practice it. This is Thailand, it is NOT expected and you are making yourself look a complete tit in doing it. By all means leave a token amount if you enjoyed it, but please leave your ridiculous preconceived notions of percentage tipping in your own country. Doing so makes you look a pratt in the eyes of the receiver, is extremely belittling and will end up giving the population the expectation of a hefty tip. Rich or poor, have a little read about the culture you're in and then engage brain before putting hand in pocket! :o

I think that we have discovered the original Cheap Charlie! :D

Not at all, UG. Just the thought of being expected to tip way over the odds in the land of sonthi for <deleted> service even. The taxi drivers will want double fares before long once they get wind of what the masseuses are on :D .

Apologies for rant btw... bad hair day :D

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I believe what we see here is not the compassionate customer trying to spread benevolence to the working class through gratuity. But what we really have is a few (inferiority complex ridden) middle class types that get a real charge out of being suddenly rich in the land of smells. Such a rush of superiority - doubling someone’s daily wage, simply because you can. Ooh what power! Come back soon Mr. Gates, you saved me from eating out of the dumpster tonight!

But then there are the majority of folk who have enough sense to pay the going rate, and try to respect the culture by not driving prices to farang only levels and to use their money in more effective and sensible ways. Do you tip, sure sometimes you tip, but I have had a couple of massages here where I should have sued not tipped. I imagine that until a good masseuse is located, many people get lousy and painful massages. Why tip when you are disappointed?

The problem with large tippers is that it is socially irresponsible. It’s like going to a gift exchange that had a set limit, and some yahoo buys a big fancy gift anyways. And not only do you come off as a pigeon and a cad, you also encourage the receiver to expect a repeat performance. Supply and demand, and self imposed inflation. The only benefit of this act is a stroked ego, and an unreported increase in the Thai GDP.

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I believe what we see here is not the compassionate customer trying to spread benevolence to the working class through gratuity. But what we really have is a few (inferiority complex ridden) middle class types that get a real charge out of being suddenly rich in the land of smells. Such a rush of superiority - doubling someone’s daily wage, simply because you can. Ooh what power! Come back soon Mr. Gates, you saved me from eating out of the dumpster tonight!

But then there are the majority of folk who have enough sense to pay the going rate, and try to respect the culture by not driving prices to farang only levels and to use their money in more effective and sensible ways. Do you tip, sure sometimes you tip, but I have had a couple of massages here where I should have sued not tipped. I imagine that until a good masseuse is located, many people get lousy and painful massages. Why tip when you are disappointed?

The problem with large tippers is that it is socially irresponsible. It’s like going to a gift exchange that had a set limit, and some yahoo buys a big fancy gift anyways. And not only do you come off as a pigeon and a cad, you also encourage the receiver to expect a repeat performance. Supply and demand, and self imposed inflation. The only benefit of this act is a stroked ego, and an unreported increase in the Thai GDP.

LOL socially irresponsible! That IS funny! I love the "you are ruining it for the cheap basta***" comments.

I do think EXCESSIVE tipping is silly ... but it doesn't really change anything .. it is just an aberration .. a phantom blip on the radar screen ... or a decent one night party with friends ... :o

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Younger folk have been raised in an age where Materialism is the dominant religion. You pay for what you get and only that. It's as simple as that. It is insulting to the religious to tip in large amounts.

Many generations back, other religions dominated that suggested giving and sharing your wealth often and freely. Generation of heart and wallet were encouraged. That which would benefit others was seen as more skillful than that which would benefit oneself. These religions are all but dead and for most people (obviously from this thread) not applicable to today's society.

Churches and temples have been replaced by Walmarts and Paragons. You don't tip there (except a 7% tip to the military). If you don't do something in a house of worship, why would you do it outside of one?

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I believe what we see here is not the compassionate customer trying to spread benevolence to the working class through gratuity. But what we really have is a few (inferiority complex ridden) middle class types that get a real charge out of being suddenly rich in the land of smells. Such a rush of superiority - doubling someone's daily wage, simply because you can. Ooh what power! Come back soon Mr. Gates, you saved me from eating out of the dumpster tonight!

But then there are the majority of folk who have enough sense to pay the going rate, and try to respect the culture by not driving prices to farang only levels and to use their money in more effective and sensible ways. Do you tip, sure sometimes you tip, but I have had a couple of massages here where I should have sued not tipped. I imagine that until a good masseuse is located, many people get lousy and painful massages. Why tip when you are disappointed?

WELL SAID - I rest my case.

The problem with large tippers is that it is socially irresponsible. It's like going to a gift exchange that had a set limit, and some yahoo buys a big fancy gift anyways. And not only do you come off as a pigeon and a cad, you also encourage the receiver to expect a repeat performance. Supply and demand, and self imposed inflation. The only benefit of this act is a stroked ego, and an unreported increase in the Thai GDP.

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Younger folk have been raised in an age where Materialism is the dominant religion. You pay for what you get and only that. It's as simple as that. It is insulting to the religious to tip in large amounts.

Many generations back, other religions dominated that suggested giving and sharing your wealth often and freely. Generation of heart and wallet were encouraged. That which would benefit others was seen as more skillful than that which would benefit oneself. These religions are all but dead and for most people (obviously from this thread) not applicable to today's society.

Churches and temples have been replaced by Walmarts and Paragons. You don't tip there (except a 7% tip to the military). If you don't do something in a house of worship, why would you do it outside of one?

So, have you conclusive evidence that those of us advocating a more sensible tip than an 80% to 200% :D one are of this materialistic younger generation? I would actually bet that we have a far wider age range than that. And as for putting this at the door of materialism & lack of organised religion, what a load of cr@p! Every day I work (for nothing) to help others. But, I'm d@mned if I'm going to give a masseuse (or anyone else) a tip that's 200% of initial price. That is stupidity/largesse/showing off, whatever. If those of you that have more money than sense wish to do that, I guess it's up to you. But don't try to make those of us who are more sensible in our tipping habits (50 bt on a price of 250bt, for example) feel bad.

BTW, the "Oh she works long hours & doesn't get much" doesn't wash with me, either. I know of (& have done) much worse poorly paid jobs, where no-one would even think of tipping you. How many of you tipping masseuses 500bt have ever tipped the cleaner of public toilets even 20bt? I bet they don't get paid much, either & their job is pretty unpleasant. How about your garbage collectors? How much do you tip them? Get real! :o

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I give the lady who cuts the hedges down the road 1000 baht every once in a while. Why not? I don't sit around and calculate what is the right amount to give her based on the work she does. I have extra money and it feels good to have less extra money.

Sorry, if I seemed to infer that everyone should give cash to people now and then who have less than they do. I just reacted against these people who seem to believe it is immoral to do so or stupid to do so. Giving money away is often a very liberating experience. You see how happy you can be without it.

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Giving money away is often a very liberating experience. You see how happy you can be without it.

Only someone who has enough that they will never have to worry about it again could say that. You ask anyone without money (of any nationality) how happy they are without it. :o But, apologies, that's :D

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Not at all, UG. Just the thought of being expected to tip way over the odds in the land of sonthi for <deleted> service even. The taxi drivers will want double fares before long once they get wind of what the masseuses are on :D .

Just for the record, I don't want to promote huge tips, but I think that reasonable tips for Thailand's economy would help low wage earners who provide personal service in expensive venues immensely and that it is only fair. :o

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the "Oh she works long hours & doesn't get much" doesn't wash with me, either. I know of (& have done) much worse poorly paid jobs, where no-one would even think of tipping you. How many of you tipping masseuses 500bt have ever tipped the cleaner of public toilets even 20bt? I bet they don't get paid much, either & their job is pretty unpleasant. How about your garbage collectors? How much do you tip them? Get real! :o

I have been a bellboy, a conceriege and a waiter and I can tell you from experience that

women who have never worked for tips are usually the biggest Cheap Charlies of all. On the other hand, former waitresses are usually most generous. :D

Edited by Ulysses G.
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I believe what we see here is not the compassionate customer trying to spread benevolence to the working class through gratuity. But what we really have is a few (inferiority complex ridden) middle class types that get a real charge out of being suddenly rich in the land of smells. Such a rush of superiority - doubling someone's daily wage, simply because you can. Ooh what power! Come back soon Mr. Gates, you saved me from eating out of the dumpster tonight!

But then there are the majority of folk who have enough sense to pay the going rate, and try to respect the culture by not driving prices to farang only levels and to use their money in more effective and sensible ways. Do you tip, sure sometimes you tip, but I have had a couple of massages here where I should have sued not tipped. I imagine that until a good masseuse is located, many people get lousy and painful massages. Why tip when you are disappointed?

The problem with large tippers is that it is socially irresponsible. It's like going to a gift exchange that had a set limit, and some yahoo buys a big fancy gift anyways. And not only do you come off as a pigeon and a cad, you also encourage the receiver to expect a repeat performance. Supply and demand, and self imposed inflation. The only benefit of this act is a stroked ego, and an unreported increase in the Thai GDP.

Well said.

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Not at all, UG. Just the thought of being expected to tip way over the odds in the land of sonthi for <deleted> service even. The taxi drivers will want double fares before long once they get wind of what the masseuses are on :D .

Just for the record, I don't want to promote huge tips, but I think that reasonable tips for Thailand's economy would help low wage earners who provide personal service in expensive venues immensely and that it is only fair. :o

I stand by my earlier statement, it is not up to the customer to make up for the poor wages paid by the employer - go to a different establishment that treats their employees better if you have a problem with the pay scale. There are restaurants in town that charge a service and actually give their employees the money - ask the server. There are massage places where the girl gets a good split - ask her. Problem solved without resorting to placing social Robin Hood.

Edited by Furbie
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There are restaurants in town that charge a service and actually give their employees the money - ask the server.

There are massage places where the girl gets a good split - ask her. Problem solved without resorting to placing social Robin Hood.

Get real!

If they charge a service charge then the customer is making up for the poor wages paid by the employer anyway and if they don't then why not tip (I've never found one massage shop that the girl was "making a good split")?

Edited by Ulysses G.
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There are restaurants in town that charge a service and actually give their employees the money - ask the server.

There are massage places where the girl gets a good split - ask her. Problem solved without resorting to placing social Robin Hood.

Get real!

If they charge a service charge then the customer is making up for the poor wages paid by the employer anyway and if they don't then why not tip (I've never found one massage shop that the girl was "making a good split")?

You must not be reading my thread very well. I never said don’t tip, I said tip to local norms, not the norm in your home country.

I will say it again; it is not up to the customer to make up for bad employment practices, but if you feel quility, there are othe options such as those I mentioned.

And unless the staff was making it up, there is a good split at several of the mid scale and upscale places I have been too including the spa at the Plaza Athenee Hotel and Health Land. Though frankly, I could care less as I do not have a problem with the pay scale.

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If you were her what would be a fair tip for you?

If I got a 200 baht massage, I'd probably give 50 to 100 baht depending on what I had in my pocket. Just because prices are low doesn't mean they are fair. If you can afford it do it. Some people are cheap for sure. I've heard that a lot of wealthy people got that way by being cheap and saving every penny they could.

If you beat people down all the time eventually they are going to turn around beat you. Then you'll call them a criminal or terrorist.

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Went for a foot massage with the Thai wife this afternoon. She asked me if my massage was good, I nodded yes, she left a 100 baht tip with each lady. Who says Thais don't tip?

Not me! I KNOW Thais tip .... I know when and where they tip .. and the average amounts they tip in most situations.

Furbie /// tip to local norms ... I agree with. That being said; there is no "local" norm at establishments targetting tourists. (also like I said before I often tip 25% more than Thais at some Thai massage places .... but my body is at least 25% bigger than the biggest Thai folks there! ... and 100% bigger than the smallest!) :o

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Went for a foot massage with the Thai wife this afternoon. She asked me if my massage was good, I nodded yes, she left a 100 baht tip with each lady. Who says Thais don't tip?

Not me! I KNOW Thais tip .... I know when and where they tip .. and the average amounts they tip in most situations.

Furbie /// tip to local norms ... I agree with. That being said; there is no "local" norm at establishments targetting tourists. (also like I said before I often tip 25% more than Thais at some Thai massage places .... but my body is at least 25% bigger than the biggest Thai folks there! ... and 100% bigger than the smallest!) :o

So, shall we hazard a guess that you're about 90 kilos? :D

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when I was about 20 or 21 (the first time I had visited Thailand) I embarrassed myself by not leaving tips for the initial few days.

This is because I am a Brit and tipping in my country is almost non-existent compared to countries like America. Live & learn.

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the "Oh she works long hours & doesn't get much" doesn't wash with me, either. I know of (& have done) much worse poorly paid jobs, where no-one would even think of tipping you. How many of you tipping masseuses 500bt have ever tipped the cleaner of public toilets even 20bt? I bet they don't get paid much, either & their job is pretty unpleasant. How about your garbage collectors? How much do you tip them? Get real! :o

I have been a bellboy, a conceriege and a waiter and I can tell you from experience that

women who have never worked for tips are usually the biggest Cheap Charlies of all. On the other hand, former waitresses are usually most generous. :D

Are you implying something about me & my levels of generosity, UG? :D

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100 ... and 185cm

Ah, so your Body Mass Index is 29.3 = overweight, and bordering on obese (starts at BMI=30 :D)

So you really need to lose 15 kilos to get to BMI = 25, which is top end of "normal".

(Or grow 7 inches, whichever is the easiest :o)

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the "Oh she works long hours & doesn't get much" doesn't wash with me, either. I know of (& have done) much worse poorly paid jobs, where no-one would even think of tipping you. How many of you tipping masseuses 500bt have ever tipped the cleaner of public toilets even 20bt? I bet they don't get paid much, either & their job is pretty unpleasant. How about your garbage collectors? How much do you tip them? Get real! :o

I have been a bellboy, a conceriege and a waiter and I can tell you from experience that

women who have never worked for tips are usually the biggest Cheap Charlies of all. On the other hand, former waitresses are usually most generous. :D

Are you implying something about me & my levels of generosity, UG? :D


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