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How Much Stuff Have You Seen Someone Put On A Motorbike?


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I am often amazed how clever some Pattayans are in how much STUFF they can transport on a motorbike.

For humans, I've seen SIX people... 2 adults, 2 kids seated, one kid sandwiched in between two seated people, and one infant held by the non-driving seated adult.

Another human record was a big fat farang guy who was at least 400 pounds, and was so big, he has is Thai gal sit IN FRONT of him, and he steered the thing from behind. I guess there was no other way to fit the two of them on one motorbike.

Another human achievement, and I'm not making this up... I saw a farang guy, who had only one leg, and crutches... He had some kid with him. As he propped up the motorbike with his crutches, the kid was already on the back seat... he used the crutches to gain the first momentum, and he quickly handed the crutches to the kid in the back.

I saw a guy transporting a HUGE ladder, being held by the guy in back... over ten feet long...

I saw a guy transporting a large t.v. set.

But the scariest one was the guy in back hand-holding a big sheet of glass, about one square meter.

So what's the most/most dangerous load you've seen on a Pattaya motorbike?

Edited by Weho
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Another classic weho post in the making. Really, you have to open this to everyone, not just Pattaya, and since I just invited myself to do that here it is, true story.

A couple of years ago in Phuket, I was following behind a motorbike with a bg driving and an absolute chang-sized farang on the back. For those of you who know where the road from Kata goes steeply up to Nai Harn, you know how steep that road is. As the motorbike goes up the incline, the bike does a complete wheely, and dumps the ff off the back, and the girl, and the bike and them come rolling down the hill and almost hit the front of my truck. 3 of us had stomach pains from laughing for days after that. (nobody hurt, just scrapes)

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For humans, I've seen SIX people... 2 adults, 2 kids seated, one kid sandwiched in between two seated people, and one infant held by the non-driving seated adult.

...............and don't forget the dog in the basket!

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For humans, I've seen SIX people... 2 adults, 2 kids seated, one kid sandwiched in between two seated people, and one infant held by the non-driving seated adult.

...............and don't forget the dog in the basket!

It looks like in one of the pictures submitted above/earlier, someone IS in the basket... and in the other picture, with 7 people, there is still room for an 8th in the basket.

Gotta say those pictures were most amusing!

Edited by Weho
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For humans, I've seen SIX people... 2 adults, 2 kids seated, one kid sandwiched in between two seated people, and one infant held by the non-driving seated adult.

...............and don't forget the dog in the basket!

It looks like in one of the pictures submitted above/earlier, someone IS in the basket... and in the other picture, with 7 people, there is still room for an 8th in the basket.

Gotta say those pictures were most amusing!

Naw, Weho...................that was "chicken in a basket"!!! :o

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No TV - but will a fridge do? Got one of a kid in a basket as well

post-47294-1182766310_thumb.jpg post-47294-1182766338_thumb.jpg post-47294-1182766480_thumb.jpg

I once saw two guys proceeding serenely down Pattaya Tia on their 125cc Honda...with a twin tub washing machine balanced between them.

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Another classic weho post in the making. Really, you have to open this to everyone, not just Pattaya, and since I just invited myself to do that here it is, true story.

Don't you worry, we are all here. We come from all round Thailand and beyond to pay homage to Weho. Am in the process of printing up the 'Weho is God' t-shirts now

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Another classic weho post in the making. Really, you have to open this to everyone, not just Pattaya, and since I just invited myself to do that here it is, true story.

Don't you worry, we are all here. We come from all round Thailand and beyond to pay homage to Weho. Am in the process of printing up the 'Weho is God' t-shirts now

Can I put in an order for two of those t-shirts? No tank tops, please... too declasee. And can you make one up with the "Weho is God" on the front, and on the back, put "Good boys go to heaven, bad boys go to Pattaya". Or, if you want, put "same, same" on the back. Or maybe "no money, no honey"...

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And can you make one up with the "Weho is God" on the front, and on the back, put "Good boys go to heaven, bad boys go to Pattaya". Or, if you want, put "same, same" on the back. Or maybe "no money, no honey"...

You mistakenly got the grammar correct in the first quote. It should be "Good boy goes to heaven, bad boy goes to Pattaya."

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And can you make one up with the "Weho is God" on the front, and on the back, put "Good boys go to heaven, bad boys go to Pattaya". Or, if you want, put "same, same" on the back. Or maybe "no money, no honey"...

You mistakenly got the grammar correct in the first quote. It should be "Good boy goes to heaven, bad boy goes to Pattaya."

or how about:

Front: "Weho is God"

Back: "Drama Queens rule dude!"

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As the moderators slowly but surely close each post, there is finally hope for an end to weho's carpet-bombing of the Pattaya forum.

why did you even bother reading this thread knowing it was from wheo he/ she or whatever????

i bet its fun in your house!!!!

Go on admit it, i bet you had a bit of a grin looking at them picys!!!

I thought thats what this forum bit was all about, discusing things we are not used to etc!!!

Leave it with ya!

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We had a man fall off the back of a motorbike in our soi, luckily he had 4 tyres around him. Seen someone carrying a large fish tank (empty) and 8 on a bike, this consisted of parents and children carrying babies. Predictably the only one wearing any helmet was Dad.

Best place for bike transportation and odd loads is Hanoi. There is even a published book showing the bizarre things they carry.

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As the moderators slowly but surely close each post, there is finally hope for an end to weho's carpet-bombing of the Pattaya forum.

Well, let's see... I took the liberty of reading your topic postings, you know, to see what I was doing all wrong. Since you're the barometer of what people find interesting, and what you think we SHOULD be chatting about.

Well, it turns out you're not as fascinating as you think you are. Two of your seven or so topics didn't manage to get a single response, and I'm surprised anyone even bothered to read beyond the topic title. I was surprised no one was interested in your sausage/best pies stories... and your road trip to Udon, I suppose, just wasn't as fascinating as my Pattaya Pet Peeves.

But I do agree this thread should be closed, and I've requested the moderators close it at once. But if you're so much more fascinating than I apparently am, why on earth would someone of your stature bother reply, over and over, to my postings? It's like the people who move to the beach, then complain about the sand. Regardless, and as usual, thanks for the attention you've given me, and for taking the "bait" and reply, over and over... Puh-leese.

OK moderators, CLOSE IT DOWN! I think we got the point that people put a lot of stuff on motorbikes... some nice people submitted some funny pictures that MOST of us enjoyed, but apparently not the real fascinating people.

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Weho: I've got some confidence-building and assertiveness-training tapes if you're interested.

Thanks for the thought, but I'll see if i can get by without them for the time being...

Of course what I think you're getting at is: does anyone think I've ever forced anyone to reply to anything I wrote? I haven't, and wouldn't. If a topic/thread is not of interest to someone, they should simply move on. But it is beyond my understand to know why some people, who contribute to so little, feel they must attack and put down what at least some other people seem to VOLUNTARIRLY want to discuss. Believe me... I'm well aware that not everyone is going to like what I might contribute... I hope those people will simply "move on". There are, indeed, many interesting threads here, started by lots of different interesting people who like to discuss things. But this idea of "I don't like you, so I want you shut down", sort of reminds me of the press in North Korea.

Fortunately, they are in the minority, and are usually ignored, mostly because they are simply not all that interesting... It gets tiring reading "you're so boring, you're a troll, you're the worst", etc. It may be true, or at least some people may truly believe that about someone else... If so, why not keep it to yourself, and move on... or say it once, then move on... But to say it over and over and over again, tells those people are simply jealous hypocrits, because they are unable to come up with a topic that anyone else seems interested in.

Now... either close this thread, or let's talk about motorbikes, it that interests you.

I would add, regarding motorbikes, that when I am a passenger on a motorbike taxi, i always bring my own hat/cap, so the vermin inside the helmet, which has been worn by LOTS of people, and probably never cleaned, touches my filthy hat, rather than my clean and lucious flowing hair. Not perfect, but a little better. Also, I would recommend when you do put on that filthy helmet, to make sure it fits TIGHTLY, or there's no point, as it will surely fall off, before you head hits the concrete... Again, not perfect, but better than nothing.

OK moderators... what are you waiting for....

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Actually, Weho, my post was meant as an admiration of your self-confidence and outspokenness, if such a word exists. For those who don't like you, I say the board is much more lively since you've started posting. If they like dead boards talking about obscure Latvian dishes, that's fine, but I prefer a bit of playfulness.

If, however, you are serious about the things you say, my dear Weho, then I am appalled and you should be tarred and feathered! (That was irony, in case you missed it.)

And moderators, please note that when Weho says to close a thread, you'd better jump to and get it done!

Oh, yeah, I finally figured out who you remind me of, Weho, Hillary, the columnist in the Pattaya Mail. Is that your day job My Petal?

Edited by Jimmyd
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Actually, Weho, my post was meant as an admiration of your self-confidence and outspokenness, if such a word exists. For those who don't like you, I say the board is much more lively since you've started posting. If they like dead boards talking about obscure Latvian dishes, that's fine, but I prefer a bit of playfulness.

If, however, you are serious about the things you say, my dear Weho, then I am appalled and you should be tarred and feathered! (That was irony, in case you missed it.)

And moderators, please note that when Weho says to close a thread, you'd better jump to and get it done!

Oh, yeah, I finally figured out who you remind me of, Weho, Hillary, the columnist in the Pattaya Mail. Is that your day job?

I'm shocked that you would think I would read the Pattaya Mail... I only read the hi-bred publication: Pattaya People. Nothings more fascinating to me than a drunken Finn, dangling from a big signpost, usually at 3 AM... and no one can cover those stories as well as Pattaya People... If they haven't won any Pulitzer Prizes for Literature/Reporting, I'm sure they will very shortly. And I like the stories about the illegal gamblers, when the combined loot the authorities find, usually adds up to about 200 baht. Shocking.

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Well here we have another Weho topic which has degenerated into the pros and cons of Weho`s artistic posting abilities and very little to do with the original topic subject.

Weho has requested that the topic should be closed and usual TV format is to respect the OP`s wishes when a request to close a topic is made.

So I am closing this topic but I would like to add a side note and request that posters try to understand that each poster has his/her own posting style and tolerance of different styles even if at times they may seem trollish would be greatly appreciated.


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