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What Do You Do On A Typical Day?

Wizzard of Oz

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I'm curious about what people do here in CM (or anywhere really) on a typical day. Like - what is a normal day for you.

A quick point-form thing would be fine to save time. As an example, here was mine not too long ago:

  • have breakfast
  • work for 2 hours
  • go to the gym
  • have lunch
  • learn thai at school for 2 hours
  • practice thai with a friend
  • chill out at home and watch a movie or tv
  • head out and have some dinner with friends

Also curious as to what hobbies you are into or have been thinking about getting into

[it would be cool if you didn't post garbage just to fk up the thread please.]

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Walk the Dog

Check out the computer

Swim a bit

Potter round the garden


Read Paper


Go and sit in my Wife's Restaurant some evenings....thats where I get fed, or if I stay home I feed myself

Go home...usually on my own as She does not finish till very late

Check the computer

Drink Ovaltine

Walk the Dog

Time for Bed !!

Boring I know !!

Reason for edit: Burning my Dinner

Edited by ThaiPauly
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When home.

Get up and have caffeine and nicotine fix

Play with the kids and help them get ready for school

Surf the web while my lovely wife cooks up a storm

Have my second caffeine and nicotine fix

Go to the gym / swimming pool with my wife every second day

Blow all the hard work with a pig out for lunch


Play with kids until feeding time

Time for a sundowner or three

Surf the web

Forty winks.

When at work.

Wake up to an annoying buzzer that we have an hours notice to dive

Eat a crappy breakfast

Get dressed in to dive

Do our daily 6-8 hour bell run (dive)


Eat like a man possesed

Watch a movie on my PSP or listen to some tunes

Sleep for 12-18 hours

Then repeat the same thing again and again etc..for 28-30 days.

Boring huh.. :o

Edited by Austhaied
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get up mid day






shower late afternoon


Drink too mut


computer all night, and upset people on TV

go to bed.

Joking of course, I eat more than that :o


Every day is different, but normally,

Get up mid morning, coffee, internet for news, train the dog some, go check my staff, eat, one or two beers, meet clients, or brokers, check the dog again for some more training, shop/market, more beers, check the staff we didn't check in the first instance, eat again, train the dog some more, then more beer, unless a friend is with me then sub the beer for the hard stuff, sleep. Insert Sex many times, but don't have a schedule for that.


What a stupid post............ mine and the original. :D Relax Wiz, I'm just messing, the second is sort of the norm, add to that the two days a week I travel into the city for business and dog training :D (the Mrs not my four legged friend) :D

Edited by solent01
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OK, here goes:

Wake up at the crack of 9

Fire up the coffee maker (Duang Dee Hilltribe, Unique Strong Blend!)

Shower, make bed

Yoghurt/toast on balcony w/coffee, watch squirrels/butterflies/birds in trees

Clean up house, maybe sweep/light housecleaning

Ride motorsai to gym

Work out, then go to pool.

Lay in sun/gloom/rain, read entire BKK Post cover to cover (except classified section)

Maybe some shopping at Tops/Central KSK if needed

Ride home.

Put on shoes, go on fast walk to Arng Kaew Reservoir (CMU), watch Thai people watch me, while they walk their dogs, jog, etc.

Back home, take a shower, clean clothes, etc.

Go to soi, buy incredibly delicious and inexpensive Thai take-away food

Back home, plate the food, crack open the wine/beer, eat

Get on TV, post obstreperous misleading and false information

When weary, lay down and read for an hour or so till I pass out




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OK, here goes:

Wake up at the crack of 9

Fire up the coffee maker (Duang Dee Hilltribe, Unique Strong Blend!)

Shower, make bed

Yoghurt/toast on balcony w/coffee, watch squirrels/butterflies/birds in trees

Clean up house, maybe sweep/light housecleaning

Ride motorsai to gym

Work out, then go to pool.

Lay in sun/gloom/rain, read entire BKK Post cover to cover (except classified section)

Maybe some shopping at Tops/Central KSK if needed

Ride home.

Put on shoes, go on fast walk to Arng Kaew Reservoir (CMU), watch Thai people watch me, while they walk their dogs, jog, etc.

Back home, take a shower, clean clothes, etc.

Go to soi, buy incredibly delicious and inexpensive Thai take-away food

Back home, plate the food, crack open the wine/beer, eat

Get on TV, post obstreperous misleading and false information

When weary, lay down and read for an hour or so till I pass out




I don't see any visits to Spicy or Spotlight in there McG.. Liar liar pants on fire.. :D

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get up at 11

fettle dog

go back to bed

fettle dog

eat lunch

fettle dog

hand cream jap movie pull

meat promotion

kooky number on students' photo face

spastic dancing in shower

fettle dog

biblical torching practice

0800 numbers

check forum for laughs

fettle dog

soapy massage

google name

strap on tarpaulin waste jacket creosote jack bang

on the other hand

wipe off Charlies

up the ante

fettle dog

mug rich tourist motorsie muppet mask

head off expat kooky game time

strip lump on gigantic head

eat dinner

drink all night by myself

fat useless waste of time

suicde thoughts

"From early morning fog i see . . . "

" . . . visions of the things to be."

fettle dog

insert five pence piece


google cream and biscuit

insert small marble fettle dog

fettle dog


That's about it really, everyday is the same. Anyone up for a night at mine? Bring a dog.

I'm curious about what people do here in CM (or anywhere really) on a typical day. Like - what is a normal day for you.

A quick point-form thing would be fine to save time. As an example, here was mine not too long ago:

  • have breakfast
  • work for 2 hours
  • go to the gym
  • have lunch
  • learn thai at school for 2 hours
  • practice thai with a friend
  • chill out at home and watch a movie or tv
  • head out and have some dinner with friends

Also curious as to what hobbies you are into or have been thinking about getting into

[it would be cool if you didn't post garbage just to fk up the thread please.]

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UG, don't ask things you don't really want to know. :o

My day plan for tomorrow:

* Wake up at 8am or so or whenever my kid body-slams herself on top of me to wake me up

* Try to get back to sleep, with a slight head-ache from the night before, wanting to go back to my dream of Donna in her shiny metal brassiere.

* Kid will have none of that, yelling NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnNNNNNNOM!!! in my ear, indicating she wants to be fed.

* Get out of bed, prepare a bottle of milk

* Take shower

* Check on yesterday's progress by the Bathroom People who are re-doing my bathroom to a project schedule lasting the better part of a month.

* Go downstairs, watch news on BBC World

* Kid wrestles the remote away from me, yelling BE! BE! which is short for Teletubbie.

* Insert Teletubbies DVD and go check on the maid to provide breakfast instructions. As we're out of bread, out of eggs, out of ham and out of most other things we end up with some fried potatoes and rice soup for breakfast.

* Do nothing while the Mrs or maid dresses up kid.

* Place dressed-up kid in the car seat, get into the car, start engine

* Wait for Mrs to join

* Still waiting for Mrs to join

* Sigh, turn off engine.

* Finally Mrs arrives, planning to drive to Global House to go buy 7 brass door stops.

* However Mrs is hungry as she didn't manage to actually eat while getting the kid ready while I ate all the food and then did nothing.

* Go find some little restaurant. Possibly the Three Kings Area, or some other noodly affair.

* Finally make it to Global House for door stops, replacement light bulbs.

* Weather permitting, drive to somewhere where you can sit on a mat and do nothing, read a magainze, or browse the web on your phone. Let's say it's Montrathan Falls, though phone/GPRS reception is terrible there, so browsing web is out.

* Get withdrawal-symptoms at not having Internet, so go to Huay Tueng Thao instead. Eat food, drink beer, surf on phone.

* Go home, check on the Bathroom People who made the usual snail's pace progress.

* Kid drives both of us nuts, try to find excuse to get the )(#*$)# away from everything. "I need a haircut".

* Go get haircut, 70 baht and 30 minutes later out to find a drink somewhere.

* CURSE CHIANG MAI, this place is DEAD during the day. Why didn't I settle in Pattaya.

* Have a drink watching Farang people even sadder than myself.

* Return home.

* Get ready to go to some wedding reception in Lampang. Usual hotel wedding. They better have beer, or else.

* Drive to Lampang

* Attend typical hotel wedding, eat cake, no beer.

* Drive back to Chiang Mai

* Watch TV

* Fall asleep.

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Dog fettling was popularised by the northern English folk of Batley in the late 80s after mass unemployment and smack dens usurped jobs and family life. Basically, after being made redundant carders (those that worked on woollen carding machines in textile mills, they would also fettle rollers and remove waste product, burrs, dung etc) took home their fettles, still feeling cheated by the mill and the British government. On one very important night in Batley history a man named Keith Boghouse saw that his dog (Spot) had some fecal contaminant stuck in its fur. Having a fettle at hand, and while watching Gladiators on the TV, Keith got down to fettling the dog. The exuberance he felt while extricating the dried poo and simultaneously seeing 'two scoops' ascend the climbing wall in record breaking time rendered a new, exalted feeling to Keith's downtrodden unemployable life. He soon fettled the dog once, twice a day. He told all his unemployable mates about it and soon they were returning to the mill on the pretext of a 'forgotten pack of Regal Kings' and stealing the fettles from the carding machines that were now worked by cheap Asian labourers who couldn't speak English but would work very hard for peanuts and never complain. Batley was overcome by this new dog fettling phenomenom, even the smackhead and glueys started to appreciate the beauty and temporal delight that dog fettling offered. Dog fettling spread as far as Heckmondwike, Dewsbury, Gomersal and some say as far as Scholes and Brighouse, although these rumours have never been confirmed. In the early nineties, after working four years in a margerine factory i was pitted against an army of depressing thoughts; i was at the end of my tether. The marg factory paid 127 pound a week (we did get free marg at the end of the week - although it was run off waste stuff) and i was in debt with drug dealers, landlords, the govnernment etc. One night whilst dangling off the Co-Op roof i met a man called Phil Doubt who stopped me in my self-hating tracks and told me of a man called Keith Boghouse. The next day i was at home with a dog and a fettle in hand - Crimewatch UK on the box and a bag of Uncle Bens. I've never looked back. I came to Thailand with a few fettles, so if anyone is down, depressed, furlorn - you know what to do!

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The weekday schedule varies, but it's a combination of working from home on the computer, hanging out with wife and son, going to the gym, eating out, and running errands. Errands involve the cars, the dog, the boy, and shopping--though I leave the daily shopping to the Mrs, and just get involved when she needs someone to argue with about big purchases.

The weekends involve day trips, bike rides, lazing about, often working, swimming with the son, eating with the wife, a Sunday massage, wine and pasta, half-hearted gardening, the odd peccadillo, books, attempts at meditation, long exploratory drives in the countryside, coffee at wawee, pizza here and there, and interesting but ultimately fruitless conversations with my dog, who has a limited contemplative life; the Legion of Mary, saints and caterpillars, the Egyptian ring, the badge of the lonesome road, the Sopranos, a gentle tiger, Curtis Mayfield, Saramago, Murakami, Follett when I lose my bearings; Doi Suthep, Doi Pui, Doi Luang Chiang Dao. Get the picture?

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Dog fettling was popularised by the northern English folk of Batley in the late 80s after mass unemployment and smack dens usurped jobs and family life. Basically, after being made redundant carders (those that worked on woollen carding machines in textile mills, they would also fettle rollers and remove waste product, burrs, dung etc) took home their fettles, still feeling cheated by the mill and the British government. On one very important night in Batley history a man named Keith Boghouse saw that his dog (Spot) had some fecal contaminant stuck in its fur. Having a fettle at hand, and while watching Gladiators on the TV, Keith got down to fettling the dog. The exuberance he felt while extricating the dried poo and simultaneously seeing 'two scoops' ascend the climbing wall in record breaking time rendered a new, exalted feeling to Keith's downtrodden unemployable life. He soon fettled the dog once, twice a day. He told all his unemployable mates about it and soon they were returning to the mill on the pretext of a 'forgotten pack of Regal Kings' and stealing the fettles from the carding machines that were now worked by cheap Asian labourers who couldn't speak English but would work very hard for peanuts and never complain. Batley was overcome by this new dog fettling phenomenom, even the smackhead and glueys started to appreciate the beauty and temporal delight that dog fettling offered. Dog fettling spread as far as Heckmondwike, Dewsbury, Gomersal and some say as far as Scholes and Brighouse, although these rumours have never been confirmed. In the early nineties, after working four years in a margerine factory i was pitted against an army of depressing thoughts; i was at the end of my tether. The marg factory paid 127 pound a week (we did get free marg at the end of the week - although it was run off waste stuff) and i was in debt with drug dealers, landlords, the govnernment etc. One night whilst dangling off the Co-Op roof i met a man called Phil Doubt who stopped me in my self-hating tracks and told me of a man called Keith Boghouse. The next day i was at home with a dog and a fettle in hand - Crimewatch UK on the box and a bag of Uncle Bens. I've never looked back. I came to Thailand with a few fettles, so if anyone is down, depressed, furlorn - you know what to do!

what other animals do you or can you fettle?

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I've never fettled a rat but i believe it would be satisfying. I have a friend in Toxteth who once fettled a camel. That's about it really.

I'm curious about what people do here in CM (or anywhere really) on a typical day. Like - what is a normal day for you.

A quick point-form thing would be fine to save time. As an example, here was mine not too long ago:

  • have breakfast
  • work for 2 hours
  • go to the gym
  • have lunch
  • learn thai at school for 2 hours
  • practice thai with a friend
  • chill out at home and watch a movie or tv
  • head out and have some dinner with friends

Also curious as to what hobbies you are into or have been thinking about getting into

[it would be cool if you didn't post garbage just to fk up the thread please.]

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Dog fettling was popularised by the northern English folk of Batley in the late 80s after mass unemployment and smack dens usurped jobs and family life. Basically, after being made redundant carders (those that worked on woollen carding machines in textile mills, they would also fettle rollers and remove waste product, burrs, dung etc) took home their fettles, still feeling cheated by the mill and the British government. On one very important night in Batley history a man named Keith Boghouse saw that his dog (Spot) had some fecal contaminant stuck in its fur. Having a fettle at hand, and while watching Gladiators on the TV, Keith got down to fettling the dog. The exuberance he felt while extricating the dried poo and simultaneously seeing 'two scoops' ascend the climbing wall in record breaking time rendered a new, exalted feeling to Keith's downtrodden unemployable life. He soon fettled the dog once, twice a day. He told all his unemployable mates about it and soon they were returning to the mill on the pretext of a 'forgotten pack of Regal Kings' and stealing the fettles from the carding machines that were now worked by cheap Asian labourers who couldn't speak English but would work very hard for peanuts and never complain. Batley was overcome by this new dog fettling phenomenom, even the smackhead and glueys started to appreciate the beauty and temporal delight that dog fettling offered. Dog fettling spread as far as Heckmondwike, Dewsbury, Gomersal and some say as far as Scholes and Brighouse, although these rumours have never been confirmed. In the early nineties, after working four years in a margerine factory i was pitted against an army of depressing thoughts; i was at the end of my tether. The marg factory paid 127 pound a week (we did get free marg at the end of the week - although it was run off waste stuff) and i was in debt with drug dealers, landlords, the govnernment etc. One night whilst dangling off the Co-Op roof i met a man called Phil Doubt who stopped me in my self-hating tracks and told me of a man called Keith Boghouse. The next day i was at home with a dog and a fettle in hand - Crimewatch UK on the box and a bag of Uncle Bens. I've never looked back. I came to Thailand with a few fettles, so if anyone is down, depressed, furlorn - you know what to do!

This is an unusually (for this forum) poetic and poignant missive, filled with working class angst and shining with love of animals and fellow human beings.

I give it a 9.2 on the McG Scale, and nominate it for the TV James Joyce Award, CM Division, 2007.


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I work at nights *work in the usa on the internet*and my day starts around 2pm so ....

I wake up to my wifes smiling face telling me all the exciting things my 20 day old daughter did that morning.

laze around a bit while she tells me what she would like to do with me for the rest of the day.

Check the net to make sure all servers are up and running and nothing is on fire.

Plus check out tv just to see if anyone has responded to any of my posts.

plus drinking my coffee or tea that my wife has made for me.

Shower shave and shine

Have a full American breakfast again made by my smiling wife as I look at the bangkok post.

Play and bond with my daughter a bit.

Go back to the computer respond to emails that have come in while sleeping.

More tea before going out shopping/to the doctor/to a movie/to a resturant/massage

Come home dinner or relax.. check email again.

Movie or TV or child bonding or spending some time with my cats/reading/mindlessly surfing the net.

helping put the baby down/ put my wife to bed/make sure the cats are secure

Go to work online for about 4-6 hours ... surfing the net when distraction is needed.. drinking tea... maybe my favorite cat wants some extra special time with me now that everyone else is asleep.

its now 4-5 in the morning.. crawl into bed.. if I am lucky my wife is awake after her early morning breast feeding and we talk about her dreams.. snuggle.. and drift off to sleep.

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oh chanchao.....you have made my day. although you may be slightly disappointed at the real sight of me in a metal brasiere, it is nice to be the feature player of another persons dreams......

wish i had read that in the morning! my whole day would have been very happy indeed....maybe i will have to hang on to the thought until tomorrow.

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