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Referendum On Proposed Constitution


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In hindsight my original question wasn't worded very clearly I guess.

* There will be a referendum on the proposed constitution as written by a number of people appointed by the military.

* IF this gets voted down or is boycotted to the point of being invalid, what then will happen, to the constitution drafting process and especially what effect would that have on the upcoming elections?

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* IF this gets voted down or is boycotted to the point of being invalid, what then will happen, to the constitution drafting process and especially what effect would that have on the upcoming elections?

the '97 one is the back up with unspecified military revisions ...............

election or bust is the slogan .

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In hindsight my original question wasn't worded very clearly I guess.

* There will be a referendum on the proposed constitution as written by a number of people appointed by the military.

* IF this gets voted down or is boycotted to the point of being invalid, what then will happen, to the constitution drafting process and especially what effect would that have on the upcoming elections?

Basically there are a lot of grey areas.

What has been announced so far is:

1. In order for the referendum to be valid, no less than 10% of people who have the right to vote in an election must cast their vote.

2. If the referendum rejects the proposed draft then the 1997 Constitution will be the basis of any future Constitution.

3. The referendum will have three options, Yes, No and No Vote.

The grey areas are:

1. The 2006 Interim constitution states what will happen should the majority of people vote either for or against the draft, but with a "No-Vote" option being available, it doesn't state what will happen should neither a Yes or No vote get the majority.

2. Once the draft has been completed the CDC has 45 days to re-write the necessary Organic laws, following which, the NLA has 45 days to finish it's consideration of new Organic laws (Election of Members of the Houses of Parliament and Senate, Political Parties and the Election Commission) The drafting of Organic laws are due to start on July 5th. No mention is made of what happens should the NLA consider the proposed Organic laws, unreasonable, illegal or un-constitutional. Obviously no election can take place until the Organic laws have been passed and published in the Royal Gazette.

3. Whilst the government has announced that the 1997 Constitution will be the basis of a new Constitution should a majority of people vote against the draft, no mention is made on time frames in the 2006 Interim Constitution on drafting new organic laws, which will be needed if they change any aspect of the political make-up.

4. Obviously with the April 2006 election made void mainly due to the lack of time for the opposition parties, very careful consideration will be required on when to hold the next election. No political party is going to begin campaigning for the next election until the organic laws are published, in case they run foul of the new laws.

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