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Import Permit

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I have read on this forum previously that an import permit for your pet can be obtained at the airport where the pet arrives and there is no need to obtain one prior to arrival. On the website of the Department of Livestock Development it says:

1.An importer or any person wishing to import live animals into the Kingdom of Thailand should receive an Import Permit from the Department of Livestock Develpoment (DLD) prior to an importation.

2.The importer should contact a veterinary official at the International Animal Quarantine Station (AQS) at the port of entry , and request for information on a protocol and an animal health requirement of importation of live animals into Thailand.

3.The importer should personally submit an application request (Form No 1/1) to import live animals into the country to an AQS veterinary offical , at least 15 days prior to an importation

Also I have read it is advisable to let the resident vet at the airport know your flight number and time of arrival, as he will have to perform an examination and study your paperwork before admitting your dog

Can anyone please clarify please :o

Edited by pwllgrgn
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As far as i'm aware you need to apply for the import permit, before bringing the animal in to Thailand. The permit is valid for 45 days and they can send it to you via email, once you've submitted the paperwork. The airline, won't let your animal board if they don't have the import permit, as it can be rejected and returned once in Thailand. As for informing a vet of its arrival, this isn't important. When i applied for my import permit, i asked the veterinary customs officials if i needed to advise them and pointed out that it suggests so on their website, they said it didn't matter just to make sure i had the permit and all the other correct paper work to present once the dog was in Thailand

Hope that helps


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I have had a look at the Department of Livestock Development website and it is not very clear. It says the Documents required for Application of Import , Export or Transit Licence of Live Animals and/or Animal Remains. Individual person

1.A copy of identification card of an importer/exporter

2. A letter of representative appointment , and a copy of identification card of the representative ( in case the application cannot personally submit application , he should appoint a representative )

3. A copy of house registration certificate .

I am coming from the UK I don't have a ID card and I won't have a represenative in Thailand or a house registration certificate. Is there any other way of obtaining the permit?

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I have had a look at the Department of Livestock Development website and it is not very clear. It says the Documents required for Application of Import , Export or Transit Licence of Live Animals and/or Animal Remains. Individual person

1.A copy of identification card of an importer/exporter

2. A letter of representative appointment , and a copy of identification card of the representative ( in case the application cannot personally submit application , he should appoint a representative )

3. A copy of house registration certificate .

I am coming from the UK I don't have a ID card and I won't have a represenative in Thailand or a house registration certificate. Is there any other way of obtaining the permit?

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Your dog is coming with you, right, as excess luggage? Because then YOU are the importer/exporter AND the representative, so far I know.

You ID is your passport of which you need to provide a copy. Just bring a couple of copies, just in case.

And a copy of a house registration certificate? I thought you have a place to go, once you arrive in CM. You might use that address.

Is your friend, who is coming to collect you from the airport, able and willing to ask abovementioned questions at the Department of Livestock in CM or to their friend with the connections at this department? Maybe the DoL has even such an import paper, and your friend can send it to you.

I haven't cleared any animal from the airport. Normally the owners or some representative of theirs do that and then bring the animal to me after all has be arranged. So, I can't give direct answers to your questions.


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I have found out the following information which I think will clarify this matter:

From Bangkok Airport Customs Office/Department of Livestock Development, Bangkok

Assuming that you are bringing your pet(s) into Thailand for 6 months or more by air as one of accompanied baggage:

Authorization to import your pet arriving by air can be obtained at the Bangkok airport.

At the airport, you will need to obtain an authorization to bring into, or transit animals via Thailand (Ror 6 form), and a permission to bring animals into Thailand (Ror 7 form), and fill out application for special importation form (Kor Sor Kor 102)


From Royal Thai Consulate Hull

On arrival you then need to take your pet(s) to the Animal Import Desk located in the airport where you will complete Import Documents.

If anyone thinks that this info is incorrect please let me know :o

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