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Can Anyone Help Me Out With A Kitten?

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Yesterday we found a very small kitten in the Foodland carpark we saw it when we went in to shop and it was still there in the same place when we came out, we thought it was dead but it wasn't. It is absolutely tiny (fits in to the palm of my hand) and still has its eyes closed. We looked for its mother or any other kittens but there were none around and I asked the carpark attendant but he could not help.

I could not leave it in the carpark on its own in the rain so I picked it up and took it to the vet. The vet said it is less than 2 weeks old because it still has its eyes closed. We have some fomula milk from the vet and it is feeding from a small bottle and it is quite healthy and active.

The problem is we already have two dogs and another cat and two children and I can not really look after it the way it needs (it should still be with its mother obviously) it needs feeding every 2 to 3 hours.

Is there anyone out there prepared to take it? (very pretty little thing)

I do not need any comments that I should have left it to die in the carpark or any other comments about letting it die I am not the kind of person but anyone that can help me out it would be much appreciated, the dogs are driving me crazy, I think they want to eat it.


Well done you.

I'd love to take it from you but I can't give it the time. Someone will take it I am sure.

Yesterday we found a very small kitten in the Foodland carpark we saw it when we went in to shop and it was still there in the same place when we came out, we thought it was dead but it wasn't. It is absolutely tiny (fits in to the palm of my hand) and still has its eyes closed. We looked for its mother or any other kittens but there were none around and I asked the carpark attendant but he could not help.

I could not leave it in the carpark on its own in the rain so I picked it up and took it to the vet. The vet said it is less than 2 weeks old because it still has its eyes closed. We have some fomula milk from the vet and it is feeding from a small bottle and it is quite healthy and active.

The problem is we already have two dogs and another cat and two children and I can not really look after it the way it needs (it should still be with its mother obviously) it needs feeding every 2 to 3 hours.

Is there anyone out there prepared to take it? (very pretty little thing)

I do not need any comments that I should have left it to die in the carpark or any other comments about letting it die I am not the kind of person but anyone that can help me out it would be much appreciated, the dogs are driving me crazy, I think they want to eat it.

Of course it should be with its mother.not much chance of that now that youve taken it home!!!

Perhaps the mother would have found it herself,no chance of that now youve taken it.

Im not saying your intentions werent good ,but i think you should have left it and let nature take its course.


Good for you......the same happened to us in Pattaya a few years back. We found a Burmese Kitten, on North Road, across from Peter the Fishermans. It grabbed my leg, and hung on for dear life. We were due to fly back to Surin from BKK on the following day, but in the end rented a mini-bus from my mate Keith (Caddyshack)and drove back with the cat. We named it Chelsea ( what else) sadly to say, she was bitten by a snake a couple of years later and died. She did leave a dozen offspring though, which are still in the village.

Here in Surin, we have 10 cats of various ages, about half of them brought to us by persons unknown and dumped in the pub. I love everyone of them. They are as fine a bunch of felines as you will ever see. Will update the pics on 'My Cats' thread soon.

Yesterday we found a very small kitten in the Foodland carpark we saw it when we went in to shop and it was still there in the same place when we came out, we thought it was dead but it wasn't. It is absolutely tiny (fits in to the palm of my hand) and still has its eyes closed. We looked for its mother or any other kittens but there were none around and I asked the carpark attendant but he could not help.

I could not leave it in the carpark on its own in the rain so I picked it up and took it to the vet. The vet said it is less than 2 weeks old because it still has its eyes closed. We have some fomula milk from the vet and it is feeding from a small bottle and it is quite healthy and active.

The problem is we already have two dogs and another cat and two children and I can not really look after it the way it needs (it should still be with its mother obviously) it needs feeding every 2 to 3 hours.

Is there anyone out there prepared to take it? (very pretty little thing)

I do not need any comments that I should have left it to die in the carpark or any other comments about letting it die I am not the kind of person but anyone that can help me out it would be much appreciated, the dogs are driving me crazy, I think they want to eat it.

Of course it should be with its mother.not much chance of that now that youve taken it home!!!

Perhaps the mother would have found it herself,no chance of that now youve taken it.

Im not saying your intentions werent good ,but i think you should have left it and let nature take its course.

'Perhaps' the mother would have found it... Perhaps not.. Then what? Let the poor little thing die?

Good on you Emcross for taking the poor kitten home.. That was a very nice thing of you to do.. I wish I could help out, but Ive already got 3 cats and a dog which are driving me crazy...


Good on you, i think you did the right thing. I have a house full of animals. What will you do if you cannot find it a home? i will have a think about this and get back to you, I dont really want anymore animals, but i need to know your intensions. What colour is it by the way? You are a nice person to do that, and i would have done the same, in fact i did, up the hill, 5 years ago.


I also rescued 2 kittens a couple of years ago.. It was when I was living in an Apartment building.. First cat was alone for quite a few days, crying loud.. It ended up on the roof in the rain, scared, cold and wet.. So I rescued it and took it to my mothers house.. It was sick when I took it and the vet said If I hadn't of taken it when I did, It wouldnt have lived... He's still alive now, fatter and happier than ever...

The 2nd cat was pretty much the same, Hiding somewhere and crying loudly for a couple of days.. I found it, gave it some food and it was very hungry, so I kept it... Now its the fattest and happiest cat in town!


Well, i would consider taking this one of your hands, but my problem is. In two months i go away for 2 weeks, i dont want to leave a kitten of only 2 months old. My other animals will be ok with my thai partner, but he works 12 hours a day, thats ok, they can take care of themselves while he is working, they are all mature and fully frown now. But a 2 month old Kitten, my soi is quite busy, i would worry about it.


Thank you guys for your support and kind words and Pattaya_girl. I did not really think about the commitment I was taking on when I picked it up but I could not leave it there to die the the middle of a carpark in the rain.

It is a difficult question and we are doing our best and it is feeding well from the bottle but I do not really have the time to spend on it, for instance I have to go to BKK tomorrow for work so I will need to find someone to take care of it for the day and I do this regularly and I am seriously worried because of the dogs we have already I am having to watch them all the time and keep the kitten out of their sight. I know I asking a lot but it only needs this sort of care for a few weeks (about 3 weeks) and then it will be a normal kitten and start to fend for itself. It is a very pretty fluffy little thing.


Well, as cold and heartless and evil and nasty as I am, we got dog #3 today, a soi dog that was hanging outside our gate... I gave in today, while I was waiting for a motor taxi, and the dog approached me in a way that said "please take me"... the dog is the sister of my other soi dog, from a different litter... a little on the small side, she hasn't had much food... all she was getting were some scraps the guards would toss her way... The guards are not wealthy people, and are really kind to all the soi dogs and give what they could.

My 3rd dog is also a rescue dog, a farang dog, from Amerigay.

It's only been a few hours, and it's a bit traumatic for my other dogs, so we're trying to take it slowly. Fortunately, I have help that's really good with animals. we've already given the new dog a bath and a few good meals

I would love a cat, but my dogs regrettably, do not. I am confident you will find someone to take the kitten.


It's wierd how some tiny kittens are around with no mothers. I have seen this myself and fed them everyday. I cant take them in as my apt does not allow pets. I was feeding 6 kittens in a hotel parking lot for a few months and then one day they vanished. I hate to think that the hotelier chinaman did something bad to them as I knew he hated the cats


Well Weho you have gone right up in my estimation :o

The two dogs we have are also rescued puppies that were dying on the street they are both healthy happy dogs now.

Anyway the good news is that a very kind person has taken our kitten. This person is a cat lover and has a cat with a litter of kittens which he thinks our kitten can join because it is so young.

So I hope it all works out but at least I know I did my best to save it and I think it has a much better chance of survival now.

Thanks for your help everyone.


Just saw a show on the news about a little kitten, was in thai so couldnt understand much but it showed a dog foster feeding the kittenwith its milk, quiet amazing really



I adopted the kitten since our own cat just had kittens. And so far it looks like she accepted it as one of her own even thou her other kittens are 2 weeks older.

Just before when I went to check on the kitten, our cat mama hisssssed at me as to protect it, so perhaps this will all turn out to be a happy end :D


I adopted the kitten since our own cat just had kittens. And so far it looks like she accepted it as one of her own even thou her other kittens are 2 weeks older.

Just before when I went to check on the kitten, our cat mama hisssssed at me as to protect it, so perhaps this will all turn out to be a happy end :D

Thats really great to hear!! I have been wondering about this little kitten all day.. Thats very nice of you to take the kitten in..

I am almost certain that the mother will accept it as one of her own, I have done this before with a kitten which was a few weeks old and the mother accepted it to be her own and they all grew up happily.. A lovely ending for this little kitten..

Im sure its alot better than sat in Foodlands wet carpark.. !!!!

Thumbs up to EmCross & Dontron for saving a little life... :o

Well, as cold and heartless and evil and nasty as I am, we got dog #3 today, a soi dog that was hanging outside our gate... I gave in today, while I was waiting for a motor taxi, and the dog approached me in a way that said "please take me"... the dog is the sister of my other soi dog, from a different litter... a little on the small side, she hasn't had much food... all she was getting were some scraps the guards would toss her way... The guards are not wealthy people, and are really kind to all the soi dogs and give what they could.

My 3rd dog is also a rescue dog, a farang dog, from Amerigay.

It's only been a few hours, and it's a bit traumatic for my other dogs, so we're trying to take it slowly. Fortunately, I have help that's really good with animals. we've already given the new dog a bath and a few good meals

I would love a cat, but my dogs regrettably, do not. I am confident you will find someone to take the kitten.

And well done to Weho too... I wish I could rescue some of the Soi dogs, some of them are really lovely.. But If I did that, I would have a house full of dogs :o

Great to see that there are some really kind animal lovers around here :D


I adopted the kitten since our own cat just had kittens. And so far it looks like she accepted it as one of her own even thou her other kittens are 2 weeks older.

Just before when I went to check on the kitten, our cat mama hisssssed at me as to protect it, so perhaps this will all turn out to be a happy end :D

Thank you for letting us know DonTron it brought a tear to my eye (I mean it) don't you just love a happy ending!

I will sleep better tonight knowing it has settled in well. :o

Yesterday we found a very small kitten in the Foodland carpark we saw it when we went in to shop and it was still there in the same place when we came out, we thought it was dead but it wasn't. It is absolutely tiny (fits in to the palm of my hand) and still has its eyes closed. We looked for its mother or any other kittens but there were none around and I asked the carpark attendant but he could not help.

I could not leave it in the carpark on its own in the rain so I picked it up and took it to the vet. The vet said it is less than 2 weeks old because it still has its eyes closed. We have some fomula milk from the vet and it is feeding from a small bottle and it is quite healthy and active.

The problem is we already have two dogs and another cat and two children and I can not really look after it the way it needs (it should still be with its mother obviously) it needs feeding every 2 to 3 hours.

Is there anyone out there prepared to take it? (very pretty little thing)

I do not need any comments that I should have left it to die in the carpark or any other comments about letting it die I am not the kind of person but anyone that can help me out it would be much appreciated, the dogs are driving me crazy, I think they want to eat it.

Why not take it to Best school it will grow quickly feeding on the many rats that inhabit the canteen , it will also get a sound and fully bilingual education the fees for small furry animals are a bargain compared to the small furry humans....sadly the books remain the same price. :o


I adopted the kitten since our own cat just had kittens. And so far it looks like she accepted it as one of her own even thou her other kittens are 2 weeks older.

Just before when I went to check on the kitten, our cat mama hisssssed at me as to protect it, so perhaps this will all turn out to be a happy end :D

Thank you for letting us know DonTron it brought a tear to my eye (I mean it) don't you just love a happy ending!

I will sleep better tonight knowing it has settled in well. :o

The two of you have earned immense merit for doing such a noble deed. I shared this thread with a colleague of mine that spends his day dealing with depressing diseases and some really nasty people. He said, it made his day. It's great to know that there are people out there with compassion and kindness that know right from wrong. I read the one idiot comment and all I can say to that people that are inherently good inspire others to do good things and that's a he11 of a better footprint to leave behind than selfishness. (And yea, I'm prejudiced, I have a 4 legged loved one rescued from a busy road.) ya did good, may the sun of fortune shine strongly upon your path.

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