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9 Months Since Coup, The Military Installed Government Has Proven Unable To Quell Insurgency In Thailand's Muslim South: Violence Has Dramatically Spi


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well done junta, well done, what will you do for an encore? thailand should start over, it can't be any worse.......or can it? elites only care about bangkok and that of course is where all the money is

come on "defenders of the realm", please show me the rainbow........

(thaigoon and highdiver, i wait for your rebutles with curiousity and of course amusement and before you release useless rhetoric that this is sensationalist, please note the blog quoted below is One of "Best Blogs of '06" (U.S. News & World Report)...good luck and flame away

Violence Has Dramatically Spiked

PM General Surayud Chultanont, acknowledged that the situation in the South "had deteriorated," and suggested the permanent closure of remote schools, a bitter acknowledgement that the military was unable to stop attacks on teachers and schools.

Bangkok remains preoccupied with elite machinations, unconcerned about the single most important security threat in the region, complacent that the insurgency remains confined to the Muslim south. Nine months with nothing to show- more reasons that the generals should cede power immediately.


Edited by bingobongo
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I find that the democrat party strangely silent about this issue. Where is the leadership from Abhisit considering that his party has the overwhelming support from the southern provinces :o

Does the current leaders and the future leaders care about the insurgency there :D ?????

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....from Abhisit considering that his party has the overwhelming support from the southern provinces :o

just to say that although Democrats have a stronghold in southern provinces...this DID NOT and still does NOT include the 3 southern most provinces. prior to TRT era..the 3 southern provinces voted for New Aspiration Party (Chavalit's party)....

cant say what will happen now and whether there is support for Democrats there....

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....from Abhisit considering that his party has the overwhelming support from the southern provinces :o

just to say that although Democrats have a stronghold in southern provinces...this DID NOT and still does NOT include the 3 southern most provinces. prior to TRT era..the 3 southern provinces voted for New Aspiration Party (Chavalit's party)....

cant say what will happen now and whether there is support for Democrats there....

unfortunately , it is not hard to imagine them unrepresented due to apathy and indifference mixed with an unhealthy dose of fear .

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