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._ _.

_ ._ _

_ . _


. _ .

No never tried, I am way too young for that.

Are you familiar with above code? :o


I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who has no idea what the clues mean. A nailboard display? Doesn't help. Cars in France? Hmm - Citroen, Renault - that's about all I can think of. Perhaps a French expression for a car that looks like a bent, rusty nail? :o


Have you been in the army, Ping?

(If so you should be able the code I posted veryy easy) :o

Here again.


._ _.

_ ._ _

_ . _


. _ .


No, I missed the draft by a couple of years, thankfully. So, a board of nails getting progressively larger, and some sort of connection with the army. Got it. Tent peg! :o

Next clue?


Oh my, this is getting embarrasing, I thought after 170 pages of educational posts someone would have learned something.

The cluess it is all right in yer face Ping, I am almost speechless.

Tijn , where are you?



Here I am , I'm back for the weekend !

Should we just unveal the name of the car and my identity in the

other forum ?

You may pass it if you like Alex , those oldies really don't have a clue

what it means to be a Dutchie .


On another thought I do think we should stil let them think a

little more , its becoming like what's the city ... whats the car ?

Cash made it so easy , what do these images mean ?

what is the Dutch name in the Dutch language for Cashill's images ?

Ping , you really disappoint me you know ....


Yeah, I can imagine Ping walking around, wiggling his pony tail and showing a big JR smile.

Feeling good walking the street catching the calls that the service girls make to him.

You think he really think about our Riddle?


he could or should try to give Google a go .

Think Zpete is more likely to find it out .

One more clue the name of the car starts with the letter 'S' .

Think the oldies are sleeping already , Pete is almost waking up in Kiwi ...


Ok I hope Pingcan find out now we made it so easy for him.

If he cannot find out we can consider heis just a stupid fake blond.

Sorry for spelling , Me drunk, hgo sleep.


Yes, got you. Your av over there is a television cartoon character popular with children.

Never heard of that brand of car - I doubt there'd be any in Oz. Until today, I wasn't even aware that there were any (original) Dutch car manufacturers. And the other clues were a bit obscure for an antipodean. What has it to do with the army, or with horse-drawn carriages? I can think of far better clues you could have given! I still don't recall you ever having told me (over there) who you were here. But I could be wrong.

Now that that is all over and done with, what's the next bit of business on the agenda?


Well I'm here. What was it you wanted me to explain?

Oops - I'm off again...

(Surprised to see you in the non-existent sub-forum! You should spend some more time there...)


Must say it is indeed a bit different atmosphere there, will see how I can make some irritating appearances there :o

Well the clues where very good and Tijn even said I was a genius.

And I think he is right....... :D

We Dutchies not only built one of the best super sports cars.

What else do you know about superior Dutch technology that we produce and export?

You know what they say right? If it ain't Dutch, it ain't much.



._ _.

_ ._ _

_ . _


. _ .

No never tried, I am way too young for that.

Are you familiar with above code? :o

Morse code, but dun know it.

Hafta have page open abd a book....... LOL

Why is my code to easy?


Well done Ping ... :D:o

Never give up I would say , how did you find it out if I may ask ?

But still you did know it beforehand , memory slip , but we never had a real

conversation over there about this no .

Now I wonder if Zpete knows what we are talking about , did you ever go to that other place ?

I will try to find you there Alex , I might have a look right now .

Yes, got you. Your av over there is a television cartoon character popular with children.

Never heard of that brand of car - I doubt there'd be any in Oz. Until today, I wasn't even aware that there were any (original) Dutch car manufacturers. And the other clues were a bit obscure for an antipodean. What has it to do with the army, or with horse-drawn carriages? I can think of far better clues you could have given! I still don't recall you ever having told me (over there) who you were here. But I could be wrong.

Now that that is all over and done with, what's the next bit of business on the agenda?

Dampfkraftwagen , famous cars until 60s , still being made, I thinx

Was in Melbs I drove the DKW, Ping, became Auto Union, which is now owned by Daimler Benz.

They had the first successful, CVT which is what grabbed me, brilliant transmission.

Really, have you never heard of them?


T - the Dutch auto gave it. I simply goooooogled Dutch autos, found one begininning with the letter you revealed and then looked it up in the member list. I see by your post count over there you spend about as much time there as I do - next to none.

Pete - CVT? Continuously Variable Transmission? (That's one of the definitions for the acronym that I found by goooooooogling. Never heard of it though.) Never heard of or seen a 'Dampfkraftwagen', but it sounds painful.

As you lot can probably work out, I'm not all that much into cars. As long as it will take me down the road and is reliable, I'm fairly happy. However, I do intend to get myself something half reasonable in Phuket. I can't get over how many people over there insist on owning 4WDs. Why? Do they spend their time finding tracks on the various hills/mountains? I'd far rather the comfort, convenience and - importantly in many parts of the island - parkability of a decent mid sized car. I may even go for a sporty little rag top - after all, I am the qualifying age (well past my mid-life crisis) and they would be a bit of fun with all the hilly roads over there. LivinginKata in the Phuket forum has got one and seems very proud of it.

That's my bit for the moment. Next?


You are right Ping , not spending alot of time over there at all ,

fifteen minutes a week is probably coming close , too much of a clique

I do not much appreciate , also too much in my opinion talk about a certain family

with all the politics around it , which is not a very smart thing to do , I do not want any part of

any connection with the forum because of that most , will not surprise me it will get closed for

too much open discussion for that , what do you think ?

Another thing is I am not spending too much time here as well , perhaps I'm getting bored

or perhaps to many boring tittats threads and talking , and thats before the games were moved

to this forum , I'm starting to like this subforum you know incognito almost and no postcount added

is almost as a relief ... any takers ? :o


Yes, I agree. It's a good thing that post count collectors won't be bothered with this thread. I try to avoid the politicial discussion threads. As you say, they are generally a recipe for disaster. The problem with so many of the newbies (and some more experienced posters who should know better) is that they sometimes behave in the forum in a way they would never behave if they were face-to-face with you. Insults and flaming because they have a different opinion and think they know best. The trouble is, the moment one of them gets banned, another one pops up (often, it seems, the banned poster in new guise). We were discussing this in one of the threads in the.. ahem, non-existent forum. One poster said that he decided against posting in one particular thread due to the contentious nature o the topic, but posted a harmless comment in a non-contentious thread and, you guessed it, got flamed!

But all in all the Phuket sub-forum isn't too bad. There's a hard core of regulars who've been around for a while and are decent folk. The trolls and flamers usually get either put in their place or ignored. Of course, as I said, once you get one newby to either go away or play nicely, you often get another thickhead come along to fill the void...

But getting back to the matter at hand, what's the story with this Dampfwagen CVT that Pete mentioned? If it was so good, why don't we hear of it these days? It seems to me that if someone invented such a transmission that worked really well, they'd make a bundle on patent licensing.


For Ping, living in a backwater called Australia.

CVT is everywhere.

Below a small excerpt from Wiki.

A CVT, called Variomatic, was designed and built by Huub van Doorne, co-founder of Van Doorne's Automobiel Fabriek (DAF), in the late 1950s, specifically to produce an automatic transmission for a small, affordable car. The first DAF car using van Doorne's CVT, the DAF 600,was produced in 1958. [5] Van Doorne's patents were later transferred to a company called VDT (Van Doorne Transmissie B.V.) when the passenger car division was sold to Volvo; its CVT was used in the Volvo 340.

In early 1987, Subaru launched the Justy in Tokyo with an electronically controlled continuously variable transmission (ECVT) developed by Fuji Heavy Industries, which owns Subaru. In 1989 the Justy became the first production car in the U.S. to offer CVT technology. While the Justy saw only limited success, Subaru continues to use CVT in its keicars to this day, while also supplying it to other manufacturers.[6]

In the summer of 1987 the Ford Fiesta and Fiat Uno became the first mainstream European cars to be equipped with steel-belted CVT (as opposed to the less robust rubber-belted DAF design). This CVT, the Ford CTX was developed by Ford, Van Doorne, and Fiat, with work on the transmission starting in 1976.[6]

The 1992 Nissan March contained Nissan's N-CVT based on the Fuji Heavy Industries ECVT.[6] In the late 1990s, Nissan designed its own CVT that allowed for higher torque and included a torque converter. This gearbox was used in a number of Japanese-market models. Nissan is also the only car maker to bring roller-based CVT to the market in recent years. Their toroidal CVT, named the Extroid, was available in the Japanese market Y34 Nissan Gloria and V35 Skyline GT-8. However, the gearbox was not carried over when the Cedric/Gloria was replaced by the Nissan Fuga in 2004. The Nissan Murano, introduced in 2003, and the Nissan Rogue, introduced in 2007, also use CVT in their automatic transmission models. In a Nissan Press Release, July 12, 2006 Nissan announced a huge shift to CVT transmissions when they selected their [XTronic CVT technology] [1]for all automatic versions of the Nissan Versa, Nissan Sentra, Nissan Altima and Nissan Maxima vehicles in North America, making the CVT a truly mainstream transmission system. One major motivator for Nissan to make a switch to CVT's is as part of their 'Green Program 2010' aimed at reducing CO2 emissions by 2010.

The real thing about CVT is the smooth ride, no gears to clunk, seems slow, but that is because of NO engine reving noises when gears change. Perfect engine revs to acceleration asked for by driver.

Fact is, the cars accelerate faster than gear driven vehicles.

Full story at wiki


Edit, forgot the question.

Ping, All clear now?


Yes, interesting. Thanks Pete. I can't see why the majority of mainstream cars don't have them though. I suppose progress moves slowly, in this case. If it had anything like the development curve in electronics techynology, it would probably be obsolete by now - replaced by a silicon quad core micro transmission (with a slightly less efficient ones for small cars), with a label on the bonnet saying 'Variomatic Inside'.

E: I did Pete's trick - forgot the question. What was the question?


Australia has 2 neandethal cars, which car challenged Ockers think are world beaters.

FORD have won at Le Mans 24 hour, the ultimate car race..

HOLDEN not won nuffin outside OZ and NZ.

Have they?


A Ford Falcon won at Le Mans? Do recall, Pete, that Holden has been through some name revisions: Holden, General Motors Holden, General Motors and then back to Holden again. If you are going to say that Holden has never won anything outside of Australia, you need to apply that to General Motors as a company (incl Chev, Pont, Opel, etc). But yes, I do realise you were just having a dig!

Speaking of which, the Land of the Long White Cloud hasn't exactly defined itself in the racing world. But yes, with their expertise at all things ovine, they did used to clean-uop at the shearing contests. Of course, they were using shears with with three-feet wide combs!

(Did I forget the question again?)

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