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In the USA we have diaper services and its just as simple as putting everything into a plastic bag and someone comes and gets it every other day. Here.. I was hoping to do regular diapers and not the throw aways. Right now my mother in law is hand washing the dirty diapers but she is helping with the first two months and then she is out of here. At that time we were going to hire a maid or nanny but I am not sure if this is in the job description. My wife insists that everything for the baby is hand washed with the baby mild soap and hung to dry. We do have a washer but she says absolutely not. Don't get me wrong I change my share of diapers and do midnight bottle feedings but I am not going to hand wash dirty diapers for the next year or so.

I guess when we advertise for a maid or nanny we will have to put this in the job description. Just wanted to know what others do?




Our maid in thailand did it. I think that's pretty normal.

We are currently on vacation in the UK and my wife is hand washing everything for the babies (twins). We're staying at my mums house and she has a state of the art washer and tumble dryer, but my wife won't allow them to be used for any of the babies things. My mum and the neighbours think it's quite odd - with my wife squatted beside three large large plastic bowls for a couple of hours every 2 days !


I can't understand this thing with always being attracted to a dirty floor to wash dishes and clothes in bowls. My neighbours have nice little houses, SUVs, cars and motorcycles, dvd players and all the gizmos but still no kitchen sink...

A baby is on the way and we already have a washer and dryer that will be of great use with diapers. Wife doesn't object to it as the laundry is my department.

Rinse twice.

I can't understand this thing with always being attracted to a dirty floor to wash dishes and clothes in bowls. My neighbours have nice little houses, SUVs, cars and motorcycles, dvd players and all the gizmos but still no kitchen sink...

I know, it's very odd. But I don't feel it's something to complain about. I've had a difficult time explaining to my wife why people don't usually remove their shoes in their houses in the UK, and other not-so-clean habits of farang.


My advice, as a mother of a one-year old baby boy (farang-farang) is: wash everything (diapers, cloths, sheets.....) in the washing machine, use baby mild liquid soap and that's it. I did it since the beginning and my baby didn't have any skin rash or something. Also, the machine rinse better than humans do. And nowadays, who has the time to do the hand wash ?

I'm using disposable diapers, much better, clean, dry, you avoid washing, etc.

Good luck !


We used disposables after a messy start with terry towling jobs. If it is environemental concerns - rest assured, greenpeace or someone like that with decent credentials found that washing them as opposed to manufacturing the pampers uses the same amount of energy/materials etc and doesn't impact on the world. Disposing of them is a seperate issue. They hang around for years and years although I understand that you can get some made of corn starch or something that degrade very quickly.

Disposables are far more absorbant than towling so less nappy rash and thrush + happy baby = happy parents.

As to the hand washing. WHY? In the days of electricity and running water it is madness. :o


O----kay....... :o

Let's take this one from the top:

Maid: A maid is a person that you can ask to do *ANY* menial chore that comes to mind. This very much includes washing anything you think needs washing.

Cloth diaper: a square piece of fabric that people used since Roman times, all through the Dark Ages, Renaissance until FINALLY in the 20th century Mr. Pampers came along and relegated them to the history books. We tried cloth diapers after having a baby, don't really know why but we did. It took about half a day to decide that this is insane.

Washing: Indeed my wife insists to use baby-wash, however what's the big difference using a washing machine?

Washing Machine: An appliance that washes automatically by adding (heated) water and moving laundry items about, thus washing off any dirt. From the laundry-item's point of view, it's in no way different to hand washing, though if for some weird or religious reasons Mum prefers hand washing then so be it; inform the maid.

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