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Climatical Weight Loss


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Since I have been back in Thailand I have lost quite a lot of weight, considerably more than last time and I am now down to under 65 kilos and already require another hole in my belt.

Strangely enough, most farang women I have spoken to about this tell me that they put weight on over here which I don't understand.

I know that everybody's metabolic rate varies and I need something to help me put the weight back on.

Recently there have been a lot of donuts and eggs in my diet, the latter of which is supposed to slow down the metabolism somewhat, but usually within about thirty minutes of consumption, a poo comes out of my bottom.

Aside from taking immodium daily, which would be unwise as it is harmful to the digestive system - is there anything on the market I can try, or is there a specific diet regime I need to introduce myself to?

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Since I have been back in Thailand I have lost quite a lot of weight, considerably more than last time and I am now down to under 65 kilos and already require another hole in my belt.

Strangely enough, most farang women I have spoken to about this tell me that they put weight on over here which I don't understand.

I know that everybody's metabolic rate varies and I need something to help me put the weight back on.

Strange observations I make here, you talk to farang woman and you lose weight in Thailand. I gained more than 12 kilos here in Thailand in four years. Are you sure the two things, talkings to farang women and gaining weight are not related? I've heard more people say that they gained weight here, they however didn't talk to farang woman :D:D:D

This could be a topic for a Master's dissertation :o What are the true reasons of your weight loss here :D


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Since I have been back in Thailand I have lost quite a lot of weight, considerably more than last time and I am now down to under 65 kilos and already require another hole in my belt.

Strangely enough, most farang women I have spoken to about this tell me that they put weight on over here which I don't understand.

Stupid me, you're a woman! I always assumed that "Ambassador" was a man, still remember the interest in working for an embassy. That also explains why you talk to farang women.

Why most farang woman gain even more weight here in Thailand beats me too, probably not to appear even more attractive to the male farang population.

Is it true, you're really a woman?

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the true(?) reason why he is loosing weight is, he is kind of person who easily looses weight. Point. Fact.

(You) overweight guys might shake your head and say ...what the f... is he arguing about? Isn't that lovely loosing weight so easily...?

But I can tell you it is NOT FUNNY at all.

Again, try to have a serious workout accompanied by specialist's diet advise.

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I have spent my whole life on various diets and consider myself quite knowledgeable on the subject. It seems ridicuously simple, but do everything opposite of what dieters do to lose weight.

Before you start, have your stool checked for tape worm. Then:

1. Your metabolism slows with inactivity, therefore, try to be as inactive as possible. Sleep as much as possible. Lie down to do as many things as you can such as reading, T.V., etc. Stay in rooms that are as warm as you can stand, avoid cold air-conditioned rooms.

2. Gaining weight is all about caloric intake. Eat as many fattening foods, that are as nutricious as possible. Avocados, nuts, especially cashews, peanut butter, prime beef, eggs, etc.

3. Eat just before retiring, try to nap after every meal.

4. Cook everything in poly-unsaturated fat.

5. Do not exercise. While muscles weigh more, they also burn calories at a greater rate than other tissue and actually increase your metabolism.

6. Stay away from all stimulants such as coffee, colas and other caffene drinks.

7. Stop smoking if you smoke.

8. Drink beer with most meals.

9. Butter everything including vegatables, bread and potatoes.

10. Stay away from most Thai food, it is very healthy and rarely fattening.

11. Lastly, try to stretch your stomach, making it larger, so you can eat more at each meal. Make your meals huge, your stomach should feel overfull, even uncomfortably, so when you have finished gorging yourself you feel your stomach has stretched. Then lay down for a nap or sleep.

Other than the butter, everything mentioned above is quite nutricious. Perhaps not the fat, but some daily is really good for you.

Try the internet seach engines on "how to gain weight.

Good luck.

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Well I have been here 4 years this time and I have also lost weight,and my Thai wife doesn't allow me to talk to any women,farang or Thai.

But I eat better and feel better when I can get to some descent grub,

Think I will make a CM run and pig out at the Fillmore East everyday for about a week.that should do it'

Then next month when I gotta go to BKK ,I will hang out a few days at Burger king,Choc Chai steak house and Sizzler's. if I eat Thai,I got to hit the head pretty regularly for a day.loose like a goose.

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Injectable Vitamin B12 will give you a big appetite. If you can handle injecting yourself. You should gain weight with 2 x 2ml shots a week. Make sure you know how to do it properly.

Weight gain powder would be ideal, but is hard to find over here.

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Well I have been here 4 years this time and I have also lost weight,and my Thai wife doesn't allow me to talk to any women,farang or Thai.

Stress makes you lose weight or gain weight.

Depends on the way you react to it.

Are you stressed, Kevin?

And Ambassador?

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I also loose weight each time i return to Thailand. I think I understand why now.

I train frequently and vigurously when im at home in the UK. So my weight rises due to my high protein diet, and very high calorie intake. When I arrived at BKK last year my weight was 82kg, I then climatise, get i'll for a week, then get back to normal me again. So I start to train but not as hard and cannot maintain the weight gained in UK.

This is due to the heat in Thailand and my water retension. Durring training your body puts on water retension and this is quite a high percentage of my weight. The retension is for carrying the protein around the body to feed the damaged muscle from training.

Could it be that your weight loss is only fluid retension?

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i do not think it is only about the lack of water (or not having enough water consumption) ... but it maybe ONE of many reasons for loss of weight. Geee, somebody really should ask a knowledged person (physics doctor) about that .... and forward this info onto this forum-topic. very well appreciated by those who have a "problem" in loosing weight and not beeing happy with it :o

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i lose weight also when i'm in thailand.

It's simply due to the heat that i'm not feeling like eating most of the time. If you eat then it's a moo yang with some sticky rice or something.

Last year i lost 10 kg in 9 months.

I'm back in europe now and the kilo's are already coming back just as easely as you adjust to your previous diet of french fries ect..

Here i'm hungry at least twice a day even nautious when i only eat once.

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Sorry for the late comeback and replies are appreciated, yet there's still as yet no mention of any medication I could take.

I don't really have time in my life for a workout regime and I'd be too lazy anyway - which by that rationale you'd assume I could put on weight easier but no, that is not the case.

And what makes you think I'm a girl? :o

...It must be the obsession with weight, can't be the bowler hat.

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There aren't that many medications that will make you fat.

The most effective one is really effective but also really dangerous if you don't know what you're doing, as a matter of fact it can kill you.

If you take a fast acting insulin, like Humalog, and eat a very greasy meal 30 minutes later once a day you'll gain several kilos a week.

And if you don't eat enough sugar you can go into a coma and even die :o

Another drug which stimulates appetite and is somewhat fattening is an anti-histamine called Periactin. A problematic side effect is that it makes you drowsy.

Only body builders need to go the medical route though, you should be able to gain weight just fine by upping your caloric intake, eat avocados filled with sour cream throughout the day, eat lot's of Hagen Das ice cream, snack on chocolate bars etc. etc.

I wish I had your problem, yummy yummy! :D

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