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Have You Lost, Gained Or Stayed The Same Weight In Esarn?


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Just curious about the people who have been out in Esarn for a while. The local diet out there doesn't seem to be too heavy on fat and is generally low carb with the exception of the rice from what I've seen. If you are eating the local cuisine, have you lost or gained weight while there. If you are not eating the local food what percentage of your diet is local and what is your overall experience.

I can't add to this because I don't live in Esarn myself. I would guess that if I moved up there I'd drop a few kilos eating the local food.

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Just curious about the people who have been out in Esarn for a while. The local diet out there doesn't seem to be too heavy on fat and is generally low carb with the exception of the rice from what I've seen. If you are eating the local cuisine, have you lost or gained weight while there. If you are not eating the local food what percentage of your diet is local and what is your overall experience.

I can't add to this because I don't live in Esarn myself. I would guess that if I moved up there I'd drop a few kilos eating the local food.

When I officially retired, I moved to Jomtien. I moved from California and weighed 203 pounds. I went down to 185 pounds then we moved to Issan. I am now holding at about 180 pounds. My wife is a great cook and I eat 95 percent Thai food. The best part is that my blood pressure dropped a LOT and even my pulse rate dropped 10 beats per minute.

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Just curious about the people who have been out in Esarn for a while. The local diet out there doesn't seem to be too heavy on fat and is generally low carb with the exception of the rice from what I've seen. If you are eating the local cuisine, have you lost or gained weight while there. If you are not eating the local food what percentage of your diet is local and what is your overall experience.

I can't add to this because I don't live in Esarn myself. I would guess that if I moved up there I'd drop a few kilos eating the local food.

I've put on weight even though I eat more local food than western. I think it's a question of "are we less active now we live in the countryside" ? Answer is "yes" as we slow down according to the pace of life here.

The reason may also be that I'm eating too much rice or drinking to much beer ! I'll try cutting down on the rice and see what happens.

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How did you do that ??? I gained another 20 pounds and my blood-pressure vent sky-high, so I now have to take medication to keep it down.

Anyway, I happy that you case i fine, wish that it was me.....

I was drinking a lot of beer when I was in Jomtien and still lost weight. When I moved up here I cut my drinking way down. (No boozing buddies) Now only a couple of times a week and I very seldom drink at home. I was taking a 20 mg ACE inhibitor and now I break them in half. My doctor told me I could buy 10 mg tablets and break them in half. My blood pressure is usually about 125/75. When I was living and working in California, I pretty much lived on fast foods and fried food at home. I do miss the great hamburgers, rib steaks and pastrami sandwiches. I really think that more than anything else, the lack of stress brought my blood pressure down.

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How did you do that ??? I gained another 20 pounds and my blood-pressure vent sky-high, so I now have to take medication to keep it down.

Anyway, I happy that you case i fine, wish that it was me.....

I was drinking a lot of beer when I was in Jomtien and still lost weight. When I moved up here I cut my drinking way down. (No boozing buddies) Now only a couple of times a week and I very seldom drink at home. I was taking a 20 mg ACE inhibitor and now I break them in half. My doctor told me I could buy 10 mg tablets and break them in half. My blood pressure is usually about 125/75. When I was living and working in California, I pretty much lived on fast foods and fried food at home. I do miss the great hamburgers, rib steaks and pastrami sandwiches. I really think that more than anything else, the lack of stress brought my blood pressure down.

The first 4 years in Thailand I worked in earsten seaboard, close to Pattaya, lots of beer, no stress at the job, I had done that type of work so many times, and in many different countries, a walk in the park.

Then we moved out east, and started the farm, then all the stress came, and I quit drinking as well, life up here truely sucks :o but I wouldent trade it for anything, I like the challenge, even if it might put me in a early grave.


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  • 2 weeks later...

i lost 20 kg living in thailand. Mostly due to drinking less beer, eating only thai food and cycling a lot more.

A am lost on the "doesn't seem to be too heavy on fat" bit. when a pigs head or 2 is offered at the temple it is then brought back home, (minus an ear), and barbecued. The family then devour every part of the face. To me it looks like 70% fat, 20% skin and maybe 10% meat. when a pig or cow is slaughtered the whole thing is eaten and the villigers think i am odd because i don't eat the fat. But they all work a lot harder than i do so i guess they burn off all this extra energy with ease.

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