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Mozart at Angkor is off, photo festival on


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It’s official: the much cancelled on-again-off-again music extravaganza, Mozart at Angkor, is now definitely off again. The accompanying Angkor International Festival of the Arts has also gone down the gurgler. For this year at least, as a media release issued by Cambodian Arts and Festival Enterprise, which runs the arts festival and is the producer the Mozart operatic spectacular is careful to use the word “postponed,” meaning that down the track at some time the show might be – dare we say it – on again.

It’s interesting too that the long-time perception has been that Mozart at Angkor would be performed against the backdrop of the iconic Angkor Wat. But according to the media release, the show had been scheduled to be performed mid-December at the Chau Say Tevoda Temple. Meanwhile, the Cambodian Space Project’s new project, a rock opera titled ‘The Rat Catcher of Angkor Wat’, a musical theatre and puppetry show loosely based on the Pied Piper of Hamelin but set a hundred years into the future, will run twice daily for three days from tomorrow to Sunday at the OzAsia Festival in Adelaide, South Australia.

The “fully cinematic sci-fi groove machine” is presented by the Melbourne-based creature design-puppeteer company A Blanck Canvas and Cambodia Space Project, the “world-famous psych-rockers”. Cambodia Space Project’s head cool dude Julien Poulson says, “For the first time in five years the Cambodia Space Project returns to the live circuit with no less than a brand new rock opera, The Rat Catcher of Angkor Wat. Close your eyes and imagine a pulsating durian-shaped organic space orb crash- landing upon planet earth. It’s the year 2222, where a cosmic feline superhero must deal with a problematic rat infestation. Through the use of her cosmic powers Space Cat uses radio waves, echoes, and harmonics, and turns chaos into harmony.


read more https://www.khmertimeskh.com/501175609/mozart-at-angkor-is-off-photo-festival-on/



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