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Rfa Reporter Flees To Thailand After Death Threat


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RFA Reporter Flees to Thailand After Death Threat


PHNOM PENH—A Cambodia-based reporter for Radio Free Asia (RFA) covering allegations of large-scale illegal logging by Cambodia’s elite has fled to Thailand following a death threat.

“You beware. You watch out, you could get killed. Don’t be too outspoken—you can die,” an unidentified caller told Lem Pichpisey June 16, Lem said.

Lem had been investigating allegations by the British-based nonprofit Global Witness that Cambodia’s elite, including relatives and others close to Prime Minister Hun Sen, have engaged in illegal logging operations and destroyed public resources, notably Prey Long forest, some 120 miles (200 kms) northeast of the capital Phnom Penh. Lem had traveled to Prey Long to document illegal logging there.

“Cambodia is run by a kleptocratic elite that generates much of its wealth via the seizure of public assets,” the report said, adding that some of those involved have ties to Hun Sen’s wife Bun Rany.

continues http://www.rfa.org/english/about/2007/06/18/cambodia_threat/

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RFA’s Khmer service contacted many of those named in the report, including Hun Sen’s brother Hun Neng. Hun Neng has been quoted as saying that if anyone from Global Witness came to Cambodia, he would “beat them on the head until it broke.” Most declined to be interviewed.

Makes you all warm and fuzzy inside.

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