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Thailand Pulling Out Of Iraq


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I guess Faux News has forgotten to report this:

Thai troops begin Iraq pullout early


Thailand will begin withdrawing military forces from Iraq tomorrow.

When the Thai Government agreed to send 450 engineers and medics on a one-year deployment last September, the US touted Thailand as one of the "coalition of the willing".

Hahahahaha !!! NeoCon tards OWNED again !!! :o

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I guess Faux News has forgotten to report this:

Thai troops begin Iraq pullout early


Thailand will begin withdrawing military forces from Iraq tomorrow.

When the Thai Government agreed to send 450 engineers and medics on a one-year deployment last September, the US touted Thailand as one of the "coalition of the willing".

Hahahahaha !!! NeoCon tards OWNED again !!! :o

It'll give Dr Thaksin something to talk to Prime Minister Howard about during Monday's meeting in Canberra about the Australia / Thailand FTA.

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Heros for leaving? Doubtful.. more lads we have in there sorting this mess out the quicker we can be done with it. Just use Yugoslavia as an example- we are still there, but things are stable. Doesn't matter how we got there but rather are we willing to put it right?

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at last some common sense from the government ! can this be so ? :o why should thai troops be at risk ? let the fools who started it sort it out . i was always taught you have to be responsible for your actions , surely this should be the case for world leaders also.

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Heros for leaving? Doubtful.. more lads we have in there sorting this mess out the quicker we can be done with it. Just use Yugoslavia as an example- we are still there, but things are stable. Doesn't matter how we got there but rather are we willing to put it right?

"Doesn't matter how we got there"??????????????? who are you, Tony B. liar?

Of course, it bloody well matters.

And where the ###### is Yugoslavia these days? :o

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