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This May Be Offensive To Many


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For me I didnt find the OP topic racist, but i did find some of the extreme responses racist.

I agree with that.

My view is that there are differences between people of different ethnic backgrounds, just as there are differences between the genders (& there's also huge variation within groups.) We ought to be able to talk about these in ways that are not racist. (Ought to be able ...).

Recognising the differences and commenting on them can be a way of better understanding ourselves and our place in the world. Cultural differences can be fascinating, especially when you realise, yet again, that something you believed to be an objective truth is merely a culturally-instilled belief. That's rather the case for the different way different people may smell to us. We don't much notice our OWN smells/ those similar to us, or those deemed acceptable in our culture or sub-culture.

Sometimes, understanding the ways in which certain cultures are racist towards other cultures/sub-cultures is interesting, too.

Edited by WaiWai
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Where are ou from EEK and maybe people can taylor their responses?

Those that try and hide the truth behind cat calls of "racist!" make me smile. I wish I could delude myself so well.

Oops..I dont think i worded what i wanted to say correctly. When i said that i dont mind people making observations about my country/culture i ment 'for example'. My country hasnt been mentioned in this topic, but if it had of been I would personally prefer the observers to give their opinion without insulting.

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Maybe he hasn't heard of bidets; they're quite common in Germany and France and much easier to use than butt guns.

they were not so common in my home country "D" a decade ago Quertz and even now not even 10% of new built homes in Germany have bidets. not to talk about UK or the Greatest Nation on Earth™ where the average citizen thinks "peedays" are either for peeing or to wash vegetables because the kitchen sink is too small.


Moot point.

More Germans are buying houses these days rather than renting flats and the ladies like a custom bathroom.

They're now offered as extras as they don't take up a lot of room (the bidets, not the ladies).

I take your point about Brits (being one myself) not grasping the fundamental function of these handy little fountains.

BTW, talking of pongers, I think men lead women by about 10 to 1.

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Western diet can be pretty fowl at times, loaded with all sorts. I have been told that westerners smell in general badly to people such as the Japanese (although i have no idea if true).

As i am a veggie who rarely eats dairy i would like to think im in the low bad body odor smell making catagory :D

The Japanese and Chinese used to perceive Westerners as being smelly due to eating a lot of dairy products. They have since adopted dairy stuff into their own diet due to lack of calcium and bone disorders affecting the national health.

India is a pretty sme.... pungent country, generally.

Upon looking at a picture of a bald farang, a Thai teacher looked at me, pointed to the missing hair and said "Farang eat too mut cheese." :o

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Western diet can be pretty fowl at times, loaded with all sorts. I have been told that westerners smell in general badly to people such as the Japanese (although i have no idea if true).

As i am a veggie who rarely eats dairy i would like to think im in the low bad body odor smell making catagory :D

The Japanese and Chinese used to perceive Westerners as being smelly due to eating a lot of dairy products. They have since adopted dairy stuff into their own diet due to lack of calcium and bone disorders affecting the national health.

India is a pretty sme.... pungent country, generally.

Upon looking at a picture of a bald farang, a Thai teacher looked at me, pointed to the missing hair and said "Farang eat too mut cheese." :o

This was the biology teacher? :D

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India is a pretty sme.... pungent country, generally.

Yes, it is.

(I think) Thailand is pretty interesting, but India is amazing. Many exceptionally wonderful people there who just could not exist in the anodyne West.

(I know there's a huge amount that's wrong with India, but it has a great charm for me.)

May they richly smell :o.

Edited by WaiWai
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Personal observation only:

1. Indians

2. Africans (especially Nigerians and Somalians)

3. Pakistanis

4. Poles

5. Mexicans

6. Azerbajanians

7. Turks

8. Croatians

9. Koreans


Guess you've never been on the subway in Paris!

Actually, J.D., I have. Nothing compared to the above list in my opinion. The New York subway is no walk in the park either.

That's due to the New York Subway, at any given time, typically contains representatives from each of the 10 mentioned.....plus a few bonus nationalities :o

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The Jappers call us white Westerners 'butterstinkers'.

They must be referring only to SOME "white Westerners" since they themselves (the Japs) have only very recently learned to use bidets from the Italians (the first ones imported were from Italian stylish furnitures makers, now they produce their own ELECTRONIC ones!) :o

BTW, in Italy bidets are much more than "quite common", they are as common as toilet bowls... Despite bidet being a French word, bidet are more used in Spain, Greece and Portugal (and quite common in some Latin American countries) than in France (which is still far ahead of any one of the rest of the European countries anyway).

Edited by BAF
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especially when the posts come from people who (instead of washing) wiped their butts after sh*tting till they learned some hygiene in Asia.


The many viral and other diseases coming from Asia and Africa are due to the abysmal hygienic conditions prevalent there.

Living in too close contact with others and in too great numbers, living in too close contact with animals, food preparation, food conservation, chemical contaminations, pollution etc etc etc

Most of it is due to deep ignorance, poor laws and even worse enforcement.

Really much to learn about hygiene in Asia...

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for you who think diet causes the bad odor .

try not bathing for a week and see if you end up smelling like an indian or afrikan.

I've been there, done that...for two years in Vietnam back in the late 60's. Humping an 80-pound rucksack as well as a rifle or grenade launcher (M-79) or an M-60 machinegun in the bush in Vietnam's hot, humid climate produced some smells that would gag a maggot. In fact, my fatigues would begin to rot around my crotch and butt. Add to that the occasional round of dysentary and no one anywhere could smell as bad as we did. But we didn't notice because everyone was in the same boat when we were on a mission. And when we got back to our base camp, the first thing we'd do is head for the NCO Club for a cold beer...and clear out the entire bar when we got there.

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As I read through this thread I'm reminded of those nasty little guys who sit in the corner of bars, beginning every phrase with the classic: "I'm not racist, but . . . "

Gee Bendix, I don't know, but it seems to me that there are a lot of brave folks on this forum starting topics, guys like Weho, and others, who seem to me to be the bravest; holding themselves out there to ridicule, defending their beliefs. Other guys who just "lurk" on the forums, waiting to nail the defenseless "idiots" seem to me to be the biggest cowards.

Give me a brave poster any day over a coward responder.

Chinthee, Bendix is what I call a Vampire Poster. They sit on the sidelines and then fly in and bite some poor poster who has inadvertently exposed his neck for these vultures. It is incredibly rare when they actually offer something constructive to a conversation.

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As I read through this thread I'm reminded of those nasty little guys who sit in the corner of bars, beginning every phrase with the classic: "I'm not racist, but . . . "

Gee Bendix, I don't know, but it seems to me that there are a lot of brave folks on this forum starting topics, guys like Weho, and others, who seem to me to be the bravest; holding themselves out there to ridicule, defending their beliefs. Other guys who just "lurk" on the forums, waiting to nail the defenseless "idiots" seem to me to be the biggest cowards.

Give me a brave poster any day over a coward responder.

LOL ... and there goes my opinion of you .... you think WeHo believes what he posts?

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As I read through this thread I'm reminded of those nasty little guys who sit in the corner of bars, beginning every phrase with the classic: "I'm not racist, but . . . "

Gee Bendix, I don't know, but it seems to me that there are a lot of brave folks on this forum starting topics, guys like Weho, and others, who seem to me to be the bravest; holding themselves out there to ridicule, defending their beliefs. Other guys who just "lurk" on the forums, waiting to nail the defenseless "idiots" seem to me to be the biggest cowards.

Give me a brave poster any day over a coward responder.

LOL ... and there goes my opinion of you .... you think WeHo believes what he posts?

Ever heard of the term "winding someone up? he he :o

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