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First, will you be able to stay permanent in the country if you do marry a thaigirl?

And are there any legal issues you should be aware of? Like:

* Does the marriage affect anything in your own country?

* What happends if she takes a bankloan without paying back?

* At divorce, is she entitled to any of my moeny in Thailand or my homecountry?

And are there other things you should think about before marrying a thaigirl?

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First, will you be able to stay permanent in the country if you do marry a thaigirl?

And are there any legal issues you should be aware of? Like:

* Does the marriage affect anything in your own country?

* What happends if she takes a bankloan without paying back?

* At divorce, is she entitled to any of my moeny in Thailand or my homecountry?

And are there other things you should think about before marrying a thaigirl?

You can stay in the country, but you will have to submit all marriage documents to Immigration for a 'Non Immigrant 'O' visa , the laws change on a daily basis, so don't quote me.

She would be entitled to 50% of your assests from your country, but the plus is if you buy anything here, the same thing goes.

The worrying thing is you are taliking about divorce before marriage, can i ask you a question, are you really serious?


DD, as you're quite new, welcome to the board and just a tip.

You'll find loads of answers to your questions in the existing threads.

Don't be put off by some the answers you'll get to your post.

There are quite a few cynics and fruitloops thinking up things to fire at you right now.

And are there other things you should think about before marrying a thaigirl?

The three most important things to do before marrying a thaigirl (or any girl for that matter) is :

1. Have a Prenuptial Agreement drawn up by a good lawyer.

2 Have a Prenuptial Agreement drawn up by a good lawyer.

3. Have a Prenuptial Agreement drawn up by a good lawyer.

Having a prenup has nothing to do with love but has to do with just good economics. Most of the disappointment and anger that I read here on the forums would have been avoided by this simple step. Good Luck :o

DD, as you're quite new, welcome to the board and just a tip.

You'll find loads of answers to your questions in the existing threads.

Don't be put off by some the answers you'll get to your post.

There are quite a few cynics and fruitloops thinking up things to fire at you right now.

I take it not me? :D

By the way, is there any advice you can give instead of mentioning the inevitable? Give me a go on your crystal ball please :o


No need for balls on this board, sir.

Of course I didn't mean you, globeliner, I know you're not a fruitloop.

I hope.

But the OP's relatively new to the board and there's lots of advice threads with constructive information as we already know.

I hope. :o


BTW DD, one of the best things that I forgot to mention in my previous post about the obvious economic advantage of a Prenup that would allow you to keep all your assets in case of divorce is the fact that most woman who are just out for your money, will usually not be willing to sign a Prenup.

About a year ago, a good friend of mine told me he was planning to marry his girlfriend of 5 months in LOS. I advised him to tell her that he would need a Prenup before marrying her. When she tried and tried but finally realized she could not talk him out of a Prenup, he could not believe how quickly her attitude toward him changed and it became quickly apparent to him that she really more interested in his money and not him so it was all over very quickly.

The worrying thing is you are taliking about divorce before marriage, can i ask you a question, are you really serious?

First, Im not even sure I want to make this happend, just looking into it. And the reason Im talking about divorce before marriage should be quite clear. Dont want to make a huge mistake and loose the bigger part of my assets if/when a possible divorce occurs. And im just realistic here, most marriages ends in a divorce, plain fact.

BTW DD, one of the best things that I forgot to mention in my previous post about the obvious economic advantage of a Prenup that would allow you to keep all your assets in case of divorce is the fact that most woman who are just out for your money, will usually not be willing to sign a Prenup.

About a year ago, a good friend of mine told me he was planning to marry his girlfriend of 5 months in LOS. I advised him to tell her that he would need a Prenup before marrying her. When she tried and tried but finally realized she could not talk him out of a Prenup, he could not believe how quickly her attitude toward him changed and it became quickly apparent to him that she really more interested in his money and not him so it was all over very quickly.

Thanks for the good advice. Actually she was the one who meantioned this to me, about the Prenup. And I guess in case of a divorce I will keep all my assets, both in Thailand and homecountry?

Anyway, find it quite scary that she would be entitled to 50% of what I have outside Thailand aswell. I mean who knows what I have except me? I could put up offshore accounts all over the world without no one knowing..

DD, as you're quite new, welcome to the board and just a tip.

You'll find loads of answers to your questions in the existing threads.

Don't be put off by some the answers you'll get to your post.

There are quite a few cynics and fruitloops thinking up things to fire at you right now.

Actually I did searh the forum. Spent about half an hour for answers, cuz I was pretty sure the question had been answered many times before. But didnt find what I was looking for.

Thanks for the good advice. Actually she was the one who meantioned this to me, about the Prenup. And I guess in case of a divorce I will keep all my assets, both in Thailand and homecountry?

Anyway, find it quite scary that she would be entitled to 50% of what I have outside Thailand aswell. I mean who knows what I have except me? I could put up offshore accounts all over the world without no one knowing..

DD--I think you are off to a good start since she has already mentioned a Prenup to you. Just remember that a prenup can be structured just about anyway you want within certain legal parameters however can also be disputed in a court of law if not done correctly so that is why I stress that it is important to have a good attorney or someone that really knows the law prepare it for you. A prenup done incorrectly is essentially worthless if challenged in a court of law so it is best to take the time to make sure it well thought out and is done correctly.


You are only resposible for 50% of what is gained while married, previous assets are not applicable....a pre-nup to Thai woman is an indication of mistrust, nothing else

You are only resposible for 50% of what is gained while married, previous assets are not applicable....a pre-nup to Thai woman is an indication of mistrust, nothing else

:o:D I do think that "an indication of mistrust" is a very naive statement. Is not a 'Divorce' even much more 'indication of mistrust' than a Prenup ? Thai marriages are internationally recognized and should someone decide at some point to go back to their home or another country to live or get divorced, those laws in that country would apply so the Thai divorce laws would be irrelevent. A Prenup can usually protect you in any eventuality.


9 months struggling to get out and most of our adult lives attempting to get back in.

Sums us guys up in one.

Marriage is heavy stuff OP.

Whatever decision you arrive at, at least think long about all future eventualities.

Some of us have been there a time or two.

I wish you all the best and remember, however much you hear or read, only you and she can make it work.

....a pre-nup to Thai woman is an indication of mistrust, nothing else

So noble of you. Just because you trust a person at the moment doesnt mean you´ll always do it. Im just being realistic about the future, if she or anyone else would say I mistrust them cuz I wanna make this paper says a lot more, then the fact that I wanna make the Prenup. And yes, the fact that this is a thaigirl makes me a lot more cautious. The mentality is so much different from the* western world (*rest of the world?).

And are there other things you should think about before marrying a thaigirl?

Sure...just to name a few

-There will be no “ha-sip/ha-sip” in the relationship

-Study the word “sinsot” carefully

-Raise the bar for your balcony if you’re on the upper floor condo

-Do not teach her how to play cards

-You don't just marry a girl in Thailand..you marry her whole family!


As far as I know if you get divorced in your home country then their laws apply. If you get divorced in Thailand any thing you owned before you married you keep, and any thing she owned she keeps, anything you aquire during the marrage is split 50 50 unless you both agree to another settlement, eg; prenup.

DD, as you're quite new, welcome to the board and just a tip.

You'll find loads of answers to your questions in the existing threads.

Don't be put off by some the answers you'll get to your post.

There are quite a few cynics and fruitloops thinking up things to fire at you right now.


Fruitloops?! Too much sugar.

I prefer cherrios myself... :o


Why bother with a pre-nup? What you had before you marriage is yours and if you buy property after you are married,you can't own it anyways. Don't spend more than you can afford to walk away from and just leave it at that.


Exactly. Globeliner is wrong. Assets acquired before a marriage or even bought after a marriage with funds acquired before the marriage are NOT subject to any 50/50 split. ONLY assets acquired after the marriage are shared at the time of a divorce.

Given that, the only reason for getting a prenup is if you want to protect more than 50/50. If that is the case, one respectfully wonders why you would be getting married in the first place.


Why get officially married in the first place ?

If you just want to stay here, get a job teaching at a good school and they will get you one year visas each year. If you are old enough to retire, retirement visa works with 800KBaht.

The 9 monk religious ceremony is all that is needed to be married in the eyes of the family/village usually. Avoid the Ampur and the finances become a moot point.

Just live with her, love her and support her and very few Thai girls will leave you.


Exactly. Globeliner is wrong. Assets acquired before a marriage or even bought after a marriage with funds acquired before the marriage are NOT subject to any 50/50 split. ONLY assets acquired after the marriage are shared at the time of a divorce.

Given that, the only reason for getting a prenup is if you want to protect more than 50/50. If that is the case, one respectfully wonders why you would be getting married in the first place.

True in Thailand - but what if they move? My qustion, would a Thai pre-nup hold up in your home country? I think you have to get them in both places.

if she a bargirl he should worry bout the negatives. there are no positives!

You must know the person,background,lifestyle

and most importantly ask yourself,what do you want from this relationship ?

If you can answer these questions ,then ask your partner the same questions?

Compare the answers and then decide if you have enough love to stay together for a very long time.

:o Wiley Coyote

if she a bargirl he should worry bout the negatives. there are no positives!

Blizz is sometimes right.

Take out plenty of insurance.

This means cover your butt.

Makes no diff if she's Thai or Eskimo, if you marry someone you hardly know, be prepared for unexpected developments.

if she a bargirl he should worry bout the negatives. there are no positives!

Blizzard, you hadn't told us you were a eunuch!

Exactly. Globeliner is wrong. Assets acquired before a marriage or even bought after a marriage with funds acquired before the marriage are NOT subject to any 50/50 split. ONLY assets acquired after the marriage are shared at the time of a divorce.

Given that, the only reason for getting a prenup is if you want to protect more than 50/50. If that is the case, one respectfully wonders why you would be getting married in the first place.

True in Thailand - but what if they move? My qustion, would a Thai pre-nup hold up in your home country? I think you have to get them in both places.

A prenup is just another type of legal agreement so it would most likely hold up in your home country if it conforms to the laws of your country. Not only do divorce laws vary from country to country but in the US the divorce laws even vary from state to state. I am not going to argue with the anti-prenup people that appear to know little about the divorce statutes in any other country than Thailand. The fact is that not everyone that marries a Thai girl stays in Thailand and some people marrying in Thailand want to prepare for any eventuality. I am not an expert in all the laws of other countries but I can tell you that if you get a divorce in the US, they have things called alimony and community property laws which can cost you far more than the idea of 50/50 split at the time of divorce. Your ex-spouse may also have a vested interest in your future pension and future earnings which can cost you for the rest of your life and be devastating to your future.

My advice about getting a prenup did not come from the theoretical but comes from the school of hard knocks. I did not have a prenup in my first marriage and my settlement at my time of divorce cost me millions of dollars and will continue costing me millions more in future earnings. I am not the least bit bitter as it taught me a lesson and has made me a bit of a crusader in helping people to be well informed of the possible consequences since I have seen other people less fortunate than me suffer tremendous personal and financial devastion from divorces. Obviously a prenup is not necessary if you know you will never have much to lose however if you think you have something you might not want to lose, it is easier to try to protect it by setting up a legal agreement that will let you and your spouse decide how it will be divided rather than letting a judge tell you how the law says you must divide it. Being well informed as to the possible consequences of divorce is the key to deciding whether a prenup is the right thing for you. I have said more than intended on this subject so I just wish everyone good luck on whatever decision they make in the future should the situation arise. :o

Exactly. Globeliner is wrong. Assets acquired before a marriage or even bought after a marriage with funds acquired before the marriage are NOT subject to any 50/50 split. ONLY assets acquired after the marriage are shared at the time of a divorce.

Given that, the only reason for getting a prenup is if you want to protect more than 50/50. If that is the case, one respectfully wonders why you would be getting married in the first place.

True in Thailand - but what if they move? My qustion, would a Thai pre-nup hold up in your home country? I think you have to get them in both places.

A prenup is just another type of legal agreement so it would most likely hold up in your home country if it conforms to the laws of your country. Not only do divorce laws vary from country to country but in the US the divorce laws even vary from state to state. I am not going to argue with the anti-prenup people that appear to know little about the divorce statutes in any other country than Thailand. The fact is that not everyone that marries a Thai girl stays in Thailand and some people marrying in Thailand want to prepare for any eventuality. I am not an expert in all the laws of other countries but I can tell you that if you get a divorce in the US, they have things called alimony and community property laws which can cost you far more than the idea of 50/50 split at the time of divorce. Your ex-spouse may also have a vested interest in your future pension and future earnings which can cost you for the rest of your life and be devastating to your future.

Remember people there was a thai woman that posted on thai visa asking for advice on how to divorce her husband using the laws in the UK. If the girl manages to get to the western country on her own, or with a tourist visa, she could file in another country and get a much harsher settlement than thailand allows. Not only your assets in thailand are at risk.


In the UK pre-nups have no legal recognition so for Brits they would be useless if divorcing before a UK court.

50/50 does not apply in the UK,the court looks at the needs of all the parties especially the children and the length of the marriage.

I 'lost' far more then 50% because of this to my English wife but was still happy to get out of the marriage on that basis (on current exchange rates it cost me BHT 55,000,000). :o

My subsequent decision to marry my Thai wife was made in the full knowledge of what can go wrong and what it can cost.

If you are not sure marriage is the right thing for you don't do it.

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